Hunting Death-Collapse

#22 of hunting death **collapse** "we've actually been following him since he left town," simon points to rophan, who looks around sheepishly. gregory is currently busy supervising the arrests of all of the bandits.

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However, his vision started to distort, his legs began to weak as he stared at her, she had a sudden look of worry and ran to him as he collapsed to the floor, his body shaking violently.

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Haiku on the Collapse

Fiddling while Rome burns, If a fiddle's all you have, Is hardly a sin.


Colony Collapse Disorder

#32 of poetry i double checked just now, and according to wikipedia we still don't know what causes colony collapse disorder. i remain convinced that it's going to turn out to be monsanto's fault.

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Soul Shattering Collapse - medium poem

How do you move on When your dreams have become flawed? You've watched them build up. Nurtured the fields of success and hope Just to watch it burn and decay With the smallest wrong breath, The one wrong question. How do you move on When the...

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Valkyrie - Book 1 - Chapter 6 - Darkness Rising (Revised Edition)

He collapsed on the floor next to the kestra projection that was fluctuating widely and eventually disappeared as the already damage console shorted out with a flare of sparks. at this moment, lance was left alone in the collapsing room.

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Rebuild, Renew: Chapter One: "Prologue"

The whole town is brand new and it is starting to rebuild after the collapse of the post-collapse nation. were just a small group of people, including me, and right now i just want to keep you here.

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The Time Thereafter Chapter 1 Part 1

Yet the white abyss was always right behind, the ground collapsing into it's endlessness. he came skidding to a halt as the ground ahead stopped and gave way to white, the abyssal void surronding him before collapsing the ground beneath him.

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Iron Collar - Ch1

She cried solemnly to herself against the wall of her small tunnel, ignoring the collapsing wall and the screams of war above.

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