Ram Girl

The femboyish ram jumped for joy. he ran up stairs to his room, telling everyone he was going to touch up his photos. "'ey kitteh-boy, what photos was ze talking talking aboot?"

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The coliseum (RAM)

Well ass you know, the 6 season war had ended recently and people needed something to get there minds out of that funk. I had been looking forward to this for a while now. I wanted people to get started slowly to make seem less like I was just...

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LAWT #12 ~ Sincere [Faking Pt.2]

The ram nodded his understanding. "but she convinced me. said the odds were good." he offered the ram a flirty smile. "a safe bet, definitely. i'll have to thank her." bill said, his words visibly boosting the otter's confidence.

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The blink (Government views)

The first of us to notice and report the fact only did so after ram made his announcement.

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The domes (Zarut EONA)

ram felt zarut coming as soon as he entered the lab. ram looked like he didn't know zarut was fazed and moving in the floor, but right before zarut could get to the clone gem ram said. ram: and what is a pet doing in my lab?

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The coliseum (Warriors)

Your body is put in storage and your mind enters what ram calls a gem. it's a midget robot, but it weighs half a ton. you can spread yourself out and be like that old suit without a guy in it.

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The coliseum (Spectators)

All they know is that ram promises a big reward for playing it. people play for years just to get to his coliseum. and after that they have to fight in reality for another set of years just to get to fight him. and does anyone ever see them again? no.

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The grid (government views)

Government after the 6 season war ram not only rebuilt the provinces affected, but he took to space to make a massive station that would not only circle the earth, but surround it.


The 6 season war (Media views)

ram was taking it to em, but nothing seemed to cut the ba down to size. on july 9th 2051, martin joined with ram in force and in resources. 2 days later the war was over and ram rebuilt the cities.

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The Snow Remembers

The Snow Remembers The village of Bazrio was a small encampment on the outskirts of the mountains of Tam'ra. The land used to be lush and green but ever since the old inhabitants moved away it became a land of ice and snow. Some villagers believe...

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Sheepish (Pundamentals 2)

I had never seen the young ram so upset before.

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"The Thin Line," Part S

\*\*\*\*\* What **do** you say to a feral member of your own species? This matter of etiquette came up the morning after the somewhat abortive party held by Lord Twelveoaks. Lt. Rutter had taken me out of a formal classroom setting, and we...

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