The grid (government views)
Government after the 6 season war ram not only rebuilt the provinces affected, but he took to space to make a massive station that would not only circle the earth, but surround it.
The 6 season war (government views)
Government view the former government has this t say about the 6 season war, it was our fault.
The 6 season war (Media views)
From what we have heard from local and federal governments we can only say "No comment" But after a great deal of digging, this is the truth. Now the government won't tell you this, but even in the 1980's special labs funded by the government have...
the 6 season war
The 6 season war basic info it was after the blink and before the making of the grid. a group of techonological beings stole marten's powers and made havic.
The 6 season war by Leah Thorn
Beyond the obvious, i have chosen to talk about the 6 season war because that war made my planet. it all started when anthony came into my life. he knew something about this planet and told the ba and others except me about it.
The 6 season war (H.T. Dewitt)
Meanwhile, he's making you all think that the 6 season war actually meant anything. why do you think he made it all better so soon? because he caused it! he'll tell you about how it was for his love leah thorn, and how it had to happen this way.
The coliseum (RAM)
Well ass you know, the 6 season war had ended recently and people needed something to get there minds out of that funk. i had been looking forward to this for a while now.