ch.01 The cost of war

"sir" a scout comes running up" a detachment of their artillery got through when the left flank collapsed, the right flank is decimated and in full retreat."

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Lion King III: The Pridelands Reborn Chapter XV

However, i now had the attention of the rest of their entire left flank. with shrieks of rage, they threw themselves at my force, biting and tearing with wild abandon.

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Twilight's Crusade

It's like a contract with the universe, sealed in flesh, plastered on a flank for everypony to see. twilight sighed, and looked down at her own flank. why was she different?

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A crescent of tooth marks marred his flank, angry with blood. he licked his fur clean.

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The Easy Life

On a particularly hard cough, her flanks rippled outwards and for a moment, sadie felt both the kitchen island and the distant cabinet touch her flanks simultaneously.

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Born For Loyalty Chapter 5

She barely noticed going through the finish line and then she felt a tingle on her flanks and check on her right side. there on her flank was the mark of a rainbow colored lightning bolt under a white cloud. she got her cutie mark.

Wasteland Survivor – War - ch33

It turned on me and began to reach forward when all of a sudden a red streak danced through the fight, dipping its weapons into the beasts flank and then disapeard.

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MLP: Pyrotechnic Misdemeanour

Her flanks hissed as the attached mare let out a long sigh of relief, steam billowing from the barrel as the flames were finally doused.

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Abandoned Chapter 1

She nodded to eevee's flank. eeevee twisted around to look and saw that leaves had been plastered against her flank where the pokemon had stabbed its scythes into it. "o-oh," she stammered, unsure of what to say.

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The Dark Forest

The main thing was dealing with the apparent drive on the flank. "thank you, as usual, targus. i'll be moving to the left flank." the scout bowed in acknowledgment.

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Chapter 3

_ i kept my cool as i spoke, "okay, we need to flank that position. stormfur, you and vixen flank right. river, raine, and myself will distract them while you flank their left." we then executed the plan, with stormfur and vixen running to flank left.

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The Promotion

What shining armor saw before him was a very lovely mare with the same coloration and marking as him, down to the cutie mark on her flank. every time he moved, the mare would mimic his movements with perfect precision.
