Chapter 3

Story by War_Within_Me on SoFurry

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#3 of Operation: Liberation (New)

Who would've expected America to be vulnerable to invasion? The Axis timed their invasion perfectly, waiting for the US to send most of their troops to the Korean Peninsula, where the North Koreans started to advance toward Seoul. By sending our troop strength to that region, as well as the War on Terror in the Middle East, it left very few Reserve and National Guard units to guard the United States. It started from the Russians invading Ukraine, then the surrounding countries like The Republic of Georgia and Latvia; but that was over three years ago. It was only a matter of time before our forces were spread too thin by fighting too many conflicts at once.

From what Lieutenant Snowfall explained to me about the surprise invasion, there was a nationwide power outage, followed by unidentified troops and paratroopers invading Alaska. From there, they invaded Washington, California, then the Mid-West states and soon, almost every state had reports of Russian, Arabic, and Korean-speaking troops attacking. Canada, from what the Lieutenant told me, prevented the Axis from cutting through their territory and is now attacking enemy troops in the northern states and pushing them out of Alaska, while Mexico is coming up from the south and attacking the hostile coalition in the southern states. From the west, the Australian and Japanese marines sent troops they could spare to establish a beach-head on the west coast, while the German and British Marines, including the US Marine Expeditionary Force from Italy, started their campaign on the east coast after establishing a beach-head in the Carolinas.

Washington D.C., on the other paw, was still being pounded around the clock by the Russians and Iranians. Georgia, by far, is important now to liberate, the reason being that the medical centers and the CDC headquarters were in Atlanta. If we couldn't liberate Georgia, the allied coalition of military forces in the southeast wouldn't have a place to send their wounded. Liberating Atlanta was especially important because there were vital medical supplies that fellow field medics and combat lifesavers, including myself, needed.

Nighttime approached as I sat by a highway barrier, my ECH helmet off and ruffling my fauxhawked, dark blue hair. Around me, seven other anthros sat around, chatting amongst themselves and cleaning their rifles. I took apart my M4A1 and started to clean it as well, not using a flashlight since the moon gave me some natural light.

"Glad you're alive," I heard the southern voice of my squad leader say. I looked over to my right, seeing the anthro wolf take a seat beside me.

"I'm surprised as well, Sergeant," I responded to the sergeant, looking up from cleaning my carbine.

I watched him take apart his M4A1 carbine and he started to clean it, "the general was a donkey-headed fool for authorizing the nighttime jump during high winds. I thought you might have got stuck in a tree and shot by the Axis." Sporadic gunshots could be heard nearby, indicating that the opposition were firing at our unit just outside the metro Atlanta area.

"When will the general give the order?" Private First-Class Riva Stormfur asked me, walking over and sitting beside me with her M16A3 in her paws, "all this waiting around is pissing me off." Riva Stormfur is the Bravo team leader for third squad. The female tiger was always eager to fight and hates waiting around. I wouldn't blame her.

"I don't know," I replied to her question, shrugging my shoulders as I went back to cleaning my M4.

"Dunno," Sergeant Windwalker responded to her question as well, taking a seat on the ground to my right, "I reckon when she blows the whistle or when the platoon sergeant tells us to get ready. All the officers are in a meeting."

Stormfur let out an annoyed moan, "alright. Thanks."

I performed a functions check on my M4, making sure it was functional. We all sat in silence as I looked up at the starry night sky. This may be the last beautiful thing I see.

I shook my head, shaking the negative though out of my head.

No! Don't think that way! The smell of death and gunpower didn't help either, but I was beginning to become numb to the smell.

"Hey, Sergeant Wind!" a male voice hissed. Behind the squad leader, a male anthro lion stood near a tree, holding an M249 machine gun in his paws. He looked young, about twenty years old. He was in full battle rattle, wearing the UCP camouflage pattern. The young anthro is Corporal Hector Thomas, part of headquarters for third platoon.

"Yes?" Sergeant Windwalker turned around, "what's up, Corporal?"

"Sergeant, First Sergeant wants everyone to get ready. He caught wind of the attack being in the next few minutes, Sergeant," Corporal Thomas replied, speaking rapidly. The male then ran off, probably off to go tell fourth squad the same thing.

"Third squad, get ready," Sergeant Windwalker announced, getting to his feet, "we're Oscar Mike in a few minutes." I stood up and loaded my M4A1 and made sure that my new weapon is on safe. I then proceeded to check my gear, double-checking that I had magazines needed. The other eleven anthros, including the squad leader, did the same, running their gear checks and making sure they were ready to go.

"Here's how it will go down," the southern accented male got our attention after getting us to assemble in a half moon in front of him, "Warwing, you'll lead Alpha team and third squad. I'll be in headquarters team and Stormfur, you'll lead Bravo team. Remember, don't do anything stupid or retarded to get yourselves killed. Warwing, set up the diamond formation." Diamond formation, one of the ways squads move, is used to quickly get from one area to the next. I did the paw signal for the diamond formation, getting to the front.

A whistle, which sounded like loud screeching, sounded off, followed by orders to charge and anthros yelling battle cries. Well, now it begins. Our squad charged as well, the night erupting into sounded of heavy small arms fire and bullet tracers lighting up the night sky. I lead Alpha team, which consisted of myself, Private Layla Raine, Private First-Class James Bryant, and Private John Cooper. Private Bryant is a riflethro, equipped with an M4A1 assault rifle. Private Raine was Alpha team's automatic riflethro, carrying an M249 SAW. Private Cooper was the team's grenadier, carrying an M16A3 with an M203 grenade launcher attachment, while myself, Alpha team leader, carried the M4A1 carbine.

Sergeant First Class Windwalker lead the Headquarters team, which had himself, Corporal Mike Sandrange, Specialist Alana River, and Private First-Class Abney Winters. Corporal Sandrange was the squad's RTO, equipped with an M16A3 assault rifle. Specialist River is the certified field medic for the squad, carrying an M4A1 assault rifle with an M203 grenade launcher attachment. Private Winters is the squad's machine gunner, carrying the M240 Bravo machine gun. Sergeant Windwalker himself carried the M4A1 carbine.

Private First Class Stormfur lead Bravo team, which included herself, Private Shane Vixen, Specialist Mason Years, and Private Mark Streams. Specialist Years, though a higher rank than Stormfur, is the squad's designated marksthro, carrying an M14 EBR outfitted with a high-power scope. Private Vixen carried the M16A3 attached with a grenade launcher for Bravo team. Private Streams carried the M249 SAW, and Private Stormfur carried the M16A3.

I lead the squad from the front into the city, quickly finding ourselves pinned down behind a building from a Russian heavy machine gun. "Alpha team! Suppress fire! Alpha team! Suppress fire!" I heard Sergeant Windwalker's voice over the sounds of gunfire, "River, stay with Alpha! Bravo team, on me!" Alpha team and River took cover behind the destroyed building while Sergeant Windwalker took his Support team around to flank.

It soon became difficult to fire back, the opposition in a nearby building keeping our heads down. Damn, where is our support?! The male anthro fox beside me stuck his head up to fire again, only for him to be struck by a bullet to his head. No! Bryant!

"Bryant's down!" I yelled out, keeping my head low and looking for somewhere to relocate the team. Specialist River ran over to Bryant's body, inspecting his body.

_Ah ha!_I spotted a destroyed building to the left from us, but it had an upstairs for our grenadier and automatic riflethro to set up in. "Raine, Cooper!" I yelled out their names. The anthros were close to me, but they were behind a destroyed car to the far left. Private Cooper looked over at me, obviously hearing me over Raine's M249 firing. I pointed to them both, then made the paw-signal for them to enter the building to the left of them. Cooper nodded and tapped on Raine's shoulder.

"River! Help me cover them!" I shouted over the firefight, popping my head up and firing when the hostile gunfire shifted from us. I heard River's carbine fire from beside me as both the anthros to our left made a run for the building; however, the Axis weren't firing at them, they were firing somewhere to the left of their building, our right. The recognizable sound of an M240 Bravo started firing.

"Bravo team! suppress fire! Bravo team! Suppress fire!" I heard Private Stormfur's scream out, " Alpha team! Advance and clear the building!" Without hesitation, I motioned Specialist River to follow me, and we both advanced on the brick building. With the Russian machine gunner occupied, as well as the rest of the opposition in the building, we breached the building.

Being the first one in, I immediately fired two shots into the head of an armed anthro, who wore some kind of weird, woodland digital camouflage as well as an AK-47 in her paws. With my M4A1 raised and at the ready, I instructed Specialist River to clear downstairs while I proceeded up the stairs. The sound of MG fire upstairs was heavy, indicating that the enemy were all focused on the Support team outside. Little did the hostiles know, they had two US Army personnel inside their building.

"Bravo team, lift fire!" I faintly heard Private Stormfur's voice outside as I kicked a door down upstairs.

"One up!" I could make out Specialist River's voice when I fired upon three anthros, who all had their backs turned to me. The gunfire in our immediate area ceased after I cleared the rest of the upstairs, "Two up!" I walked down the stairs, meeting up with River at the bottom.

"Friendlies coming out!" I yelled out, my voice echoing over the still area.

"Come out!" Stormfur's voice shouted back. River and I made our way out the building, meeting up with the friendly anthros outside.

I looked over all of Bravo, Headquarters, and the rest of Alpha team, noticing that a few anthros were missing. "Where's Sergeant Windwalker, Winters, and Years?" I asked Stormfur. The female tiger had a grim look on her face as if she lost someone close, and she had blood all over her uniform as well as a few tears falling from her face.

"He's dead. You're now squad leader," Stormfur told me in a sad tone, "Winters and Years are set up in a building along Fulton Street. They acquired a radio from a dead Russian radio operator and their frequency is tuned to ours." I knew that Stormfur had a thing for Sergeant Windwalker.

Taken aback by the news, I stood back. Me? In charge of third squad? I shook my head and then nodded, "do you at least have his dog tag?"

The female gave me the silver dog tag of the dead wolf. "Here's Bryant's as well," the field medic gave me the male fox's dog tag as well.

I took point after giving them the paw signal for diamond formation, but Cooper stopped me. "Warwing, you sure you want to lead from the front?" He walked close to me, keeping his voice low, "I can take point if you need me to."

I shook my head as we walked down an alleyway, "no, we don't have enough anthros to have three separate teams." Cooper nodded and kept his interval of 5 meters away from me.

I lead the squad down Fulton Street, finding the glint signal, which are two blinks, from Years' rifle inside an apartment building. At least it was nice to know that we had someone watching over us.

The sound of someone loading a weapon broke the surrounding silence. "RPG!" I heard Winters' voice yell out.

A loud explosion followed, the apartment building to our two o'clock being struck. "Take cover!" I yelled out, diving behind a low-lying wall with my weapon ready.

"Warwing! I see him!" Private Vixen shouted, setting himself up, "I can hit him with my M203!" The male anthro collie stood up out of cover, which he was behind a destroyed car, and he took aim. The rest of my squad were scattered throughout the street, firing at where ever the RPG was fired from.

I popped up and fired at a building as well, which appeared to be a restaurant to our ten o'clock. "Grenade out!" Vixen yelled out. The thump sound of the M203 fired off to my right, and the explosion hit the restaurant. "Cease fire!" I yelled out, making the paw gesture for 'Cease Fire'.

Everyone stopped firing and silence fell over us again, with distant firefights being heard. "Everyone good?!" I yelled out.

"No! Streams is down!" I heard Specialist River yell out. I looked around, seeing that the rest of my squad had established a 360-degree perimeter around the medic and a downed anthro male cheetah. Oh no... Vixen and I dashed over to the medic.

From the looks of it, Private Streams died from the falling debris of the apartment building that the RPG struck. The cheetah had a metal pole that went straight through his chest, penetrating his body armor. He laid there, motionless with his mouth open and eyes wide, dying before he could let out a yowl of pain. The sight itself disturbed me, but I couldn't let it show.

I reached into his shirt and pulled out one of his dog tags. "Private Stormfur, take someone to...."

"Here are their dog tags," Corporal Sandrange handed me a dog tag, "Stormfur told me to go investigate." Then, right before my eyes, I heard the crack of a rifle, followed by the male husky falling to the ground, motionless.

"Contact, twelve!" I heard Cooper yell out. Everything plunged into total chaos as the sound of a machine gun opened up, firing on us. Cooper was the next one to go down, seeing him get peppered by the Russian gunner to our twelve, about three hundred yards in front of us. We can't stay here.

"Everyone, on me! To the alley!" I yelled out my next command. Leading the remaining anthros of my squad, we went to the left, ducking into an alleyway. After safety entering an abandoned building, I counted my personnel. Only five of us left?

I kept my cool as I spoke, "okay, we need to flank that position. Stormfur, you and Vixen flank right. River, Raine, and myself will distract them while you flank their left."

We then executed the plan, with Stormfur and Vixen running to flank left. I led my team back out into the fight, ducking as the machine gun fired at us again. We provided the distraction as we waited for Stormfur to take the hostiles out.

"Oh shit! RPG!" Raine screamed out. An explosion followed, the impact lifting me off the ground. I found myself flying into a wall of glass. Everything felt foreign to me as I picked myself up, my paws and my exposed fur being cut to the skin by broken glass.

"Warwing!" I heard a female voice shout out my name, her voice sounding muffled.

I looked to my left, seeing that Specialist River was running towards me, keeping her head low from the firing machine gun. She brushed me off after reaching me, picking up my M4A1 off the ground and giving it to me. Both of us looked beat up and torn, our uniforms looking extremely ripped and battered with splotches of blood and dirt all over it. Our faces also had countless gashes and cuts, as well as our arms and paws.

"What's our course of action?!" She asked, raising her voice as we ducked behind a counter in the building I was flung into, "the MG nest down the street is still active, I don't think Stormfur and Vixen made it!" I looked around, still regaining my senses.

Ah ha! "This door," I pointed weakly at the metal door to my right, "there, that leads into the alley. We can flank them there." Disorientated, I motioned the female cheetah to follow me as I stumbled out the doorway, taking a left and head up the alleyway to where the machine gun was firing.

After travelling for what seems like forever, I stopped and peered around the corner, only to be greeted by bullets that whizzed by my head by inches.

I recoiled back, "do you have any grenades, River?!" I looked back at the female, seeing her reach into her vest.

"GRENADE OUT!" she shouted, leaping in front of me after the MG fire stopped and chucking the grenade in the direction I looked down. An explosion followed, and the female's body jerked back after hearing an AK go off.

"River!" I screamed out.

Making sure the coast was clear, I ran and kneeled beside the cheetah, whose eyes were wide open and breathing quick and shallow. She looked at me with tears in her eyes, "War.... Wing..." I fumbled with the med-pack that was on my right hip and at the same time, she fumbled with her dog tag. No, not her! I pulled out the medical supplies to apply to her chest, but she stopped me, her free paw grabbing my wrist weakly.

"Don't waste time on me," she told me, tears coming from her eyes as she gave me her dog tag, "I'm good as dead.... Keep fighting...." She then stopped breathing altogether, her body jerking once before lying motionless. shocked.

She just...... Died.... I shook my head and grabbed the dog tag from her cold paw, putting it in the pocket of my multicam combat shirt. I grabbed my M4A1 and reloaded, storming towards the MG nest with one goal in mind.

To my luck, I stumbled upon a live, Axis anthro, who sat against a pile of sandbags behind her. She had a missing leg and a fragment wound to the upper half of her body, which was kind of intriguing because she survived the deadly range of an M67 fragmentation grenade. Beside the wounded female tiger was an AK-47, most likely the same one that killed Specialist River.

I kneeled in front of the wounded female, anger heating up my fur. The female, who wore the weird woodland digital camouflage that Russian paratroopers wear, looked up at me weakly. _This bitch.... Killed my battle buddy..._I pulled out my M9 sidearm and shoved the muzzle of it against the temple of her head. I don't know why she didn't pick up her AK to shoot me, but my mind was somewhere else.

"TELL ME WHY YOU DID IT?!" I screamed at the female. I knew it was no use, assuming she didn't understand a lick of English.

She looked me straight in the eyes, "she... Murdered.... My... Comrades..." The Russian female then sat up and I took a step back, "kill me.... American dog..... If it makes you..... Feel any better."

It was a tempting offer to blow the tiger's brains out, but I lowered my weapon. There was no point in wasting a round on her. Blowing a hole in her head wasn't going to bring my squad back.

I walked away from the dying female after kicking all weapons out of reach of her, looking for my teammates Stormfur and Vixen. It didn't take me long, since they were on the other side of the MG nest motionless. I retrieved their dog tags and kept walking, going in the direction of the Georgia capital building. I must continue onward to the objective, I'll mourn for them later.

Chapter 4

"How'd you sleep, Warwing?" a female voice asked as I sat up, wiping my eyes with my paws. The sunlight shined through the open windows of a hallway as I looked up, seeing a female jackal standing over me. The female wore the UCP camouflage, which was...

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Chapter 2

The sun began to rise as we crossed a bridge, heading into downtown Newnan from the direction of Newnan High School. It was a Saturday, the seventh of April. Usually, downtown would be bustling with anthros, all walking around to the nearby shops or...

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Chapter 1

Anti-Aircraft fire engulfed the night sky as I descended from a Boeing C-17, my parachute opening to slow my descent. I struggled with steering my parachute due to the strong winds of tonight, the wind blowing me off course from the designated drop...

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