Born For Loyalty Chapter 5

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry


#11 of MLP 2

Dash was excited. It was technically the end of the school year since they didn't have to go to the school building but school was taking us else where. FLIGHT CAMP. I made sense actually, a race of flying ponies would dedicate a couple weeks. Dash was looking forward to it. She leaned to the right a bit and elbowed the pegasus next to her.

"Hey Flutters, bet you're excited about flight camp?" Flutters hunched up a bit and replied in her quiet voice.

"Um, not really." Dash was a bit shocked to hear that.

"What! Why not? Flying is among the greatest things you can do." Very true coming from somepony that was originally from a race that can't fly on it's own.

"Well, I'm not a good flier. I'll probably just be teased." Dash extended a wing to cover Flutters back.

"Flutters, think of this as the chance to prove them wrong. The only pony who's really holding you back is yourself. If you do get teased that's what I'm for. You are my friend, my BEST friend and I always look out for them."

"Thanks Dashie, you're a good friend."

'Yes she gets away with calling me that. It's certainly better then Rainbow.'

"I don't you ever doubt it." They reach the camp which was a series of cloud platforms and cloud obstacles and cloud buildings and yes I I can already here somepony say. 'We get there made out of clouds.' They got to the registration booth when Dash heard a familiar voice.

"Well, well,well. If it isn't Rainbow Crash and Flutterdud." I sighed and looked at the two colts. They used that nickname for me since they discovered they were at the park where me and mom flew together for the first time.

"What do you want Tweedledee and Tweedledum?" She loved using Earth terms on them, drove them crazy when they had no idea what it meant.

"Why are you two even here. You'll never get anywhere and just a waste of time for the coaches." Flutters curled in at that and Dash leaned in.

"Ignore them. They aren't important." Dash made sure they pass the morons and got registered.

* * * * * *

Dash loves the camp, while some of the things they went over she knew by heart already thanks to her mom but the situational awareness training. That was awesome. She had some in her old life, you needed it to be a storm chaser but this was a serious improvement then what she had before.. She could catch EVERYTHING now. Heck when not in class she was flying around seeing what she could pick up. One thing did catch her eye very easily. She saw Tweedledee and Tweedledum next to Fluttershy. Didn't those two ever learn. Admittedly she hasn't seen too much of her friend. Her flying skills put her in the advance area but when she did see Flutters she was always there to cheer her on and encourage her. Hey, she's my friend. I have to stick up for her. And now it looks like I have to again. She dived down and landed.

"How many times do I have to say this. LEAVE HER ALONE!"

"OOOOHHHH what are you gonna do, Rainbow CRASH?" Tweedledee said.

"Why don't you keep making fun of her and find out." Dash replied.

"You think you're so special. Why do you prove it."

"Anytime, anywhere."

* * * * * *

Minutes later they were at one of the race courses. Fluttershy on a cloud holding the flag. The three young pegasi were at the starting line.

"You're going down Rainbow Crash." Tweedledee teased. Dash just smirked back as replied.

"Yeah, but only in history!!" Flutters waved the flag and they were off. She loved flying and now she was doing it to defend a friend's honor. The best conditions of all. Through the first hope she gained the lead and continued through more and they lost Tweedledum somewhere. She however was focusing on her. She had never gone that fast before. The speed, the wind, the adrenaline, she liked it. She liked it A LOT. She let out a yelp as Tweedledee hit her.

"Cya later Rainbow Crash!" He taunted and dived.

"HEY!" She dived after him going even faster. She blew him away and continued diving. She wanted to see how fast she can go. The wind was ripping her lips from her teeth and she thought she saw a cone form in front of her, but she just focused on going faster. Then just as she reached the final loop near the ground she heard this massive boom. Looking behind her she saw a shockwave colored like a rainbow with her contrail brighter and longer then she's ever saw it. She read of this. The legendary Sonic Rainboom. It sounded awesome but she wondered how a organic being could break the sound barrier. But there it was behind her and SHE MADE IT! She made the impossible happen. She was defiantly going down in history for this.




She barely noticed going through the finish line and then she felt a tingle on her flanks and check on her right side. There on her flank was the mark of a rainbow colored lightning bolt under a white cloud. She got her cutie mark.

'Seriously though I really wish they had a more manly term for it.' But still getting that was awesome. I just completed a rite of passage that these ponies have. And I did it for a friend!

She finally slowed down after nearly over shooting the city itself and she landed back at the starting line and the ponies around her cheered at her win and her cutie mark. She thanked them but she was looking for one pony in particular.

"Hey has anybody seen Fluttershy?" She asked.

"Yeah she fell of the cloud when you passed her." a filly replied.

"OH SNAP!" She said as she dived off the cloud and started looking for her friend. She did find her in any of the clouds below Cloudsdale so she went further down to the ground. She checked the plains hoping to not see a splatter body. She couldn't lose her first friend. Thankfully she didn't see that or anything on the grassy plains below. Time to check the nearby woods. She spent minutes checking with worry increasing till she saw yellow and pink below. She dived down and landed and saw Fluttershy surrounded by animals.

"Fluttershy! You okay! I just heard that you fell." She looked over the filly's body to look for any bruises or scratches.

"I'm fine Dash. Admittedly it was scary falling but a flock of butterflies cushioned me."

"That's good I was so worried when you fell. HEY! You got her cutie mark!" She said as she noticed a trio of pink butterfly wings on her friends flank.

"Yes I did. I can talk with animals."

'Flutters can talk to animals.' Aloud she said.

"Flutters, that's AWESOME! A great talent and perfect for you. I can easily see it." A light bulb went off in her head. "Hey you got your cutie mark I just got mine." She moved to the side to show her flank to her friend.

"Oh wow Dash. That's great, how did you get yours?"

"I just did a Sonic Rainboom!" Flutters looked thoughtfully. "So that's what that explosion was."

"Well say goodbye to your animal friends, our families will be worried."

"Oh, okay. Goodbye for now my little friends." Flutters waved at them and both pegasi took off.

* * * * * * *

Dash dropped off Fluttershy first and her parents were so excited at seeing her cutie mark and congratulated Dash on hers. Waving goodbye she headed for her home. She opened the door and called out.

"Mom, dad, I'm home."

"Head to the dining room honey diner is almost ready."

"Great! I'm starving!" She walked into the dining room and saw her dad reading a paper at his place at the table. He moved the paper out of the way and asked.

"So how was camp?"

"Pretty good. Me and Fluttershy got these." Dash angled her flank to her dad. So he could get a good look. His eyes went wide then looked over to the kitchen.

"Fires! DASH got her cutie mark!" They both heard something drop and Firefly raced out of the kitchen and looked at her daughter. A smile got on her lips and she finally said.

"It's beautiful Dashie, how you get it?"

"I did a Sonic Rainboom." She said calmly and grinned as her parents jaw dropped for a full minute. Her mom was the first to break the silence. She leaped into the air and cheered.


"So that's what that explosion was while I was at work. Well I guess a cucienra is needed to be planned.

'Seriously, cucienra. Why can't they have any manly titles for things!?'

"Just make sure it isn't on the same day as Flutters. She got hers today as well." Dash said aloud.

"Well we'll talk with Fluttershy's parents and maybe make it a combined cucienra for you both. Well I better get back to the dinner." Firefly said as she went back into the kitchen and Blitz went over and hugged Dash.

"I'm very proud of you Dash."

"Thanks dad."

They were nearly done with dinner when her mom decided to speak.

"Well you aren't the only one with good news Dashie. How would you like a little brother or sister?" Dash was speechless for a couple seconds.

"You're pregnant?"

"Yes I am. In about nine months you will be having a little sibling."

"That. is. AWESOME! I'm so happy for you two. This is the best day EVER!" After saying that Dash yawned and felt very tired.

"I'm glad you feel that way Dashie, but maybe you should head for bed. You did do a Sonic Rainboom after all. You just pulled off something not seen in centuries and as a filly." Dash tried to come up with a retort but another yawn happened.

'Oh screw it.' She followed her parents advice and passed out on her bed. Firefly and Blitz watch her go and a few minutes later Firefly finally commented.

"I'm so glad she isn't upset that we're having a foal." Blitz put a wing on her.

"She wants family Fires, she lost one family and I think she doesn't want to lose the other. I think she's gonna be a good big sister.'

* * * * * * *

Dash's Log February 4 3798 AD

Summer was fun and the joined party (I refuse to call it the name they gave it) was freaking awesome. Sadly it will be the last summer with Flutters. After discovering her talent her parents look into who could train her. They found an earth pony who wanted to retire as a town vet and Flutters was perfect for it. So when summer ended she moved to the small town called Ponyville to pursue her dream. I miss her. She's my best friend and thankfully we both write to each other but I do miss having her around. I've killed time training by flying skills and studying weather of this world. Use my strengths so to speak. It appears my talent is racing with an side of weather. No problems with that at all.

Oh got to end this, my little sibling is coming!

* * * * * * *

As much as she was looking forward to her new sibling the one thing she hated was hospitals. It's where her old life ended and that's a wound she NEVER wanted to open. She was bouncing a ball of the floor and wall of the waiting room while her dad paced as they both waited for news. Her experience battle with the youth of her body. She just wanted the waiting to be over. She looked over to her dad. As much as she hated hospitals he had to hate them more. He lost their first kid in one. Her parents told her about the still born foal her mom had a couple months ago. She couldn't blame them. She could easily see someone think she was just a replacement for their lost child. Dash didn't think that. They both had wounds that needed healing and she was the bandage to theirs and they were hers. She even visited the grave of her step sister and put a flower there.

After what seemed like houyrs the door opened and the doctor came out. Her dad looked up with an unsaid question.

"They are both okay. Your wife is a bit tired but they are both healthy and congratulations, it's a filly." Dad sighed in relief and I couldn't blame him.

"Can we see them?" Her dad asked.

"Yes but be brief." They both nodded and went in. She saw her mom with a tired but happy look.

"Come on and see your daughter and sister." She said. Dash flew above her dad to get a look. Her mom shifted a blanket and Dash got the first look at her sister. She had pink fur like her mom and her hair's highlights match her dad's but the rest of her hair was a brown. Where did she get that? Besides that Dash was not ashame to admit this. Her little sister was freaking cute.

"She's beautiful Fires. She even has your dad's mane color."

'Oh, that solves that.' Her mom look back at the foal.

"She does doesn't she."

"So what are you going to name her?" Dash asked.

"Dawn, Dawn Seeker." Her mom replied. Dash floated close to her sleeping sister.

"Hello Dawn, I'm your sister Dash. And we're gonna have a lot fun together." Dash said with what was becoming her signature smile.

Born For Loyalty Chapter 6

Dash started making funny faces and noises which got a happy cheer from Dawn as Dash held her little sister in her fore hooves. Little Dawn was two years old now and enjoyed her older sister's company. Granted not long after she was born Dash wanted to...

Born For Loyalty Chapter 4

_Logging in again. It's been a few days since I moved in to my parents house. And they are my parents. While certainly not my human parents thus different personalities to them everything they do reminds me of them. I take no shame in calling them mom...

Born For Loyalty Chapter 3

It was a few days before Blitz and Firefly were able to get a day off, but they finally got some time and went to the orphanage. They walked in and the mare greeted them in an unexpected way. Pointing a hoof at Blitz she declared. "You! This is...