Consortium 1-1: TD14 Chapter 3

Once you're up to date and don't need the nanites anymore, then you'd have to pay to get another dose."

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Character Sheet: Eros.

Absorption: eros's nanites sustain him, so he doesn't need to eat, drink or sleep. in fact, consuming anything will cause nanites inside of his body to replicate, which doesn't result in any harmful or beneficial effect per se.

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A Party to Remember

That was how the nanites worked, after all. in a sense, her 'soul' was distributed in the nanites, not within any of the three heads specifically.

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Team Argos, Chapter 4

Bring the nanites._ sway reminded tom. **team argos** arriving at the spider with the box and the nanites they talked to before, shockwave turned on the device, sitting it on the ground and said to sway, "you know what to do."

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Part 4: The broken world

Most of those settlements could be found in the nanite forests or "the black wastelands"; the lands that were fully covered with the black gleaming nanite material.

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STARBURST By Lockely Fox [Alert: One Minute remains until detected supernova impact, activate hyper drive immediately.] The computer blared out its warning for the fifth time in as many minutes, as the human captain of the small freighter banged...

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A Meeting with the Doctor

They're all made with a technology similar to but not exactly like the nanites." "nanites! but we funded your nanites-whatever things! so the drones belong to us as well! come back here! my company owns you!"

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Invention of the Week 5: Materiality Bra (Preg TG)

I didn't expect the nanites to be that good. anyways, dave stepped up i have to go to the bathroom! one moment... okay.

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Titans of the World III: Creations (edited)

"giving you an upgrade," said gabriel, stabbing the spike of nanites into sam's arm. "okay, last one there is a rotten egg," shouted gabriel, taking off. sam was stunned, the feeling of the nanites upgrading him was... different.

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A New Job - Part 2

"vulcan rubber-nanite injectors deployed, connection to tissues confirmed, flooding organic tissue with conversion nanites." stardust watched in amazement as the diagram of his body on the screen changed to show large patches of his body in red.

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The parent's nanites will also monitor mood, stress levels, health, and biological responses to external stimuli, ensuring the noah father or mother that their child is alright.

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Ioborne: Chapter Seven and Epilogue

"how can nanites be in my body without your knowledge?" "medical grade nanobots, they're organic and communicate differently, in order to prevent them from being hacked.

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