Invention of the Week 5: Materiality Bra (Preg TG)

Story by Vinomath on SoFurry

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Pregnancy TGs! Haven't done those in a hot minute. I want to do a more "dedicated" story on that later. A bit shorter than usual but I didn't have much else to explore here. Dropped some mad foreshadowing though! Stay tuned!

Hello again! It's me! Amelia! I missed a week but that's okay. If we count the days we passed by no progress would be made in science! And have I made some progress! Not in science but in my love live. Not to brag but there's this convention that comes into the town and I got a nice firm high five from one of the otters there. I even gave him my number, which is something I never thought I would do. I'm not going back to being male because at this point I'm in too deep so I figured I might as well go about finding a mate, I'm 24 already after all. I hear he wants to open a bar, I could be able to help him with some fun specialty drinks. REALLY fun ones. Like really-they'd transform people alright? Temporarily of course. That's if this guy decided to open this bar up and actually call me. We'll see. This guy is pretty nice though. Very level headed guy. Bit of a rock but you can break him if you know how to press his buttons juuuuussssstttt right.

Anyhow, enough about my personal life, you're here for science! Actually before we get to that Carly, the person who I pranked with the Dragon Pearls a few weeks back is also starting to embrace her feminine side. Supposedly we have a double date with the otter and his friend according to her! I hope we go to a buffet...I want to eat a lot of food and not feel judged for eating a lot of food. Plus it's cheaper in the long run if you eat a lot, which even though I have a rat body I can still eat like nobody's business!

I'm so professional, talking about dates in a scientific diary. Where's my Golden Globe for that? Seriously those are like the most charitable award a film person can get. Like "The Martian" winning best comedy? What even is that!? I digress. A few weeks ago I mentioned about being a bit nervous to how pregnancy might be well...weird given my current rodent body. So I did what every level-headed person would do, invented something that would make my body pregnant. Let me be clear, it doesn't ACTUALLY make you pregnant, but it gives you the body you'd have if you were. It uses like way more nanites than you should need and they kind of enter your body and go into that region and then pregnant feeling. It'd get too gross if I went into any more detail than I already did.

I never explained the design! It's a bra! A strapless bra so you just slide it on and the nanites do their thing. For woman it's nothing too big, well they're stomach gets big and they feel pregnant. For men though the change is more drastic. Biologically only females can be pregnant and while since it's all simulator men can be to with this device, but there's no fun in that so they turn into girls.

You can alter it through an app and bluetooth (that's right, I put bluetooth in a bra!). What I mean by that is you can choose how far into a pregnancy you want to simulate. So you could set it to 8 months in and you'll have everything a mother would have 8 months into a pregnancy! Super simple stuff! However there is one minor bug. If it's set to 9 months the device can malfunction a bit and you'll go through a simulated childbirth. Nothing happens but you'll be in a lot of pain for a little while so be careful when entering that age. The hormones that come packaged with pregnancy are here as well, so bladder problems, soreness, growing of breasts, mood swings, cravings, I could go on.

That's the basic gist of it. I call it the "Motherhood Bra!" Original name right? None the less it gets the job done. And as a plot twist of sorts I will be one of the subjects this time around because I genuinely want to know how it feels like. As an even more of a plot twist I will be going 9 months because I want to know what I have to "look forward to" once I decide to get a family going. On top of myself, I have Dave joining me, who'll reach a 5 month year old mother and Carly the Dragoness who'll be join me in my 9 month journey! How exciting! Let's get right onto the tests. For sake of time I won't be describing Carly's changes for you, since me and her will have almost identical ones.

I opted to have myself go first. I took off my usual bra and strapped on the Motherhood Bra. I went onto my computer to input the options, setting it for 9 months, clicked the transform button and let the nanites do their thing. I could feel a light tickling all over my body as they began to find their way inside. The tickling continued as they found their way to my uterus, starting to form a makeshift 9 month old fetus just about ready to be born. As they did that my stomach began growing and growing to any size I'd previous thought imaginable. Once it was down my stomach was more pronounced than my own breasts, which had started their own growth. My breasts grew larger and larger as they began lactating, breastfeeding would be important to raise a healthy rat baby after all. My body seemed to get softer after it was all done and I stood there looking as if I really was 9 months into a pregnancy.

My change was done but there was still the matter of Dave and oh! I just felt a kick! I didn't expect the nanites to be that good. Anyways, Dave stepped up I have to go to the bathroom! One moment...

Okay. Dave got up and put in the information, he opted for an animal transformation, maybe to feel like the rest of us and ended up picking a wolf. He put the bra on and the nanites started doing their thing. Dave's hair grew longer reaching his shoulders as his ears became larger and triangular moving to the top of his head. His face pushed out into a muzzle as his nose became moist at the tip of it as well as black. Dave's shoulders lost their broadness getting a feminine tone as his arms slendered, legs turning more shapely and digitigrade. Dave's hips and rear both pushed outward as well as a bushy tail while womanhood found itself replacing his manhood. His, or rather her waist narrowed while her breasts grew outward, more than they normally would as the lactation began. Dave's belly pushed outward, although not a pronounced as myself or Carly's but it was still obvious to the unknowing person that Dave was pregnant.

And now we have three pregnant animal ladies! Two furs and a scale! I got to admit as annoying as the bladder thing is it's not too bad. The stomach makes my back work and I just want to sit down...I'm not crying you're crying! I'm taking a seat I don't care if the camera can't see me. And wait...did I pee my pants? Oof! That's a stomach pain is that a...contraction?! Oh my god this is painful how to people deal with this! Cut the camera cut the camera!

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