Alien Pain
The darkness is pleasing. The rains left, though the sky still rood heavy across the sky, filled with rain yet unfallen, Amidst the breeches of sunlight, shadows danced and played a merry game of chase and stalk, much...
An Alien's Appetites
Looking down, he realized the skin was lavender, and looking up, he realized he was in the hand of the alien--and it was staring right at him. the crow nervously swallowed. "hey, tastyace," the alien's voice boomed. it smiled.
Introduction to Bloop the Alien
#1 of bloop the alien this is an abstract (sort of) introduction to my main character, bloop. nothing sexy going on in this chapter, but next chapter most assuredly does! tl;dr: bloop is a red goo/gummy/gel thing.
Alien Story and Raffle
I finally watched alien, aliens, alien 3, alien resurrection and prometheus. i hope to use what i have learned to improve my story proselytize.
An alien helping hand.
Seeing this display of care made the tiny hybrid on his building balcony even more curious about the alien titan. unconsciously, his tongue flicked over his lips as he leaned against the balcony railing, waiting breathlessly.
Virishian History
#2 of virishian (alien species) i know this can be somewhat more boring than the first entry of this alien-concept species.
Redeyewolf chapter1the alien invasion
Said an alien i don't care ..........................,, ........................the end yeah of the invasion
The Second Chance
Slowly I walked away from our small house my feet dragging. My eyes down watching my step in the drifting gray dust till I was away from everyone in what amounted to twilight.I fell to my knees, raising my eyes I looked up into the "sky" a strange...
Space adventure and the Zombie-robot-aliens
Jade turned a corner and almost ran straight into a zombie, robot, alien. he spun around and dashed the other direction. his older brother archer was in the security control room, opening locked doors as jade needed them.
Shaelich's Story, Chapter 1
His voice was gruff, highly commanding. As he ordered the Sobie troops, they followed and obeyed his every command. He didn't hesitate to tell them what to do, or what he thought. He watched them scramble to their posts. "Get going, or you'll be...
Huge Invisible
An alien gives a talk on science. huge. invisible. the neutrino rain - particles interact in different ways. light bounces around rapidly, protons and neutrons stick and sloth around, and neutrinos wizz passed everything.
D'sim Kalumee and the Xenomorph Hive Part 1.
It wasn't long before he was no longer able to hold it up, the alien hissing in his face as his arms slumped to the ground, d'sim falling unconcious.