waltz into moonlight

ok, I heard this song, it was really good, story popped into my head, wrote it out, heard about this contest involving said song.........yeah, not ready for professional grading on my owrk yet, maybe next year, so, without further ado, my story,...

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Dream long, Dream Lost

imagination just lifts a finger. and laughter is there in that of possibilities lost.

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I have no name Until you name me. I have no form Until you shape me. I don't exist Until you make me, I am creativity. I am waiting deep inside you Touch my spark And let me light you, Give me life And I'll revive you I am creativity. ...

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A Poem- Nightmares

As I lay on my comfy bed I think of things inside my head Video games and plushies I don't own Prance inside my mind of which I want known Though Scary stuff fill me with dread I close my eyes and keep them tight Hoping that I...

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Space adventure and the Zombie-robot-aliens

Jade dashed down the corridor, the sound of pounding feet in pursuit. His space sit clinking together like the Stormtroopers on star wars, as he ran, he had a blaster clipped to his belt but he had no ammo. Jade turned a corner and almost ran straight...

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There She Is!! - Imagine

She walked down the cracked sidewalk that lined the street. The sun had just risen over the horizon of the town on her way to the bus stop. She had one last thing to take care of before she left. There was a tree nearby the park where she first met...

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Poem #45: Imagination

#46 of poetry this is a poem about how ideas and imagination are just as important in life as the things our body needs to survive. without imagination, our mind cannot survive.


885 Beyond Imagining

Christmas day will be beyond imagining." even the timing and the general nature of the story seem to fit, although here it is summer instead of winter.

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I wither besides the lush flower bed

I wither beside the lush flower bed I am full of life and yet I stand as bones Where I can sip the dew drops I find myself unquenchable Touched by falling petals, my skin stings with pricklers ping Unrivaled in my stance still I am but an empty...

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_Listen__ well little Toby, this tale has been passed down by The People since times long forgotten, listen to the story of A-River-Between, the first of his Kind, the first to hear Their Voice, and the first to share Their Wisdom. Long ago back when...

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Imagine Wolves Part 1

Our band is named imagine wolves and we have been together as a band only a short time. we have only been practicing covering other bands songs as i try to write our first song. we have 5 full time members.

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Pure Imagination (Illustrated by Angel27)

A tale concerning the unlocking of the potential of one's imagination. snake tf! pure imagination - by amethystine ~ he held his breath, made a wish, and counted to three. what happened next came purely from his own imagination.

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