Death In The Holy Land: Pt. 3

The squad, hearing the explosion of the 40mm grenade, rushed along the side of the trench, hurling grenades through the firing port and perforating the door with three round bursts

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A Distant Shore - Chapter 11: Thrust and Parry

The grenade abruptly changed direction as the wind knocked it away. it landed far from the wall and exploded. moments later another grenade was launched toward them. once again the vixen wove her hands together then gestured.

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Reptilia Squad main characters

Warrior) **height:** 2,3m (7m in length) **weight:** 3t **weapons of proficiency:** backswords, military rifles, heavy weapons and high tech guns **mainstream melee weapon:** dotanuki **mainstream firearms:** lasers and master dragon assault rifle (with grenade


L12 120 millimeters heavy mortar type: heavy mortar caliber: 120 mm type of round: grenades available he-frag, smoke in various colors, enlightening grenades and toxic-gas charged grenades.


Strange Times, Ch. 1 & 2 - Arrest & Escape

There was some concern when keeba pulled out 2 grenades. one was an ion grenade while the other one was a sonic grenade.

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The Halo Records- Ch. 1

The hunters simultaneous exploded, the grenades tearing through the exposed muscle, cutting one hunter in half just as the other grenade vaporized the others head, leaving nothing but a smoldering corpse.

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Into the Killzone

Darion had gone for the rpf60 a grenade launcher that had a six chamber load capacity. he also chose d.n.a bombs and depleted uranium shells aswell as the standared grenades.

Chapter 17: Covert Hunt

He lacked a grenade launcher and didn't think he could lob a grenade up there either.

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Zootopia Movie Script: Point 223 part 6

(background music: battle of cynoscephalae ends abrupt) (slow motion commence) scene: judy pops the spoon off a pineapple fragmentation grenade. she rams the grenade down the barrel of the 203 grenade launcher.

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Krystal and Chase: Iron Sight p2

Instead of sitting around though, chase pulled a fragmentation grenade off his belt. after pulling the pin and setting the grenade, the fox heaved the explosive device out a window.

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Death In The Holy Land: Pt. 2

Sergeant levi set down his spotter's scope, picked up his m14 carbine, and slid a 40mm grenade into the under barrel grenade launcher.

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Lost Soldier: 2, Fight or Flight

Their fear of the grenades and just charged blindly in a fit of rage from seeing one of their group fall to the ground on fire.

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