#9-krystal (starfox adventures)
\>inb4 "but u love starfox y u do this omfg"
yush, she is hot. yush, her voice is attractive. all of my yush. but, let's be honest here.
ALL, Adventures, Alaskan, Balto, Female, Fox, Heaven, Husky, Jenna, Krystal, Malamute, Nome, Rareware, Review, Sasha, Star, Starfox, Top, Yowl, analysis, arctic, attractive, dogs, furries, rare, ten
#1 of starfox meta
learning the site buttons any hints would be appreciated and tag what you see please
starfox meta
arc 1: prologue
a shadow of a head topped with cannid ears can be seen over an old couch in the glow of a large square holograph depicting
Plot Development, Series, Starfox
All his life he has done nothing but fought enemy against enemy, battle against battle with nothing to lose until he met fara and the starfox team, seeing as how it was a bright sunny afternoon he decided to take a stroll through the city after phoning fara
Friendship, Hedgehog, Starfox, Story Series
\*sniff\* so thats why i got uncle andys army and attacked the same planet we were first beaten by starfox!
\*kazufox\*: so thats why you attacked fortuna?
\*andrew\*: yep! i was about to destroy starfox when the stupid aparoids attacked.
Comedy, Fox, Humanoid, Humor, Monkey, Oldies, Other, Pig, Vixen
If it wasn't for us then not even starfox could've survived the assault on the aparoid home world."
"i know. yet, i still feel useless.
Action, Alligator, Canine, Fanfiction, Feline, Fox, Hyena, Leopard, Sci-Fi, Wolf
Cell inspection
starfox leaned forward while sitting on his bed, surrounded by three walls with a small window into the stary space and an electric fence preventing his escape. he sighed and rubbed his face.
Fox, Kit, Kofi, Lovers, Me, Nintendo, Of, Pup, Ship, Starfox, Starwolf, Story, Tease, To, Wolf, cell, details, further, gets, going, happen, juicy, moment, more, prisoner, scene, whats, writing
"welcome to starfox, i'm phara phoenix commander of this unit."
"tamati, the pleasures all mine \*winks\*"
"fang of planet mobius at your service."
with the introductions done phara ordered the boys to suit up and prepare for their first mission.
Death, Plot Development, Starfox, Violence (Not In Yiff)