Lost Soldier: 2, Fight or Flight

Story by Amit_King on SoFurry

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#2 of Lost Soldier -Book 1- Complete

Here is the second chapter of Lost Soldier


Here is the second chapter of Lost Soldier

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The group of soldiers continued on heading for the road at a brisk pace, making sure that they weren't being stalked by those canine creatures that attacked them at the house. Time dragged on as they moved closer and closer to the road with several checks of the Captains compass and looks over the map to make sure they were going in the right direction. Everyone was still on edge from what had happened nearly an hour or so ago. Slowly turning around to make sure who was behind them, Mike stops and looks back and forth before turning back around only to stop as he kicked something hard.

Looking down and calling out for everyone to stop as he knelt down, turning over the metal box and looking over the old military radio commonly used in training exercises, the Captain moved over with the rest of the team.

"What is it Mike?" the lion asked, kneeling down as Mike looked over the radio.

"It's a military radio used for training purposes, mainly because their outdated but still work," the human answered looking up at the lion.

The large lizard Rex moved toward the two males. "So what does that mean Mike?" he asked in his deep voice, the large lizard looking around just to make sure that they weren't being ambushed while they looked over the radio.

"What it means Rex is that the training team came this way..." looking over his team before looking down at the radio and turning it over, showing a severed paw still holding the phone receiver. Suddenly the sound of a wolf howling made everyone spin and aim behind them in a circle.

"It's just a wolf," Lisa said looking around carefully, fear evident in her voice though Carl looked over his shoulder.

"No, it's too big to be a wolf," he said. Being a wolf anthro himself he knew exactly what a wolf would sound like, Mike turned himself around checking his rifles magazine before hitting it back into his rifle.

"I think it's time we started moving again Captain." The lion looked at the human and nodded, everyone started moving toward the road at a fast jog or a slow run, trying to get to the road as fast as possible.

Everyone continued moving quickly with their weapons at the ready, spinning and checking behind them before spinning forward again making sure nothing was behind them as they moved, but soon everyone froze as the Captain raised his left fist. Everyone immediately took up position, Rex and James kneeling down as Lisa, Carl and Mike spun around and knelt down to protect the rear as the Captain called up Command again on his radio.

Mike looked over at the Captain as he called in for another evac at the road, claiming that they had found a survivor from the training team, a lie of course but a lie to get him and his team to safety is better than trying to make it the truth and risk everyone's life. Once the confirmation was in the Captain nodded and looked over his shoulder at everyone.

"Alright they have a gunship coming to pick us up," he said, though Mike stood slowly looking over everyone seeing everyone also had confused looks on their faces, and the Captain nodded already knowing what he was going to say.

"I know Mike, send a gunship in just to pick some soldiers up from a simple rescue mission, sounds a bit 'excessive.'" Mike nodded and looked to his right, blinking once as he saw a shadow move just out of sight and immediately raised his rifle. Mikes movements made everyone spin and raise their weapons.

"We've gotta move, now" Mike said and no one said otherwise as they quickly spun and dashed off as fast as they could.

Charging through the forest at high speed, though everyone made sure to try and stay at the same speed so not to lose any of their team mates, the sounds of their boots and heavy panting was heard as the six soldiers stormed toward their evac point.

Mike blinked, looking over his shoulder, getting a strange feeling, and he was right as he saw one of the creatures charging toward him and his team. spinning and stopping as he pulled an incendiary grenade an threw it as hard as he could before quickly spinning and taking off again with the sound of an explosion as well as the bursts of flames from behind them.

Mike was more or less sure that throwing that might slow them down and would probably ultimately piss them the fuck off but if it bought him and his team sometimes then he'd throw every one of his grenades that he could, Mike's answer was quickly answered as several roars of anger from the creatures was heard. Everyone continued moving without looking back, suddenly the creatures sped past the group and then charged toward them and running was no longer the main objective as everyone turned and began firing upon the closest creature to them. Mike was able to count a total of nine creatures and they had completely surrounded the team, the sounds of rifles and shotguns were ringing out through the forest as the group engaged the creatures for a second time in one night.

The Captain turned and shouted for everyone to move and try to get to the road, Mike moved with Carl back to back as Rex stood with James and Lisa as the Captain stood alone throwing a grenade toward a few of the creatures. Everyone was moving as they fired on the creatures, their rounds seeming to have no effect on them though their grenades seemed to make them jump away to avoid the blast. Using that to their advantage they quickly continued throwing grenades to clear a way through while using the small fire to try and keep them from picking them apart, keeping spread out to avoid getting taken out in one fell swoop as well as to keep their chances of getting away higher.

Carl and Mike both threw an incendiary grenade, the explosion catching one of the creatures lighting it completely on fire and sending a loud howl of pain and anger throughout the forest, but as that one fell to the ground the others seemed to lose their fear of the grenades and just charged blindly in a fit of rage from seeing one of their group fall to the ground on fire.

Mike and Carl both jumped apart as one of the creatures slashed both of its paws toward them, trying to take both of their heads off, spinning around and sending the rest of his clip into the creatures side before jumping away as Carl ran behind a tree to reload his rifle.

Rex continued blasting round after round into the creature charging him, and when his shotgun clicked empty he immediately spun it around and smashed the end of the gun against the side of the creatures head, making it reel back as some blood sprayed from its head. Rex threw his weapon aside and slammed his body into the creature, Rex was nearly seven in a half feet tall and nothing but muscle but the nine foot canine slid through the dry leaves on the ground before stopping and bringing a mighty fist down onto the lizards head, dropping him to the ground easily.

As Rex fell James spun around and sent a round from his rifle right into the muzzle of the creature that had hit his friend, making it reel back in pain once again, but as he pulled the bolt back ejecting the spent round another creature appeared to his left swinging it's massive left paw with all its ebony claws bared. James threw his rifle up to block the attack only to have his rifle smashed under the force of the creatures paw, it's four inch claws piercing the humans vest and chest, the creature lifted James off the ground and threw him through the air before he smashed into the ground several yards away with blood spraying from his chest.

Lisa cried out in shock as she saw James crash into the ground and lay limply on the ground and immediatly pulled a incendiary grenade from her vest and chucked it toward the creatures, the canister exploding above the creature sending flames in all directions, catching the surrounding area on fire including the creature. Lisa raised her sub-machine gun up and emptied the rest of her clip into the creature as it tried to get the fire off of itself before falling to the ground, turning and reaching for another magazine only to freeze as a creature slammed its right paw into her back, piercing her back with its claws, blood flowing down her chest and stomach.

Mike looked around from the corner of the tree he ducked behind to reload, seeing Lisa being lifted into the air with blood flowing down her on all sides and dripping onto the ground, before the creature snapped it's massive jaws around her throat and ripped her head from her body, sending a torrent of blood out from her neck. Mike couldn't move as he watched one of his friends die before her body was tossed aside. Standing, he pulled his last incendiary grenade from his vest and threw it at the creature, only to have it jump aside and escape the flames as the canister exploded.

Raising his rifle and unloading his entire clip into the creature, though it just shrugged it off, looking at him as if taunting him for being unable to harm it, but it's expression changed as a grenade landed between its legs with the Captain ducking back behind a tree. The explosion severed both of the creatures legs, dropping it to the ground. Looking around Mike found that Carl was facing down two of the creatures with his back against a tree, while the Captain was going up against three, counting nine at the beginning and with three down one had disappeared.

Doing the math quickly in his head he immediately ducked down just in time to miss the large paw as it was swung at the side of his head, the massive claws slashing deep into the tree that he was standing beside Jumping forward and spinning around bringing his rifle up and sending all of his bullets into the creature, though like the rest the rounds seemed to have no effect on them as it just stood there looked down at him.

The captain ducked down and jumped to the side, tossing his last grenade toward the two creatures that were furthest from him, one made it out of the blast radius while the other fell to the ground without an arm, rolling and moving to a knee he looked around then dashed toward Rexes body. Sliding on the dry leaves and grabbing an incendiary grenade, before looking up only to see a creature charge him, swinging it's right paw toward his head, he had little time but jumped back to try and dodge the swing. He wasn't fast enough as the left side of his face was slashed, and he was sent to the ground with blood covering his face.

Carl ran from the two creatures he was fighting against before quickly spinning and throwing the flash bang grenade he was cooking, the flash bang blinding to the two creatures and making them run away as the loud bang deafened them, giving Carl enough time to move behind a tree, seeing Mike running toward him. Both the wolf and human immediately started running as fast as they could toward the road, hearing what could only be the sound of a chopper flying overhead. Carl pulled another flash bang from his vest and threw it over his shoulder, hoping to buy them some more time.

Mike and Carl looked up through the lightly leaved trees, seeing the large gunship soar over head before slowing down and disappearing. Seeing that the gunship disappeared, though Carl could still hear it meaning they were near the road. Pulling off another flash bang and cooking it for a few seconds before throwing it over his shoulder, using the last one he had to hopefully give them enough time to get away.

Quickly running from the edge of the woods out into the small clearing and onto the road, they saw the gunship waiting for them with several heavily armed soldiers standing at the opened hatch. Carl and Mike quickly charged toward the soldiers only to be halted as they raised their weapons to them. Freezing and looking over their shoulders making sure that none of the creatures were behind them and they were just in the line of fire only to find that they were the only ones between the soldiers and the forest, so the soldiers were aiming at them.

Looking back toward the soldiers from the gunship, seeing a fur in a suit stepping from the helicopter and toward the two soldiers, Mike looked toward Carl who was looking back at him, both immediately finding that the situation was going from bad to worse and Mike found himself wishing he was back in the forest dealing with the creatures. As the fur neared them with two soldiers Mike spun around hearing another howl from the forest. Taking aim at the trees making sure nothing was going to take them by surprise but a voice behind him caught his attention,

"Don't worry, they won't come near the helicopter," the suited fur said with a show of arrogance.

Turing around Mike and Carl both glared at the fur as he smiled. "Where is Captain Lee?" he said, folding his paws behind his back,

"KIA, along with the rest of our team and the training team...but you already knew that," Mike said, ready to just fill the fur full with the rest of his second to last clip and he didn't have to look at Carl to know he was feeling the same way.

The fur nodded "Yes, I already know that the training team had been killed. I was wondering if any of your people had made it out, you two are the only ones so I must say I'm impressed. Not everyone who's gone up against these creatures has made it more than a couple minutes after contact, congratulations men."

Mike and Carl both remained silent as they glared at the fur who looked to be some kind of cat, house cat or some kind of mixed breed, but either way neither Carl nor Mike wanted to know him.

The feline smiled "Well how about we get you two home." Neither of the two moved and the cat tilted his head. "What, you'd rather stay here?" he asked, and Mike stepped forward,

"You knew they were here meaning, you knew you were sending us to slaughter." The feline nodded and bowed his head slightly before speaking again.

"Yes, you were a second round of experiments. We, meaning the part of the government I work for, were the ones who released them and sent you here to test their capabilities, and I must say they are very effective killing machines. Now men, you two know why you were sent here as well as how they got here, now I must insist you come with me so we can fix it to where you work for the branch I work for, unless you want to be killed."

Both Mike and Carl looked toward one another. They knew this was some kind of top secret thing, but both were ready to tear the feline apart with their bare hands for using them and the rest of their team as experiments to test some new kind of living weapon, if that's what the creatures really were. Mike blinked as he noticed something behind the feline then looked at him.

"You sure the creatures won't come near the chopper?" he asked, quickly pulling his handgun from it's holster and firing a round into the two soldiers that were standing next to the suited cat.

The feline jumped in surprise, spinning to see the two dead soldiers lying behind him, but his attention was quickly shifted as he looked up, seeing one of the creatures charge the chopper followed quickly by several others.

Shouts of shock and fear rang out as the creatures slaughtered the soldiers that were protecting the gunship. Quickly turning, both Carl and Mike charged back into the forest, letting the other soldiers have a taste of the hell that they had just gone through, and letting the feline experience just how good the creatures were at killing.

Sounds of pain and gunshots sounded off from behind Carl and Mike as they bolted deep into the woods, they weren't sure where they were going but they only wanted to put as much distance between them and the creatures, increasing their speed as much as they possibly could just steadily going for almost an hour before they had to slow down, but they kept jogging, not wanting to stop. Carl and Mike continued going before they slowed to a stop. They didn't know exactly how deep into the forest they had gone, but they couldn't see anything but woods no matter which way they looked. Soon they both just started walking before Mike broke the silence.

"So, ever fucking wonder how expendable you are Carl?" That made the wolf lay his ears back and remain silent.

The silence remained for several minutes before Carl spoke.

"So we know these creatures were created as some kind of new weapon by the fucking government," he said, looking over his shoulder making sure nothing was following them as they moved deeper into the forest.

Mike looked down at his watch, seeing that the time was zero two nineteen, giving a sigh and looking to Carl/. "We can't go back to the Army, we'll just disappear and no one will ever wonder what happened to us"

Carl nodded at that statement, knowing that it was true. "So what do we do, keep walking till we find ourselves in another state and start a new life, or just wait for those fucking things to come get us? Either way we're more or less fucked," the wolf said dis-heartedly.

Both froze as a howl reached their ears and they were immediately back to back looking around. "I guess our choices have just been made for us, you got any grenades?" Mike asked looking over his shoulder to his friend seeing him shaking his head, "Yeah me neither, so wanna make a run for it see how far we can get?"

Mikes question was answered as one of the creatures appeared to their right and both dashed off in the opposite direction, with both pointing their weapons behind them and blind firing just to try and keep the creatures from jumping on them from behind. Mike and Carl continued running at full speed before Mike looked over to Carl.

"We've gotta do something," he yelled out, and Carl nodded before looking over his shoulder, seeing that there was only one chasing them but one was more than enough to kill both of them.

Suddenly both dashed in separate directions and flanked the creature, shooting it from both sides, trying to atleast wound it so they could get away. The creature skidded to a halt and spun to it's right, following Mikes movements as bullets pierced it from both sides, though like before they did little damage.

The creature spun to its left even as it was getting shot, and charged Carl who immediately jumped out of the way as Mike reloaded his rifle with his last magazine then charged the creature immediately emptying the entire clip into the creatures head, though it only dashed toward him and hit him on his right side with the back of its fist, sending him soaring through the air. Crashing into the ground with the wind knocked out of him as Carl yelled out in anger and his rifle sounded off, Mike stared at the ground before slowly pushing himself up when Carl's rifle suddenly went silent and the wolfs form was thrown in front of Mike.

Mike stared at his best friend as he lay there with three open gashes through his left side and blood flowing out of him. Gritting his teeth in anger as he stood up and glared at the large creature, reaching up and drawing his knife from his shoulder, flipping it between his fingers and holding it backwards against his forearm. The creature growled loudly as Mike stood off against him, before charging and swinging it's right paw with it's claws bared, ducking down and slashing the creatures right side.

After he slashed the creatures side it howled out in pain and jumped away, trying to get far away from Mike as he jumped back ready for it's next attack. Blinking in confusion as the creature kept its distance, with blood flowing out of it's right side and down it's leg. Looking down at his blade, seeing the blood that was on it steaming as if his blade was heated, looking back at the creature who had regained it's composure and looked ready for another charge, Mike readied himself once again, flipping his knife forward this time. He could hurt this son of bitch now and was going to make it cry out in pain.

The creature jumped toward him brandishing its teeth, and even though he was able to hurt it he wasn't about to let the damn thing bite him. Jumping back and dodging to the side before getting to his feet, only to have to quickly duck down as it slashed at him with its left paw. Taking the opening he jumped forward and slashed the creatures right leg, from just above its knee and up it's thigh before jumping away as it tried to counter, then limped back trying to get away, but Mike wasn't going to let up this time as he charged forward again. The creature slashed at him wildly like a fearful animal but Mike ducked under its attack and thrusted his blade up into the creatures throat, grin broadening as the creature's blood began pouring form it's wound and out its mouth. He knew he had killed the monster that had killed not only his friends but those that were close enough to be family.

Mike pushed on the blade, shoving it deeper into the creature's throat. He was glad that he slashed it's leg, otherwise it's throat would have been far out of his reach, but his grin soon faded as he saw it raise it's paws back then slammed them into his sides, it's claws sinking themselves deep into his sides. He coughed up blood as he felt the warmth of his blood flowing down his sides. Gritting his blood stained teeth before twisting the blade and ripping it to the right, spraying the creatures blood out into the forest as he staggered away.

Grabbing onto a tree as he watched the creature fall to the ground and bleed out, turning himself around and looking at his friends body before walking over and pulling his dog tags off and just staggered away. Looking around slowly as he continued walking, he didn't know where he was going but with his wounds it didn't matter now, he would die from blood loss soon enough, that creature having sunk it's claws deep.

In another part of the forest an elderly man and several other humans sat around a campfire, wolves laid around them as did several wolf anthros, looking up at the moon filled night sky the elderly man gives a content sigh. His skin was darker and he looked to be a native american and even wore traditional clothing from his ancestors. Looking up as the wind shifted and all noses were lifted as a new but familiar scent was carried on the wind. A female that was sitting across from the elderly man stood up

"Grandfather." The older man nodded and stood looking to his left.

"Yes, we all smell it, blood is on the wind. Let's go and see who stains our land." With that the wind shifted and the older man and girl, along with every other fur and human that were around the fire charged off with incredible speed.

Continuing to stagger around before he slowly made his way into a large clearing, looking up at the large moon and countless stars before dropping to his knees, Mike looked down at his knife, seeing it stained with the blood of that damn creature, sighing softly as he remembered how his entire team and family were killed.

Rex having taking a massive hit to the head and probably had his skull cracked or smashed, just being backhanded himself he felt that a few of his ribs had been broken. Lisa had been pierced by the claws through her back while James had the same thing happen to his front. The Captain had his face slashed open and was mostly dead now from blood loss if the initial wound wasn't severe enough to kill him, and finally Carl, his best friend having been slashed open on his left side and hopefully died instantly, and here he was, the last of the 21st Rescue Squad from an off branch of the Special Forces.

He felt his body begin to shiver as more of his blood flowed from his body. "Not too much longer now huh guys," he said aloud to himself, before looking over his shoulder as he heard several howls from those creatures. Slowly standing up with a lot of difficulty he turned himself around.

He was greeted by several of the creatures charging toward him, only to stop just before the edge of the forest, all snarling angrily. He placed his left hand on his stomach and raised his blade, motioning for the creatures to 'come'. "Who's next then" he said, knowing that he'd probably drop before they even got to him.

The creatures began to move toward him, but quickly stopped and snarled loudly before turning and dashing off into the darkness of the forest. Standing there for a moment blinking a few times before sighing and hanging his head, slowly turning himself to the right and looking to see what was behind him.

Seeing several creatures standing behind him, though they were different. They were around eight and nine feet in height, but their colors were different. Some were all black, others were grey and white and several other colors, but there were also normal wolves and humans standing there as well, and even some larger wolves there that stood to his chest on all fours.

Blinking a few times and swallowing the metallic spit that was in his mouth as he blinked, just looking over the large group of wolves, anthros, humans and those damn creatures before he looked forward and the only thing he saw was him falling face down onto the ground. His vision slowly fading as several voices came to him as well as some paws and legs moving into his line of vision before everything slowly faded away, he closed his eyes telling himself in his mind that he atleast gave them hell.

Slowly opening his eyes, finding that hell looked a lot like the inside of a cave, blinking a few times as he heard the sound of fire coming from his left. Well atleast there was fire in hell, so they got that one thing right in the bible. Carefully turning his head to the left Mike found that he actually was in a cave, with a fire softly blazing in the back of it, letting all the heat waft over him as it moved to the mouth of the cave. Turning his head slowly to the right, finding that he was alone in the cave and it seemed to be night time still, or again, he wasn't really sure if he had only been out a few minutes of several days, slowly brining his right arm up seeing that his watch was gone as was his shirt and vest. Looking down he found a large animal pelt laying over him, he couldn't really tell what kind of animal but he could tell that it was extremely comfortable to just have it laying over him. Pushing himself up slowly to a sitting position he found that he was completely naked, all except some white cloths that were wrapped around his chest.

Blinking as he lightly touched the one item that was left on his body, his dog tags which were left right next to Carls dog tags. Gripping both sets of tags as he closed his eyes, remembering exactly how he got the wounds and what happened to his friends, finding that right now he wanted to just cry but he forced back the tears. He never cried when they were alive and he wasn't going to now that they were dead.

Taking a breath and looking to his right as something caught his eye, and he nearly fell off the large bed that was made out of grass, leaves and cloth as he was face to face with what could only be described as a giant grey wolf.

Mike immediately turned to face the wolf, with the animal pelt being the only thing between him and the wolf as it looked him over. For the size of the creature it had snuck up on him without making any noise and that scared the shit out of him. If it wanted to, it could have just walked up and snapped it's jaws around his throat.

Looking behind the wolf, he saw a female human step into the cave, blinking as she saw that he was awake, moving toward him. Looking over the woman he found that her skin was a bit darker, with raven black hair looking almost like a native american, and the feather that were hanging from the tips of her double braided hair only add to the look.

She reached out, placing a hand on Mikes forehead feeling his temperature, but after a second he grabbed her wrist and gave her a serious look which didn't really seem to faze her. "Where are my clothes?" he said, trying to be calm, though with the large wolf staring him down made him a bit uncomfortable.

The girl pulled her hand away "They're at your feet. Get dressed and come on out if you feel you're able to walk." With that, she turned, along with the wolf and left the cave, leaving Mike there with a hell of alot of confusion.

Looking at the end of the makeshift bed, that was just as comfortable as the pelt blanket, reaching down he dressed himself, though found that he was missing several things, his vest, handgun and holster as well as his elbow and shin guards, his belt that held all his equipment such as magazines, flash light and combat knife and thinking about knives he found that his shoulder blade one was gone as well. Standing up and leaning against the side of the cave while gritting his teeth, he found that his shirt and pants were still stained dark from his blood, but despite that he slowly got himself presentable, tucking in his button shirt and even tucked his pant legs into his boots before moving toward the mouth of the cave.

Stepping from the cave and being greeted by the wolf once again, turning the corner as he watched the ground, making sure he wouldn't trip over anything before he looked up, taking another step and jumping back as his chest nearly smashed into the wolf as it sat there as if waiting for him. Standing there gazing at the wolf, with his hand on the rocks that made up the cave to keep from falling over, he looked over the wolfs head and at what was behind it, seeing that there were several campfires around them with the furs, humans, wolves from before, but he didn't see any of the creatures from before.

Lifting his head and quickly looking over his shoulder he found the girl standing behind him. She lifted her head, looking slightly surprised that he noticed that she was behind him,

Mike turned to her "Where is the rest of my equipment, guards, vest, my gun and knives?" he nearly demanded, though she just walked past him.

"You don't need them, so don't bother asking for them" came her voice as she walked away from him.

Watching her as she walked away, before leaning against the rock face looking up at the sky, seeing that the moon was starting to disappear. He had to have been out for a few days since when he passed out the moon was full. Looking to his right he saw the wolf still sitting there looking at him.

Blinking once before giving a sigh. "Can you tell me where the fuck I am" he asked the wolf, pretending that it could talk to him and he nearly fell over when he heard a voice

"You're in our land, we're the Slicing Wind Clan." Blinking and looking around, he even looked up seeing if someone was sitting over him on the rocks before he looked back down to the wolf as it tilted it's head curiously.

After a moment he sat back down "So I'm going crazy" he said softly to himself

"Maybe, but I don't know you well enough to know what you're mental state is." The voice came again, making Mike look back at the wolf before he slowly sat down leaning against the rocks before looking up at the sky.

Sighing before seeing the wolf stand and slowly pad away leaving him there. After a few minutes of him remaining silent, closing his eyes as he thought back to his team. 'I'm not leaving without that knife, the one that I killed that damn creature with' he thought to himself, before pushing himself to his feet, standing himself with a deep breath before looking around for that girl.