It's Just a Game

Just another on the fly story of mine, any and all games that may get mentioned in this story are copyright of thier respective owners, who ever they may be. Usual legal jargin applys. Enjoy! =] * * * It's Just a Game * * * "Yo, lazy! Get up!" ...


The pack ( teaser)

Hey all been reading around this site for quite awhile and while this is not a yiff story (yet) would like some opinions The only thing Tim heard was the crunch of foliage under foot. He had no idea how he had ended up in this dense forest,...


Creepy Furs- 02 -OCD

28 years, now. 28 years of repeating the smae thing over and over again. Wake up, go to work, sleep, repeat. It seems to be never ending. I would just make a pattern; I'd turn the water on in my shower to the same temperature, ever day. I would leave...


Aiming down the sights

Four months after Lacyus had left \*\*\*\*\*\*\* "Hurry up and lock those down!" Gailus barked. Sunset picked up a huge pile of wood with ease. The Phins were moving on to the next beach and the four dragons were helping them with moving...

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Chapter 2: Darkness Descends

This is my second story of the series! Our heroes witnessed a strange event with the explosion in the sky and the one near the temple with the downed shuttle. Inside they found my character Galinoth who was badly injured. This story is continuing from...

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The Lake Calls- Rhysoning ch.3

Pokemon belongs to nintendo not me. I guess that you could say I didn't know what I was getting myself into, or how many people didn't want me to go. Though I knew I had to and right now standing face to face with a Vaporeon, the one Pokテδゥmon...

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Harleys get girls!

My first attempt ever at writing a story. The character used is my personal fursona so please, don't use him without my permission. I hope everyone likes it, rate, comment, and give your thoughts. any one who has read any stories by maggot4life will...

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Fallen - Chapter 4 - Changes

"So, how do you like living in the city?" "It's not bad. Doesn't feel as rushed as I thought it would. But it does feel a little cramped at times." Rick laughed at his sister's comment. The two siblings were sitting in the outdoor seating area...


Show and Tell

Leonard snarled as oil squirted from the mechanism and stained his nice clean shirt. Sure, it wasn't his best shirt and in truth he'd never be caught dead in public wearing it, but it irritated him nonetheless to have it ruined by something so common....

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Hodges Fields: Chapter 2

It was still very early in the morning. The sun hadn't risen yet; Cane could still see stars in the parts of the sky that weren't obscured by clouds and he could smell the damp grass. He had been walking through an early morning fog for a while now,...

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A Dragon needs...

A Dragon needs... by Archie Pelago A dragon needs a human princess in its lair. Not even the armor-clad, horse-mounted knight who approached the ancient castle ruins knew why. The ruins were mossy and crumbled, ravaged by time...

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Drake the hunter prt3

Drake the hunter pt3. Drake, Sheriff Johnson, and the remaining deputies, continued to the barn to apprehend Crogen. As soon As they arrived, they ducked behind some bushes to plan out the raid. "Now that where here, how do we get Crogen and get out...

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