Clarity - Chapter 23: The Matchmaker's Respite

Another work week, long since put behind me. The city streets at sunset, a perfect view from the buses. It's Friday night, and there's only one thing that means to me: Ladies' Night, of course~ Really, how can any of us be expected to work at the...

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The Great Flood part1

After their visit, her mother and assorted siblings went out shopping and then decided to enjoy the midday respite at one of the restaurants in town.

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A Conversation

The respite was short lived, the passage beginning to flood with undead creatures tasked with the defense of the tomb.

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Squirrel Tree Inn

It is both shelter and sanctuary, second home to a menagerie of regulars and temporary respite for travelers of every species. wander in for a bite, for a well-earned rest, or just to warm yourself by the fire.

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Chasing the light

respite, the goal before us, our limbs, trudging ever onward, our eyes, gazing ever forward. we chase after the light, to gain the necessary might. to reign the eerie night. embrace wisdom, gain thy sight.

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Tall Hike (Otherwise Untitled)

~ heavily heaving breaths and wobbling about the knees, the hyena took a moment of respite amongst the oppressive heat of the morning.

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Tickle "Torture"

He screwed up his muzzle, breathing shallowly whenever a break in laughter allowed him fragile respite. but it was not enough - it would not be enough until it was all over! "please!"

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A Long, Dark Road (Part 7)

They trotted along in silence for a few more minutes, the brief respite they had taken already forgotten by their straining lungs.

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The Ever Shifting Pillar

Clue on top of this there is another problem its' camouflage can't help but naturally hide the cracks all over its' body that are surrounded by resin dried for these cracks heal on their own with a little resin before re-emerging new, respite

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Those Bygone Dog-Star Days - Chapter 37 of 37 - End

It is the lull between the world breathing in and her breathing out; the respite between heartbeats. this is when i think of the events that happened during those bygone dog-star days. and i think of aaron.

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Heart of Winter: DnD Game Lore

**_bhurr, the winter:_** (lawful neutral) -the respite. the time of rest, recovery, and peace. his form is unknown.
