Breakfast of Corn (Otherwise Untitled)

The jackalope, who admitted his name to be linda during the previous night's flirtations, seemed like a ragdoll tangled amongst the haphazard bedding when regarded against the ball of nerves he had been the night before wearing.

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Contained - Mouse Story

They must have fallen off during the flirtation of the two. i stretched my paw as far as i could, just barely able to grab the keys and making a good bit of noise in the process.

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Zootopia - Trying to move on - Chapter 2: Consequences

Also, she was very jealous during those flirtations from the vixen last night. seeing nick turn her down felt like fireworks to judy. the good mood she was in still lasted that morning.

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For a Good Cause

The potential for flirtations that might have existed were he a woman, and the uncomfortable obviousness that he most definitely wasn't. from the very first moment though, reed confronted those expectations and hurriedly cast them aside.

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Patricia's Potion Shop: 5th Customer (Skunk TF/TG)

She shook her head, the flirtation going right over her. "well, if that's a thing? i think i'd like being cute like you~" she flipped the potion up into her hand, "would...this one be what i'd want then? i need a few?"

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Life by the Page 10

His order would be the closest as he would come to a flirtation that night as he brought the first bite to his lips and emitted an exaggerated groan of approval.

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I'm sure this isn't good for my heart. I feel dazed and dizzy, adrenaline fading in and out of my bloodstream as if on an alternating current. I want to rip the goddamn outlet out the wall. A pat on my back jolts me back. I look to my right....

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Senior Year Ch. 1: History

If that was blatant flirtation i don't know what is. first day back to school and i already managed to mess up. i almost threw my laptop across the room until, _haha, thanks. i'd been working in a warehouse all summer, got kind of built.

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Just Draserts

She said with an air of flirtation. caldy just wanted to make sure janus had not fallen asleep half out of his chair. both the wolf's ears and eyes promptly shot up, confirming he had not. "oh, yush pweese! what do they got!?"

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Courtside Chat

The kangaroo rat was leaning slightly towards the hybrid to her right, her words carrying the hint of flirtation. for his own defense, it wasn't as if theo wasn't flirting right back at her. the pangolin looked to his right.

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Moonlight Kiss

Story to go with Moonlight Kiss picture: Today was Pardus' birthday and his friends decided that a weekend at a San Diego beach resort would be a perfect way to celebrate. He had asked Ranna to come along and she agreed. There were in separate...

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Greener Pastures, Part Three: Fitting in as a Vampire in College

I didn't remember falling asleep in the early morning. As Eddie and I had finished putting away all of our stuff, we found the set of blackout curtains he had brought, and put them up in the window. I was yawning as we finished with the curtains, and...

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