Now that combat is over and his team is victorious, golgash wakes up from his wounds, and stays disabled until he can get healing.


Mental Combat

Rex was stunned. First the cave started to shake, like an earthquake had just happened, then there was a sudden gust of wind, and now, the creature that got him stuck there and a sickleclaw appeared. "Who are you?" He asked the sickleclaw, who answered...

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Swans and Women

Swans in a lake always seem normal until one starts to notice the dark and almost broken down house behind the lake. Its windows cracked and the roof falling apart. But some ask why the swans stay. Is it because they have lived here for years or is it...

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Innocent Love

Since the time of dinosaurs love was innocent. Selfless. Boundless. Monumental. It was the structure of all that lives. Until the humans covered the earth and created lust. A dark. Powerful. Disasterous monster that plauges our souls. But that was then...

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Flames surrounding the enchanted garden. Blasts errupting around the walls. Screams echoing all around me. Nothing can keep me down. My eyes are emotionless as the electricity of my heart spreads all around. The darkened clouds spewing forth bolts of...

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Chapter Eight The First 10,000

Meanwhile, up above the squad of a-10 warthogs were circling the battle below, waiting to swoop in and help.

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Mixed Tale 3 - Tribal Conflict (Violence Warning)

She still had her two blades across her back, as there was no sense going outside of the fortress without being ready for combat.

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Retired Hardware (Otherwise Untitled)

#113 of short stories an old woodpecker launches his old battle armor into a fight. ~ gerald squirmed down into the seat as the helmet slid into place, keeping his hand firmly pressed against the authorization pad.

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Chapter One - The Combat Negotiator

#2 of the combat negotiator chapter one: the combat negotiator (okay...i wrote this after reading squirrel's 'luminous' series, because i wanted to portray a darker, predator-focused side of the same universe.

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Poem - Energy Drinks!

Makes me ready for combat, senses are enhancing! i now have a new format, there is no time for foolish dancing. come here don't try to be smart, i feel like i dominate every enemy. i am a warrior at heart, come here and fight me bravely!

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The First Contact

I was now regretting my earlier lusts for battle, as whatever was attacking them sounded really bad. i put my head on a swivel, looking all around out the bubble canopy of the fighter.

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Autopilot (Otherwise Untitled)

~ With a crushing lack of contact with the remainder of the patrol flight, the light strike fighter banked sharply around another asteriod as the pursuers continued to hold their distance outside of the collection of rocks, wreckage, and ice. The nose...

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