Knowing the Path…

"i need you to set up a small security detail to accompany rubicant down to the surface of this planet." she ordered. "wait." rubicant intervened. "hold on." julyna turned to rubicant, "what, what is it." "just feros, and myself," rubicant said.

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Rubalyna from rubicant, and ish'tair from altair, where born from julyna. artena from altair, and rubinna from rubicant, where born from iris. mortora had named both of her hatchlings, cortair from altair, and rya from rubicant after his memaw.

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Julyna grabbed iris and held on to her as rubicant's panic started filling her mind, as iris cried out for rubicant stating that he wanted to be let out.

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As the male came up to rubicant, he threw a punch at him, as rubicant dodged and then grabbed his arm and spun him around while bring the male's arm around to his back.

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Awakening on the wrong side of the bed

#55 of finding one's true self webseries as the time nears for rubicant to awaken, they discover someone else has crept in. iris unleashes her judgement upon them, and rubicant discovers his pawpaw.

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Tarina and the GrandMaster

rubicant looked around as though he was speaking to someone else. "oh right, sorry it's rubicant isn't it." he said more as a statement. "i'm sure you have a number of questions for me.

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The Big Surprise

After a moment julyna came in with rubicant behind her. she went to altair and hugged him as he stood up to greet her. ohm looked at rubicant. "how are you feeling mr. tavar?" "better." he looked at altair, "thank you for bringing julyna here.

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The Wayward Mate

Iris while hurt by knowing this, wasn't as upset as julyna thought she might have been, and rubicant was more indifferent. rubicant spoke with a mixed tone.

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Why Me?

rubicant nodded in understanding.

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Mending the Broken (rewrite)

Ohm replied as he walked them back to rubicant's holding cell. "you're quite perceptive for a phalynian." altair commented in a respectful manner.

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Mending the Broken.

Here to see a rubicant tavar." altair said. the female sitting behind the desk looked up in surprise. "you're expected follow me please." she said in a more pleasant tone. as they walked along the hallway, julyna started picking up rubicant.

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Seeking Forgiveness

She continued to smile and watch rubicant in the chamber when a since of happiness overcame her, which she could only attribute to rubicant hearing her thought to him. this was the first time in her life she could truly say, she was happy.

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