Memaw's Dark Secret
"but what memaw?" she said softly. this is when cia broke down, "i just wish you didn't exist." tarina stopped and stared at her memaw in disbelief, before speaking as her voice began to break softly. "then why did you and pawpaw have me?"
Otherwise rya being his memaw in this galaxy, made no sense.
Knowing the Path…
Rubicant looked at her as she started to lean in and spoke, "what will happen to you, memaw?" she smiled at him for calling her memaw and gently placed a finger on his forehead, "i will be a part of you, and you can call me whenever you meditate."
Mortora had named both of her hatchlings, cortair from altair, and rya from rubicant after his memaw. after which she had an operation to prevent herself from laying any more eggs.
The Needs of the Many...
Well, your memaw is having to become one. you see i must save my close friend, my captain, and the rest of the crew so we can complete our mission. i miss and love you all so much, and i wish i could be there now holding all of you."