The Needs of the Many...

Julyna turned and began to pound on the floor while yelling, "raybia i forbid this, you get back up here now, there's a better way!" down below we see raybia removing her clothing as a blue light bathed the area.

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A Mental Release that Tears Space-Time

Julyna looked at raybia, "miss raybia did you stop the ship?" raybia was looking over the console. "it's not me, the ship itself came to a stop." a warning klaxon started sounding as red lights started flashing everywhere on the ship.

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The Wayward Mate

raybia pushed on past the capital ship, as zalina sent her the information on altair's location. raybia then did the unthinkable and entered the planets atmosphere at full speed.

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Knowing the Path…

Once they had everything they needed, they headed to the shuttle bay to meet up with raybia and tygera. upon entering the shuttle bay, rubicant saw raybia, tygera, iris, julyna, and samantha standing there waiting for them.

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"he took it upon himself to save raybia, and without formal training, encapsulated her consciousness for a total of thirty-two hours, while samantha and iris repaired raybia's body."

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Awakening on the wrong side of the bed

Everyone that wanted to see him was there, including raybia with her family, ohm, and tarina, with danora and their six younglings. everyone had arrived a few days prior, while the grandmaster was busy preparing a special room.

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