Mending the Broken
By Xan Steel
Here we see the newest Alliance Command Fleet starship. The ACF Kestrel. It's long rounded wedge shaped hull had a pair of forward wings that angled down and a tall rear dorsal fin-like wing. This is the ship Julyna...
Altair, Julyna, Mental Aspects, Rubicant, Sci-Fi, Telepathic fight, Tygera
Awakening on the wrong side of the bed,
Finding One's True Self: Part 55
By Xan Steel
The last few months turned into weeks, that turned into days, as everyone became increasingly excited as time drew nearer to awaken...
Altair, Ba'naria, Cartina, Celebration, Danora, Daria, Derlenian, Graphra, Irena, Iris, Julyna, Mental Aspects, Mortora, Ohm, Phalynian, Rubicant, Ryconian, Sylurian, Tarina, Tarusk, Telepathic fight, Telepathic wave, Torid, Tygorina