High School Dilemma Chapter 2
The day felt like it had dragged on with no signs of letting up on the constant anxiety from the encounter this morning with the football jocks. After my first period had ended, I managed to get directions back to the attendance office to retrieve that...
A Strange Day Out
But anyway, i'm afraid the cook's not in yet, sir: we only usually do bar food at lunchtime." "that's all right. what do you have?" "nothing fancy, i'm afraid, sir, just a couple of toasted sandwiches - toasties, i calls 'em.
The Penny Showman
She knew she was risking it by being out on a lunchtime but the fair was providing a significant distraction and the number of clients had dropped since it had arrived.
What's Next?
lunchtime, meet with friends, walk to restaurant, signs, billboards, "you could save 40%!!!!", walking, crossing street, nice car, keep walking, more signs, "are we really alone?
Reaching for the Stars - Chapter 02: Lunchtime Accident
The meal in front of him was starting to look unappetising. Tom stabbed the meat with a fork and tried to cut it up. He stared at it as if it offended him; the meat didn't stare back. The meat didn't even cut up. "_Loup,_ 'sup?" Martin asked next to...
Backyard Cookout
It was not even lunchtime yet. he had hours and hours left in underwear before he even had to think about that! with a shrug, he decided to go back inside and watch koda and jaden playing video games.
All the Little Things Chapter 2!
He manages to make it through until lunchtime came around. he got plain milk, some chicken nuggets, some green beans, and a bit of mixed fruits.
Dungeons & Adders CH13
"and i'll give you your bottles later in the morning and around lunchtime.", pinetooth added. "now, piav knows how everything works and i need to get on some filing, so i'll cede the responsibility of training him to you."
1. A Touch of Vandalism
It was all the vixen could do to avoid shaking like a leaf as she went to her first class. \* \* \* by lunchtime, the panic had subsided, and rachel was already plotting her next attempt.
The Book of Warlock 21. Welcome to Warlock Court
lunchtime! well, for us, anyway. come sit on my lap. no accidents this time, ok?" "where's valentino?" anar asked. luci fussed with cutlery, "he's been rattling around up there all morning. you'll have to give him a shout. or send him a text.
Limon & Coal - Flash Fiction Collection
* * * **lunchtime** today has been the first real day at the new university for coal. so far it consisted mostly of running around the place, getting to know everything and everyone.
CH33 Nuru’s Shopping Day Part 2
"almost lunchtime." tulia and her son nodded, their bellies grumbling quietly as they both followed their mistress out the door, pausing a moment to wave goodbye to kitabu'pili as they left.