What's Next?
#2 of Poems
A poem I thought of that describes the ever-growing technological world we live in.
What's next?
Loud ring, pick up the phone, new text, open phone, "Hey, are we going out tonight?", wag tail, reply "Yes.", Smiley face, what's next?
Time for work, check your messages, file these papers, "did you call Mr. Baxter like I told you?", pouty face, back to work, loud ring, social network message, "Liam tagged you in a post 'You gotta see this.' ", ignore message, back to work, Loud ring, social network message, "OMG! Dat shit so ghetto, lmao!!!!!", ignore message, open files, loud ring, social network message, "Stacy tagged you in a post.", loud ring, social network message, "Who says ghetto anymore?!!?!!", loud ring, new text, "Did you look at the video yet?", loud ring, social network message, "Lexibabe tagged you in a post.", Put away phone, back to work, loud ring, ignoring, loud ring, ignoring, loud ring, pick up phone, "50 notifications, silence phone, what's next?
Lunchtime, meet with friends, walk to restaurant, signs, billboards, "You could save 40%!!!!", walking, crossing street, nice car, keep walking, more signs, "Are we really alone? Tonight at 9 on Furry News Central.", arrive at restaurant, long line, Eric tells funny joke, not too funny, laugh anyway, check phone, "115 notifications.", open phone, look through social network, look through text, look through emails, "Welcome to Archie's Burgers, how may I help you?", look at menu, what is healthy?, I don't like salad, that burger is huge, "What will you have Ma'am?", order a small burger and fries, pay money, wait, get food, what's next?
Walk to table, start eating, loud ring, check phone, social network message, "LOL, SO FUNNY!", open phone, watch ad, "It's here, the new Paw phone 10.", skip ad, watch video, laugh, show friends, laugh again, Eric has another video, watch ad, "Pizza Palace introduces the new...", skip ad, watch video, laugh again, Lexi complains, "Why didn't you answer my text?", come up with an excuse, it didn't help, look at phone, look at time, late for work, panic, throw away food, rush to work, billboards, honking cars, "Now only 9.99!", "New action packed thriller.", loud ring, ignore, loud ring, ignore, what's next?
Finish work, rest eyes, loud ring, ignore, loud ring, look at phone, 40 notifications, new text, "Hey, we're at the club, where are you?", pack up things, leave work, loud ring, check phone, new Email, "Get rid of stress, come to Patricia's grooming gallery, where we..." Ignore, check through other messages, take cab to club, look for friends, say hi, laugh, lie about work, still tired, still going in, take pictures, order drinks, dance, take more pictures, sit down to rest, loud ring, check phone, 96 notifications, all social network, "Lol, you slut!", "Naughty Kitty.", "Why didn't you invite me?", "I dance way better than you girls.", more notifications, more text, more e-mails, more ads, put away phone, look around, everyone on phones, taking pictures, texting, messaging, recording, laughing, loud ring, loud ring, loud ring, loud ring.
STOP!!!........go home...turn off phone...go to room...sit down...look through window...listen...silence...beautiful silence......