Reaching for the Stars - Chapter 02: Lunchtime Accident
#3 of Reaching for the Stars
The meal in front of him was starting to look unappetising.
Tom stabbed the meat with a fork and tried to cut it up. He stared at it as if it offended him; the meat didn't stare back.
The meat didn't even cut up.
"Loup, 'sup?" Martin asked next to him, his meal already over.
Tom looked up and sighed. "Dunno. It just tastes bland. I miss being able to cook for myself."
"Aw, man, at least gimme some." Martin joked. "But seriously, you look like something's been bothering your mind."
"Me? What? No." Tom gulped his drink. "Well, maybe. I think I haven't been getting enough sleep."
"Really? When's the time you go to bed?"
"22 usually. I wake up at 7 or 8."
"Dude, it's not that you haven't been getting enough sleep, your sleep hasn't been good enough."
"Maybe." Tom let out a sigh and leant on the table, his ears going down. He'd been having nightmares again. He knew it wasn't long before they came back but he didn't think it would be in these days.
Usually when he had nightmares he'd just stay awake throughout the night. Good thing he'd learnt how to survive for several days without sleep. Experience taught him after all.
"Don't get all deflated like that." Martin put his tray to the side. "We're only starting the fifth semester. We have three more to suffer through."
Tom chuckled quietly at the joke.
"Whoa, dude."
The wolf looked at Mart in mild interest, "Whoa what?"
"Max is here."
Tom's ears perked up, and he turned around. Sure enough, Max was walking with his football buddies to the canteen. This time he was wearing a full jacket without a cap.
"His mane isn't as long as yours." Martin chuckled next to him.
"Fluff, not mane."
"Whatever, I'm calling it mane. Yours too. That lion has a magnificent mane, though."
The football team went to the kiosks, and not long after, they went away. Only Max and the lion remained, both equally big, but Max was a bit taller.
Max laughed at some jokes his buddy said and punched him softly.
Tom turned his head, afraid of being caught. That interaction was certainly interesting, but that small laugh Max let out was definitely more interesting. He finally cut his meat and ate it.
"Loup, how tall do you think he is?"
"Who, him?"
"Yep." Martin took a slice of his meat, to which the wolf just let him.
Tom took a gulp of his drink. "Maybe around 190."
"Whoa. He's as tall as you."
Tom chuckled. "I'm flattered, but I'm only 175."
"Including the ears."
"How long do you think my ears are?" Tom kicked him under the table, making the fox laugh. "I'm 175, excluding my ears."
"Whoa, you're so tall!"
"Mart, we're nearly the same height."
"Including the ears."
"Whatever." The wolf took a final bite out of his meat. He pushed his tray towards the fox. "Here, finish it."
"Dude, seriously? It's like... you only ate a quarter of it."
"Lost my appetite." The wolf huffed. "Seriously, I understand why we're not allowed to cook in the dorms, but this?" He pointed at the meal. "This is an abomination, an insult to the world of cuisine."
"I dunno about that." Martin instead took a slice and munched it. "But if it's food then it's food."
"Mate, don't talk with your mouth full." Tom finished his drink. "Besides, it just tastes like cut meat, then burned. They even seem to only give it a pinch of salt."
Martin just took a slice and munched it again, then shrugged. "At least they put some salt."
"Whatever. Next time, we'll buy something else, or go to the east canteen." Tom sighed and pulled out his phone, replying a text. "Anyway, I didn't think that we were going to have all the classes with him."
Putting the tray next on top of his empty one, Martin replied. "Qui?"
Tom pocketed his phone back. "Him. Max. I didn't reckon he's enrolled on all of our classes this semester."
"Did someone say Max?"
Tom nearly jumped when he felt a large hand on his back. Max then dumped his tray on the table and sat next to Tom who was frozen on the spot. Turning around, he saw Max was making himself comfortable next to him.
Talk about having lunch.
"Hey, uh, Max," Martin said nervously.
Max laughed. "Chill, dude. I'm not gonna bite."
Involuntarily, Tom's tail wagged. The wolf put his tail on the bench in shame, away from Max's. He didn't want the dog to know that it was wagging happily, thank you.
Next to him, Max took a large bite of his meal. "'Sup?"
"Um, well." Tom shyly replied. He was sure his fur was as red as the tomato sauce on the other's plate. "Didn't think you'd be having lunch... with us."
"Nah, that's cool." Max waved his hand to his buddy who passed by their table. "I gotta be on the class captain's good side if I want him to give me the materials, right?" He chuckled.
Tom chuckled along nervously, his ears going down. Mate, no need.
"Materials? As in, learning materials?"
"Whoa, you actually read them?" Martin joked.
"Dude, I still love my grades, thank you." Max took a gulp from his drink. "Hey, you're that French guy, aren't you?"
"Um, yes?"
"Cool. You speak French?" Max took another bite. Tom was fascinated by how fast he ate. He finished his meal in less than what, 2 minutes? "Wait, that goes without saying." He laughed a little.
Martin's phone suddenly rang, "Sorry."
"No probs."
Tom pulled his phone again to hide his embarrassment. He absent-mindedly checked his emails, not really wanting to start a conversation with Max in fear of flustering. They were sitting close, too close for his taste. He could even feel the warmth emanating from the other's body.
Instead, he focused on listening to Martin's call. He was speaking French to his phone, something about the class or the professor. Tom put his phone and played with his fingers.
"Sorry, I need to go," Martin said. Tom stared wide-eyed at him turning his laptop off and putting it into his bag. When their eyes met, he mouthed in a plea, Please no.
"Désolé," Martin shrugged. "Nique-le pas, d'accord ?"
Tom's eyes went wide, then he laughed nervously. "Cinglé."
The fox laughed, then he went away with a wave of his hand. Tom was deciding whether to go after him or not.
"Whoa, you speak French, too?"
Tom turned his head. Max was looking at him in admiration. He could get a glimpse of his tail moving around behind him.
If he were brave enough and his heart weren't racing right now, he'd call him cute.
"Um, yeah."
"Cool." Max took a gulp of his soda. "What did he say back there?"
The grey wolf's face reddened, his ears drooping down. "Uh, something along the lines of 'I'll be back later'."
"Oh really?" Max chuckled.
"Yeah, er," Tom scratched his nape. "He said that in a... less polite manner."
The dog laughed. "Less polite? Dude, I can handle it."
"Um, yeah, sure you are. Anyway," Tom changed the subject, being uncomfortable with what were they talking about. He'd need to punch Martin for joking around with him like that. No way was he telling Max what the fox said. "So, uh," he tried to look for topics. "you're enrolled on all of our classes this semester?"
Stupid! Stupid brain! What a stupid question.
The shepherd didn't seem to mind, though. "Yep." He replied, munching his second meal.
"Sorry for being presumptive, but you're a batch older than me, kan?"
"Yep." He took another gulp from his drink. "I'm from 2015."
"Why are you enrolled, then?"
"I'm one year late than my classmates. You know, last year I went to the national championship and football exchange so I couldn't attend classes. I wanted to enrol to the same classes as my batch, but this semester's lessons are the basics so I can't skip them." The large dog shrugged. "I guess I'm stuck with your batch from this semester."
Tom's eyes went wide. Not only was he enrolled for this semester with him, but for the rest of his college life? He couldn't imagine being in a class with him without stealing a glance or two, let alone for the rest of college. He turned his head, trying to be nonchalant.
Although, from his observation, Max wasn't the type to hang around in the class after the session was over. For the last two weeks, the dog had never been late to come to classes, but he was quick to go afterwards. They did exchange some waves (and Tom tried his hardest not to blush; the football star waving at a puny no-one like him? That bound to raise some questions), but he didn't consider the dog to be a talkative type in the class. He paid attention to the professor, but that was it. Maybe because he didn't know anyone in the class, and Tom was the only one he knew, albeit only as an acquaintance.
He seemed to struggle a bit in French.
A lightbulb turned on inside his head, but before he could think about it, he threw it away. He did not want to take advantage of his acquaintance.
No matter how hot he was.
"Uh, Tom, you okay?" Max asked, a little bit too close to him. His voice was smooth, quite deep, and definitely made him tremble a bit. Tom caught a glance of him taking a gulp of his drink, his bicep full on display behind that jacket sleeve.
Yeah, no matter how hot he was.
"Yeah, just," Tom shook his head, his imagination dissipating. "Nothing. So, uh, you're the football captain?"
Max finished his meal. "I was, but I'm not. Eh, wait." He chuckled. "Each batch has a captain for their teams, but the main team's captain changes each year. I'm the captain for the 2015 team, but I was the captain for the main team when I was in the third and fourth semester, during the Nat-Champ. You know, the national championship."
"Oh, right." Could you move a little bit away from me? Please?
"You interested in football, dude?"
"No, not really." The wolf said, but then he panicked a little. "I mean--no! Not like that! It's just, I'm not really int--"
"Dude, calm down." Max laughed a little and patted him on the back. Instead of calming him, the hand froze him. "I know, I know. People have their preferences, I get it."
"Uh, um, oh yeah, er..."
Why was he so nervous? Was it because he liked the newest addition to his classes and he got him all horny? He dared turn his head and looked at him, Max was even more handsome up close. His snout was a brighter brown like near his eyes. His eyes were clear blue, friendly. And his mouth was grinning at him.
Tom, though, refused to blush again. Instead, he retorted, "Stop grinning, mate."
That made Max laugh. Involuntarily, Tom followed suit and allowed himself to chuckle.
"Okay, so I'm officially your 'mate'," The dog said, "I feel honored."
"Well, you are. Congratula--wait," The wolf stared at him, Max stared back with a big goofy grin on his face. "Don't you dare phrase it like that!"
Max laughed even harder than before. Tom was terrified of what Max might interpret from his words. Would he react badly? Would he consider him a weirdo that he'd better keep a distance from?
The dog didn't leave, though. "Nah, I know, I know. That's cool." He gulped the rest of his drink in one go. "Always wondering, though, why you speak in a British accent. I mean, no offense."
"None taken." Tom calmed down a little, at least he didn't think he was a weirdo. He might have to play a little bit safer from now on. Getting closer to him was nice, and he didn't want to ruin whatever small bond they had.
Now that he thought about it, he was trying to get closer to him. Stupid brain.
"I grew up in a British-speaking environment." He shrugged. "You want me to switch?"
"Nah, mate. That's okay." Max chuckled, Tom smiled along to the dog's impersonation of his accent. "I think you sound hotter in British." he continued.
"Thanks," Tom chuckled nervously, his mind going haywire. Did Max just say he's hot? Was the big dog turned on? Was he even gay?
Too far, brain, too far. Okay, take a deep breath, in, out. Don't jump to conclusions.
"I bet you got lots 'o chicks because of your accent. I mean, not the literal chicks. I got many but I'm sure you got more."
Poof, there went his doubts. Max was straight and he had people to prove that. Not that he doubted that before. He preferred him being honest before he grew any hope.
Instead, the wolf shrugged. "Yeah, but too bad that didn't work out."
"You never got any dates?"
This time, the wolf sighed in slight exasperation. "No, not that," He wanted to lie, to tell him that he had some but not so many, but he couldn't. If he were to hope that they could get closer, or 'closer', he had to be honest.
Besides, lying wasn't one of his bright points.
His ears flattened. "Well, yeah. I've been single until now."
"Whoa, dude." Max moved away from him. Tom turned his head, curious why he moved. The dog was staring at him in disbelief, his mouth gaping. "Seriously, you a saint or something?"
"What, no, not that." He chuckled a bit at the other's surprised expression.
"Are you even a virgin?"
"I am not going to answer that question."
Max laughed.
The wolf let out a small laugh, his tail wiggling. They were what, acquaintances for two weeks now? They'd been talking like they were long-time friends. He usually had problems when talking to people for the first few times, but he didn't feel awkward or forced now. Max really had high social skill.
Or maybe it was Tom's horny mind wanting to get closer to his prey.
Nonetheless, Max seemed friendly. He didn't even seem like the jocks in his high school. Tom had always been close to only a few people--so few he could count it with one of his hands--and he rarely made new friends by himself, especially with someone who was so far out of his circle.
"So, 'mate'," the dog started again, but Tom cut him before he could continue.
"Don't phrase it like that!"
Max laughed a little and ignored him. "how did you manage to survive all this time?"
"Having a date isn't an essential requirement to live, you know. It's not even the secondary." He retorted. "I managed just fine."
"But you're, what, 22? 23? The urge to 'mate' must be getting unavoidable right now."
"Max, I swear,"
The dog just shoved his shoulder and grinned.
Tom sighed. "I'm just 22, and while it kind of is, I have other things to focus on right now."
"Like 'mate'-ing."
"Max, I swear I'm going to punch you if I can right now!"
Max just laughed even harder. Seriously, why does he keep laughing? Does he not know that his laugh makes him even more attractive?
Suddenly, Max's phone rang. The dog stopped laughing and opened his phone, then typed something. Tom only watched him, his mind too busy right now.
"Oops, I forgot I got plans." The dog scratched his neck. "Gotta get there before 1 pm." Max stood up, pocketed his phone, and took his tray. "It's been nice hanging out with you, mate." He winked one eye at him.
"Ah, sure, no problem."
"You coming along? Or you want to stay here?"
Immediately, the wolf gathered his stuff and put them into his bag. "Yep, I have stuff to do back at mine." He took his and Martin's tray.
Max looked at him with a small smile. Tom nearly blushed.
They walked to the bins and put their trays on the dirty sections. Tom now noticed just how tall was Max, he didn't even reach his neck. When he turned to look at him, he was only as tall as his shoulders. From here, he felt so small. Compared to Max, he must look like a child. He took a step back before he could bump into him.
"Do we have any periods later today?"
"Periods?" He even had to look up to look at him in his eyes. "Oh, you mean classes. Nope, we only have one on Fridays."
"Okay then," Max run his hand through his head fur. "See you on Monday." He then walked away.
"Yeah, Monday." The wolf replied. He smiled at himself, then turned away. Too bad they were going to different ways.
But that was more than he expected Max to do. Max was surprisingly nice. He thought he was an arrogant jock who looked down on him. Also, how the heck could the dog be this nice to someone he knew only for two weeks was a mystery to him.
He refused to think that there were some ulterior motives and instead thought that the dog was just being himself and he was the class captain, so they were bound to interact more on future classes. And Max was only strengthening their relationship now so that they could sync up better later.
Yep, he was being too positive. Nope, he refused to think more about it. Not when his mood was this good and his mind was too creative thinking about any future 'scenarios' that might happen.
Thank god it was Friday.
Notes: Désolé . Nique-le pas, d'accord ? = Sorry. Don't fuck (with) him, alright? Cinglé. = You crazy.