Ok go. today danny visited coal, coal is high massive wolf with black-white fury, coal is excellent athlete and generous but sometimes his generosity is suffering.
Foot Fetish, Paw, Wolf
The rat left some rude words behind for coal, but the husky didn't care much for his bragging. soon the crowd was gone as well.
when coal came back to the fennec, he had all his books and notes back together.
Canine, Coal, Cute, Dog, Dorm, Fennec, Flash Fiction, Fox, Friendship, Husky, Limon, Love, Male, Romance, Roommates, Samt517, Scenes, Secret Crush, Short, Simplemind, Teasing, University, crush, embarrassment, friends, funny, teaser, vulpes
He struggled to turn over but one of them cuffed coal's chest and gently pinned him. coal struggled to get out of the grip of the cat but the larger tom was much stronger. coal mewled feebly and the tom kept his grip on the kit.
BloodClan, warriors
The main computer flashes quickly, but coal wished it would have gone faster as the clangs outside got louder.
"welcome. please state your name," the computer spoke.
"lieutenant coal."
"greetings lieutenant coal.
Battles, Fox, Sci-Fi, Space, earth
"coal is attempting to intercept."
lady ursa looked at the blind alley the junior knight was running to. "stay." she ordered me as she went to join coal.
Adventure Series, Alligator, Bears, Buck, Cheetah, Computer Program, Donkey, Epic Adventure, Evaluation, Foosa, Humans, Humor, Kidnapping, Lioness, Lizard, Patrol, Penguin, Plot Development, Road rage, Sheep, Story Series, Threat, Very Long, Weasel, caracal, confrontation, mugging, news report, prototype, revelation, swearing
- asked coal.
the hyena confirmed it would. coal climbed to the niche and lifted the hyena up while he scratched some of the fungi with his spear. coal mumbled something about the stench coming from the hyena.
Hyena, Legend, Tribal, War, Wolf
coal ran fully out of the smoke cloud to pursue pikachu, eager to continue the battle. when mark saw coal chasing pikachu, his heart leapt.
"coal, wait! not yet!" mark cried.
Battle, Charizard, Charmeleon, Lapros, Pikachu, Scyther, Snorlax, blaziken, milotic, steelix, venusaur
Shadow will be able to bring coal because he has been trained to not bolt even if he sees a dragon."
i look at the horses and shadow staring at coal, i get the feeling he has never ridden before.
Dragon, Dragon hunter, Fantasy
Cleaning up the coal was fairly simple; i just picked them up and put them in the coal buckets. searching for the buckets however was a pain in the ass. cleaning up the coal dust that the coal left on the wooden floor was a larger pain.
Blood, Death, Demon, God, Incarnation, Night, Rape, goddess, haunting, life, light, murder, sand