
'osiris?' she twittered. there was the flutter of wings, and she felt small feet grip her shoulder as her sparrow landed on it. 'sorry.' osiris chirped. 'i'm here.'

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She asked osiris. charlotte heard the sound of osiris' wings as he fluttered into the other room to look out the window. 'arc,' osiris tweeted back. charlotte nodded to herself and reached down to grab her walking stick.

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The Deliverance Pt. 1

If someone destroys her body, she will have nothing to come back to, and if osiris takes her soul, she will never return." "osiris?!" anpu asked, staring wide eyed.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 75 - Understand The Concept Of Love (Part 1)

He brought the box to osiris, and osiris wanted to have the box. so set told him he could have it if he could fit inside. osiris accepted, and got into the box. "then, set shut and sealed the box, so osiris couldn't get out.

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She hardly ate, despite the constant worried chirping from osiris, and her usual patrons were getting worried.

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Chapter 2

The familiar sound of flapping wings reverberated into the living room behind her, and the sparrow osiris twittered a reply. "arc." _odd_, charlotte thought to herself. arc was late today.

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Warm Sands 4.5 (ger. Vers.)

Das auge des osiris war dort versteckt worden. ruhak folgte uns. er wollte es zerstören. mehr noch, es scheint als sei amris ebenfalls in die sache verwickelt." der könig ließ die arme sinken.

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Warm Sands 4.5 (eng. Vers.)

osiris believed the dragons should be allowed to choose their path, his brother set believed they should be destroyed to prevent them from fighting under apophis once more.

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The Deliverance Pt. 2

She was free from osiris. "let's go to bed." \_\_ "is everything done?" akeela asked, walking up to stand next to anpu in the throne room.

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Warm Sands 5.5 (ger. Vers.)

Zugleich versuchten sie das auge des osiris, von dem ein teil unter dem palast versteckt war, an sich zu bringen und die wiedergeburt des gottes, der den drachen eine zweite chance gab zu verhindern.

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Warm Sands 5.5 (eng. Vers.)

A part of the eye of osiris is in your possession, is it not? then it is your task to complete it." kheru lowered his gaze, for as much as he disliked it, he knew his father was right.

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Namir Fantasy Story Preview

Go hard on them osiris, teach them not to be so relax. we've got creatures of high value here, which means those rebels just might try to counter attack."

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