Regaining Lost Honor: Part 1

He carried a ninjato on his back, he called it, "dokuga kagenodaija (posin fanged shadow serpent)" he was a ninja of sorts. anubeus bowed back a little lower, his natural blond afro bouncing alittle.

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Chapter 5: Training Part 2

"the ninjato, pretty much a shorter and straighter katana. i prefer it over the katana," he claimed. i went outside and swung it around. this was definitely my sword. "okay," i called to them inside, "i'm choosing the ninjato."

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TOKYO ZONE Episode 2 M.A.D Mission

Sakura used her ninjato swords to slice the top off and then break into the ship. "ha, three of them? where's the rest?" tafu insisted. "right behind you." a voice came from behind them.

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The Outlander 3 25

As soon as the words escaped his mouth, several figures dressed in black bounded out from the shadows with ninjato blades drawn. pandemonium broke loose.

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Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 40

Blade star rounded on him and drew her ninjato, moving to intercept indy. their swords clashed as sweet heart was still approaching. "don't move!" love heart shouted as he ran towards the group, swords appearing in his hands.

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Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 42

"just stay where you are and die," blade star drew her ninjato and pulled up her face mask. "raaaaaa!"

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North and South Chapter 5: The Signs

Using what remained of his strength, he ripped his arm free of the shifting sand and drew his ninjato. his eyes were solely on asya as he lined the blade with water energy, then he hurled the sword point first toward her skull.

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Team Valiant Chapter 2: Questions and Answers

When the blaziken looked, he saw another figure, a greninja, garbed with a ninjato on his back, two pouches strapped to his legs, and what looked like a belt around his waist containing many tools and other gadgets standing on top of the boat's cabin and staring

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Team Valiant Mysteries of the East Chapter 7: Perilous Venture

The sword was akin to the ninjato kage wore on his back, only this one had an ocean blue hilt and an aquamarine-coloured blade instead of the traditional silver blade and black hilt he had.

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Chaos Chapter 14: Break (True Epilogue this time)

Last, kage's ninjato crossed blades with tory's twin leaf blades, stopping a cross-slash from reaching his neck as tory attacked.

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Chaos Chapter 4: Lurking

Kage drew his ninjato and pointed it toward the two assassins before him and jora. "this can go one of two ways," he warned in a low tone. "you can surrender quietly, or we can force you to submit.

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