Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 40

Story by Wilson Kitsune on SoFurry

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#40 of Care Bear Magi Life

Love Heart and Sweet Heart return to the Kingdom of Caring, and Flash Heart makes an important decision

Chapter 40: An Empty Kingdom

"MOM! DAD! IS ANYONE HERE!" Sweet Heart's shouts dissipated into the empty clouds surrounding her. Her wings were spread as Love Heart landed behind her and jumped out of the cloud car.

"What's going on? Where is everyone?" Love Heart asked.

"I don't know!" Sweet Heart was dancing from hoof to hoof, "I just keep shouting and no one answers!"

Love Heart put a hand on her shoulder to calm her down, "Hold still for a second." Love Heart closed his eyes then opened them and saw the aether strings in Kingdom of Caring that danced around with an electricity he had never seen before, "Can you feel it? The mana here is agitated."

Sweet Heart took a deep breath and did the same exercise as her brother, "Yeah. I can feel it. That means a lot of magic was used here recently."

Love Heart nodded then turned to glared Flash Heart, "Do you know what happened here?"

Flash Heart shook his head, "When I left home everyone was still there. Soul Heart didn't tell me anything about this."

Love Heart narrowed his eyes then turned away, "Sweet Heart, we need to search for anyone who might still be here."

"What about him?" Sweet Heart turned her head to Flash Heart.

Love Heart turned back to Flash Heart, "The way I see it, you have a decision to make: join us or go back to your family and stay our enemy. I can't hold you captive with no one else to watch you so make your choice when your arms and legs can move again." He turned back to Sweet Heart, "We'll split up and meet back here once we've explore everything."

Sweet Heart pumped her fists, "Right!" then took off and flew towards Care-a-Lot, her wing having healed since the fight. Love Heart turned and dashed towards the forest of feelings, wind blowing around him as he did.

Flash Heart was stunned. He watched the siblings split up and leave him just sitting in the cloud car, still motionless but alone to contemplate his choice.


The Forest of Feelings was silent, even the animals were silent. Love Heart conjured a sword into his right hand and sparked up a field of electricity around his left, his every muscle tensing, expecting something to jump out at him. He wanted to shout out but bit his tongue just in case anyone was watching from the trees.

Love Heart shivered as he traveled deeper into the forest, then he started to notice frost on some of the leaves. He dropped the electricity from his left hand and wiped some off a leaf, which quickly melted on contact with his fur. He searched around and saw a trail of increasingly icy terrain, with spikes of ice farther along the path; he had to take increasingly slow steps as the ground became covered in an icy sheet.

Love Heart stopped in the middle of a field of ice spikes that grew up from the ground and icicles that hung from every tree branch. He took a deep breath and threw caution to the wind, "Hello!? Is anyone there!?"

"Love Heart?" The voice came from amidst the trees. Love Heart turned to see Crafty Heart Coyote emerge from behind a frozen tree.

"Crafty!" Love Heart dropped his sword, the winced as he saw the rash marks through her fur and that her right arm hung at her side, seemingly useless. "What happened?"

Crafty slumped against one of the trees, holding her right arm, "We got attacked, all those Shadow Magi attacked us," she turned to Love Heart, "Sorry I missed the meeting, I slept in."

"With Hidden Heart, no doubt," Love Heart looked over her arm then conjured a sheath of water over his hand, "Hold still and tell me what happened."

"Since when can you can use water or heal?" Crafty was astonished.

Love Heart kept his attention on her arm, "One of the last things I learned, wanted to keep it a secret ace in the hole. Now tell me what happened."

Crafty nodded, "OK. Well, me and Hidden Heart were still in bed when we heard the alarm..."


"Attention everyone. The time barrier is coming down. Everyone please gather at the Caring Meter. Attention everyone. The time barrier is coming down. Everyone please gather at the Caring Meter."

Hidden Heart reached out and hit the snooze behind her instinctively, then reached back around Crafty Heart's chest, squeezing her breasts as she pulled the coyote closer.

Crafty giggled, though she kept her eyes closed, "Just can't get enough of those, can you?"

"Never," Hidden Heart whispered, "I thought I shut the alarm off, sorry."

"Nah, it's fine. Funny alarm though," Crafty mumbled.

They were both about to drift off back to sleep when they suddenly realized what the message was.

"Crap! That's today?!" Crafty rolled over Hidden Heart and onto the floor, but picked herself up as the wolf got out of bed.

"Hurry! No time!" Hidden sounded panicky as they ran into their living room.

Crafty grabbed Hidden's shoulder, "Whoa! Look we're late either way so let's not rush this. If there's an actual emergency we'll hurry, but for now let's just get ready without rushing, OK?"

Hidden was tense at first but she managed to relax at Crafty's touch, "OK." They shared a kiss and headed for the bathroom.

One far too long hot shower later, the two canines emerged and got dressed in their own "Battle oufits": Crafty in a blue bikini top and blue short shorts and Hidden Heart in blue jeans and a purple t-shirt with her heavy spellbook attached to her waist by a short chain to her belt and black running shoes (she was one of the only members of the Care Bear Family who ever bothered to wear footwear of any kind).

"Right, let's go face the day!" Crafty grinned as they headed out the door.

The crowd around the Caring Meter was still dispersing when they arrived. Indy spotted them and narrowed his eyes as he approached, "Slept in? Well it doesn't matter now. Love Heart and Sweet Heart went to see what's at No-Heart's castle and we're on alert for any potential attacks."

Hidden snapped to attention, blushing in embarrassment at being late, "Yes. What are we expecting?"

Crafty rolled her eyes, "The same crap as before, crazy Care Bears that want us dead, only this time we're ready for them," she flexed to show off the new musculature she had gained in the last three years of training.

Indy stared Crafty down, but she didn't flinch, "Not the same as before: now there's a bunch of people who can't fight back as well as we can that we have to protect."

"I know!" Crafty shot back, "And I'll be ready for anything!"

Indy was about to reply then an audible hum sounded from the edge of the clouds. Everyone turned to see a large black sphere rise up over the clouds and land in front of them.

"Magi to the front, everyone else behind us!" Indy shouted. Despite her argument, even Crafty got in line with the rest of the Magi as the sphere landed and opened.

The Shadow Magi stood there, most of them with glowing green orbs infused on their bodies. Soul Heart stepped forwards with an evil grin on her face an declared, "CARE BEARS! I AM SOUL HEART AND THIS REALM IS NOW PART OF MY DOMAIN! SHADOW MAGI, DESTROY THEM!"


"...After that everything went crazy," Crafty held her good hand to her forehead, "We held them off long enough to get everyone into the Hall of Hearts, then Life Heart and Hidden cast this spell that made everyone disappear."

"There, your arm should be better," Love Heart stood up and took a deep breath, trying not to panic, "sounds like they teleported somewhere. So why are you here and what happened?"

Crafty tested her left arm, flexing it and wincing but at least able to move, then stood up, "I broke away from them to give a distraction and a pink bear called Flora started chasing me. We got into a fight in here and I only got her to run when I ice-nuked the forest, sorry about that."

"It's fine," Love Heart turned back the way he came, "We have to get moving."

"So what did you find at No-Heart's castle?" Crafty asked as she jogged up alongside Love Heart.

"A lot of questions, and a prisoner: Flash Heart Bear," Love Heart said, "I'll show you when we get to the car."


Sweet Heart flew high above Care-a-Lot towards the Hall of Hearts, searching for any activity below. "HELLO!" She shouted, only hearing her own voice in response. Eventually she circled over the Hall of Hearts and gasped, the entire roof had collapsed into the main hall, crushing the heart-shaped meeting table into splinters. She dove through the hole in the ceiling and landed amidst the rubble. She breathed a sigh of relief when she didn't find any blood, at least no one had died here.

"Where did everybody go?"

"Somewhere far away."

The voice made Sweet Heart whirl around, combat ready until she saw the speaker fade into view from invisibility: Independent Bear.

"Indy," Sweet Heart instantly relaxed. "What happened?"

Indy looked out the door, as if they were being watched, before he spoke, "The Shadow magi attacked, all of them except for Flash Heart. They all had these glowing green balls stuck to their bodies, except for Soul Heart, Shatter Heart and Blade Star, and they were vicious. It was all we could do to hold them off while everyone else ran in here. We held them off long enough for Life Heart and Hidden Heart to cast a mass teleportation spell that sent everyone away, except for me and Crafty." Indy grit his teeth for a moment, "Even as the spell was almost finished she ran out to draw the Shadow Magi off and I went after her, then everyone teleported away and I was almost overwhelmed. I've been hiding under telekinetic invisibility in here until I saw you. I have no idea where Crafty is. Now," he looked Sweet Heart up and down, "What happened to you and Love Heart?"

Sweet Heart smirked, "We had a fight with Flash Heart at No-Heart's old castle and the whole place was a mess. He told us that the Shadow Magi completely wrecked the place last year and Soul Heart killed No-Heart, after we beat him."

Indy was stunned, "That's... not what I expected to hear. Where is Flash Heart?"

Sweet Heart pointed out the front door, "Still in the cloud car we drove back. Com'on, I'll show you!" Sweet Heart darted out the door before Indy could protest and he took off after her. Sweet Heart didn't fly. She didn't want Indy to lose sight of her.


Flash Heart finally felt the feeling return to his arms and he reached up to swipe his forehead.

"Pathetic." The voice came from Blade Star Bear, who stood nearby next to Shatter Heart Bear. "But at least you're alive and active."

Flash Heart felt his legs finally come back to life and undid his seatbelt, "What are you two doing here?"

Shatter Heart grinned, showing off his sharp teeth, "Invading. Soul Heart decided it was time to take the battle to the Care Bears."

"Unfortunately, they managed to escape through teleportation," Blade Star kept her icy glare on Flash Heart, "Better question: where were you?"

Flash Heart hopped out of the car, "No-Heart's castle, trying to find answers for some mysteries."

"Such as?" Blade Star raised an eyebrow while Shatter Heart toyed with the hilt of one of the scimitars at his sides. Then Blade Star shook her head, "Never mind, you can tell everyone when we get home. I think it's time we left."

Flash Heart quirked an eyebrow and was about to say something when he heard a shout.

"YOU!" Independent Bear charged past Sweet Heart, katana in hand. Blade Star rounded on him and drew her ninjato, moving to intercept Indy. Their swords clashed as Sweet Heart was still approaching.

"DON'T MOVE!" Love Heart shouted as he ran towards the group, swords appearing in his hands. Crafty was right on his heels despite her exhaustion she had her quarterstaff ready as she approached.

Shatter Heart snarled and jumped into position as he drew his two scimitars, catching Love Heart's swords in a cross then blocking a strike from Crafty's staff with the other sword and holding them back.

Time slowed down for Flash Heart. Both Shatter Heart and Blade Star had their backs to him and were locked in what was going to be a dire conflict with the people who were his enemies...enemies who could have easily killed him a short time ago but let him live. And these two, corrupters and antagonists of his family for the last year, who still risked themselves to bring him back to the same family.

A sword of light appeared in each of Flash Heart's hands.

There's an old saying "My country, right or wrong" which many people use to justify their actions through loyalty to their country, friends, family or superior officers whether their actions are moral or not. Many people do not know or forget the entire quote.

"My country, right or wrong; if right to be kept right, if wrong..."


" be set right"

Indy's light swords had pierced through both Shatter Heart and Blade Star's chests, right where their hearts would be.

Everything seemed to freeze in place, until Shatter Heart bared his teeth and shouted, "You bastard traitor!" he spun around, shattering the light sword as he slashed at Flash Heart. Flash teleported a short distance as an ice spear from Crafty pierced through Shatter Heart's chest from behind and a flash of lightning struck him as well. Shatter Heart whirled back and sent out a wave of gravity energy at them that blew Love Heart and Crafty backward. Blade Star seemed un-phased as she and Indy clashed, acidic droplets spraying from her sword and only impacting Indy's psionic shield as she clashed with Indy's katana while Sweet Heart looked for an opening to blast her.

"You're the bastard!" Flash Heart's conjured his kusari-gama and hurled the weighted end at Shatter Heart, which wrapped around his middle and held him fast with his arms pinned at his sides. "For the last year you've been tormenting me and my family! Threatening our lives and making our lives miserable!" He hurled the sickle end of the weapon at Blade Star's back, adding links as it flew until it sliced into her.

Sweet Heart saw her chance and flew up then fired a blast of superheated steam at Blade Star, striking down and around her. Blade Star shouted not in agony but frustration as she jumped away from Indy.

"Then you are lost to us!" Blade Star shouted, "And to your family! Soul Heart will hear of your actions!"

"Not if we kill you here!" Love Heart shouted as he jumped up to strike at the bound up Shatter Heart, only for Blade Star to jump forwards and slice apart the chain holding Shatter Heart in place then pulling something out of her chest symbol.

"Not this time," she crushed the small tablet item in her fingers and she and Shatter Heart vanished in a puff of purple smoke.

"Damnit!" Love Heart shouted and threw down his swords, that evaporated at they hit the clouds, "So close!"

Indy growled then turned to Flash Heart, who just stood still and let the remains of his weapons dissipate.

"Woohoo!" Crafty bounded over to Flash Heart.

"Yay! You're on our side!" Sweet Heart flew down to hug Flash Heart right as Crafty did the same.

Indy managed a smile and walked over to him, "I have to admit, you really surprised me there. I've been wanting to turn things back on those two forever... Flash Heart?"

Flash Heart was crying silently, his eyes shaking as the tears streaked down his face. Crafty and Sweet Heart stood back from him as Love Heart approached the group. "Flash Heart? Are you alright?"

"No..." Flash wiped his eyes with the rough black sleeve of his left arm, "I just abandoned my family and I might never see them again." He looked up and everyone saw the hurt in his face, "I've turned my back on everyone and everything I've ever known!"

"They why did you do it?" Sweet Heart asked.

Flash Heart turned to see Sweet Heart's gentle face, "Because...I don't know them any more. Mom's gone bad, those two freaks have been tormenting us for months and the rest of my family have been changed into nearly feral monsters. If I went back, I'd be surrounded by strangers and enemies and I'd have no way out." He smiled, "At least here, I know you will give me some benefit of the doubt and maybe even help me free them."

"We can't make any promises," Indy's voice was stern at first, then he smiled and put a reassuring hand on Flash Heart's shoulder, "But after what you just did, I think you're more than welcome here."

"Agreed," Love Heart nodded.

"Whoop!" Crafty pumped her fist in the air, "But what about those two? Why didn't they die?"

"I don't know," Flash Heart shook his head, "I thought I stabbed them through their hearts, and my slice and that steam blast of yours," he turned to Sweet Heart, "Should have left some mark on them, but nothing..."

Indy put a thoughtful hand on his chin, "Come to think of it, when I first met Love Heart I inflicted my first real wound on Shatter Heart, cut him deep in the side with my broken old sword, and he didn't even bleed." He turned to Flash Heart, "What do you know about them?"

Flash Heart wiped his eyes again and took in a shuddering breath, "Not much. They just appeared in our home over a year ago and were always at mom...Soul Heart's side. They're powerful and the bullied us constantly, looking for any excuse to try and kill us and I was the only one strong enough to keep them from doing it."

Love Heart's eyes narrowed, "We'll deal with them when the time comes, right now we need to find the others."

Suddenly, Flash Heart broke down completely and fell to his knees, sobbing brokenly. Sweet Heart crouched at his side, patting his shoulder, and everyone else just stood there as he let it all out, crying like an infant.