Saints of the Night

Vigil was nicknamed _dos espadas_, due to the katana and wakizashi. vigil had gone to college to become a spanish teacher, but due to the need of troops who were bilingual in english and spanish, he was recruited.

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spiritual world vs world of the living {THE BEGINNING}

His eyes but his mind seeing a squad of animals weilding katanas and yet these animals wore samurai like armor and quickly surrounded the stranger unsheathing their sheathed katanas and faced the stranger}} "who are you?

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spiritual world vs world of the living {THE BATTLE}

Jimbo shouted only for a gear to finally apper over bamuts left hand and the katana taking the form of a long silver katana again while an iron wing appered on his back while looking down at the captian.

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Finding Humanity Chapter 1

The katana, a sabre class raider, that she had tweaked and customized, making it among the toughest raiders in the galaxy. the katana was her father's final gift before he died, and she took great pride in her.

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spiritual world vs the world of the living {BIG FALL}

"_i am legion....the unknown ruler_" he spoke as he grinned looking at bamut and his arms seeing them armored while legion smiled tossing his chained katana up and snapped his fingers making the chained katana split up into two seperat sheathed katanas with

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Smoke: 'Killer's Cold Fury'

I grab the other katana and aim a swipe at his lying body but he reacts instantly and parries it and gets up, parrying yet another of my attacks.

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Mikari quickly spun around and drew her katana slightly, seeing that it was the red-grey furred wolf from every one of her duels. she sheathed her katana again, and her eyes squinted in annoyance.

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Fur's Random Swordplay 1

The brown wolf grabbed the blade, that of a finely crafted katana, and held it in place. his strength was fading fast, but he had to give xer the chance he needed.

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Fur's Random Swordplay 1

The brown wolf grabbed the blade, that of a finely crafted katana, and held it in place. his strength was fading fast, but he had to give xer the chance he needed.

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Order of Pengu #6

Second, the bad guy didn't use a katana so i'm still sorta right." "so you are implying you are a bad guy?", asked zzyzx with an annoyed expression. "i'm not totally bad. here, i got you a katana so you can properly defend yourself."

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The Outlander 3 28

Jagee lunged at sandokhan drawing his katana like lightning. sandokhan managed to dodge the attack while drawing his own katana. the combatants both exchanged glancing blows then locked blades, jagee tried to push sandokhan back with his brute strength.

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Cat house chapter 4

He shook his head as he paced around the room quietly, his katana still in hand as he did so. carefully he looked to his pockett watch and at the time.

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