The orphaned Riolu chapter 1
riolu said "(i'm going to get going,)" riolu then walks up to a tree and sits down, "hey riolu i have something to show you!" sparks said running up to riolu.
My New Best Friend Chapter 2: The Theater fight
#3 of my new best friend: a riolu fanfiction this is part two of my riolu story! hopefully i can upload part three tomorrow.
My New Best Friend Chapter 4: The Candy Maniac
"riolu!" riolu was a little disappointed.
After the Storm - Part 28 [Blessing and Curse]
The kirlia observed the riolu as he grabbed a torch from the wall and lit it. "here." the riolu said as he handed her the torch. the kirlia was startled a bit, too focused on the riolu's fire to notice him approaching to hand her the torch.
After the Storm - Part 26 [Curious Kids]
The riolu nodded. the charmeleon went on ahead and lead the way while the riolu gestured towards him. "ladies first."
My New Best Friend: The Injured Puppy
riolu nodded as alex covered both of them under the blankets. bam! another thunder struck in front of the house scaring riolu again.
The Love of a Riolu
But now that i'm in this situation, i'm kind of wussing out. " oh....right....why i did...because i....." come on riolu. say it!
Riolu Go!
The new riolu slowly approached the doors of the pokemon gym. the end
My New Best Friend chapter 7: a perfect water pulse and an aroused puppy!
riolu had never seen it that big. the water type released his attack and directed it straight forward towards riolu.
A Boy and His Lucario Part 2
John jumped forward and held the newly hatched riolu close to his face. "wow! a riolu! i've only ever heard stories about riolu before! now i have one!"
NMH_ A loving life
The riolu may have found this all great but the riolu now did know what to do. the trainer was killed off and there was no other lucarios around and the riolu had nothing to do with its life.
After the Storm - Part 24 [The Visitors]
She, on the other hand, focused merely on studying the riolu, analysing him. soon, the riolu's armor faded away and the riolu began panting.