A Date With a Scientist (Anthro Cat TF)

Mary then approached mike and injected the serum into him. mike winced a little with the syringe, but as soon as the syringe's out of mike, the transformation began.

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The Serum

What if there was an injection that transformed you into a werewolf? that would be like a dream come true! well, for david, that is just about to happen. this piece touches on a personal desire of mine: lycanthropy.

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My New Best Friend chapter 7: a perfect water pulse and an aroused puppy!

It was early in the morning when the light penetrated thought the curtains of the hotel room. The room was filled with peace and silence. It seemed like the whole building was deserted, except for the human and Pokemon laying on the queen sized bed....

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Codex Lupine: Prefaec: Vol #1 of Steam and Fur

The serum in which was injected inside them had the capability to remove all goodness in their heart and soul, leaving nothing but rage, anger and madness.

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Facility- Chapter 1

Than a single injection as i had really hoped.

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injection 101 was a failure. subjects to the injection suffered from hallucinations and muscle spasms. the extra fur growth and transformation to wolf-like figures was expected.


Transcendent Pt.4

I walk to him and he injects me with the substance. i feel a surge of energy for through me. i feel... powerful 50% transcendence and increasing...

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The Experiment - Chapter 1

Keiran picked up the injection gun, put the needle into my right arm and injected the contents. "there we go, it's started" keiran said taking the vial tube off the gun and throwing it on the used items tray.

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The Secret Laboratory

The man calms the boy by saying that the doctors hadn´t gave him the final injection, so the boy escapes his room and hurries threw the complex to find the exit, unknown to him or the man: the doctors had given the boy the final injection and strange things

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Two doors left, and he got ready to inject himself because with him dead, the research died too. the final door to the chamber, the moment of truth, and with the sound of a hissing injector albert injected himself with the serum.

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Lore Bonus: Argus' Augmentations

There were a total of seven injection sites, starting with the arms and legs, then the eyes, and lastly, the brain. we drilled a millimeter wide hole into the side of his skull to administer the final injection.

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Bio-Morph FAQ 1

** compatible humans are injected with a modified virus. the virus only contains their dna merged with that of the desired breed and gender.

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