Just a Game? - Chapter 2

I threw an empty pokeball at the wild zigzagoon and it was pulled into the pokeball. the pokeball shook back and forth as the wild zigzagoon struggled inside the pokeball. then the pokeball stopped shaking back and forth and a ding noise could be heard.

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Chapter 5 - History Lesson

He returns the 3 to their pokeballs. he then looks back at jules, who sets two pokeballs into the healing machine. "hey, stick this one in there, too." draco shouts, tossing him rokyl's pokeball.


A New World, A New Journey Chapter 5

Calem grinned and took my pokeball from his belt. "awesome! argon! come out!" he throws the pokeball in the air and i could feel my body changing in this energy again.


Lost Pokemon Episodes: Episode 2

Oak throws out the last pokeball, a bubble gum colored jigglypuff appears. "go, vinzith!" hakuzo throws out his pokeball and thinks over his move.

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The adventures of 5-year-old Fievel in a Pokemon World

"pokeball go!" i threw a pokeball at the pikachu, and it went in. the pokeball bounced about a bit, but it stayed closed for me. "so, you caught that pikachu, that's been chewing on out electric wires. good job, he was a pain."

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Chapter 4 - Unwanted Guests

Jules grabs his pokeball and tries to withdraw her, but his ball is knocked out of his hand by flygon's tail. flygon then tears off jules' pokeball belt and tosses it aside. jules backs away as flygon glares at him.


Half-wolf Pokemon adventure ch 5

He swiped the pokeball from my paw forcefully. "hey! give that-" "no. i will stay out of the pokeball," he threw the ball onto the floor, where a soft click was heard. "so i can do this."

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So, the inside of a pokeball was basically a digital pocket dimension. he wondered if they all had the same environment, if the environments were unique to the pokeball, or if an environment was created based on the pokemon caught.

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Chapter Three: The Battle

You did a good job buddy, rest easy" said steve, putting the pokeball on his belt. "ok jolteon, your up again" he yelled, throwing the pokeball. jolteon appeared on the field, still ready for battle.


Rebirth ch15

All the pokeballs spilled out onto the bed and i marveled at the sheer number of all of them. 'that is a lot of pokeballs.' i looked up and saw suicune had her front paws on the end of the bed and was looking down at all of them.

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Pokemon D/P Journey to Jublife

Heading out the door, i grab my black and blue vest and cap with a pokeball symbol. i never like to put my chimchar in a pokeball, because he was the first pokemon i got and he always loved to play out of his ball.


Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 3

Suddenly, the pokeball was pulled from his hand, making him blink confused for a moment, and alakazam suddenly expelled the fire, revealing ash left behind floating in the air, and the pokemon directed it all into the pokeball, snapping it tightly shut and

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