Half-wolf Pokemon adventure ch 5

Story by Camophlo on SoFurry

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#6 of Half-wolf Pokemon Adventure

The Queen Of Pests: Here Comes Viola!

(Junior's POV)

I awoke from the sun shining through an opening in the window's curtains. It shone directly into my brown wolf eyes. I groaned as I slowly tried to get up, but something heavy was on top of me. I looked up to see Typhlosion sleeping peacefully. He was cuddling me softly with his head resting on my shoulders. He looks so cute. _I thought. _It sucks I have to wake him up. I poked Typhlosion's nose, but he just faintly growled. I kept poking him even if I knew it didn't work. He began to mutter in his sleep after I stopped poking him.

"Junior. I love you. D-Don't ever leave m-me!" He said. He was either dreaming or having a nightmare. I got scared as Typhlosion slowly squirmed in agony. I shook the fire type quickly as he continued to talk in his nightmare.

"Please, d-don't leave. Junior, come back!" He pleaded.

"Typhlosion! Wake up!" I kept shaking him to no effect. Then I had an idea. I leaned toward the pokemon and pressed my lips against his passionately. Typhlosion slowly opened his red eyes as he pressed into the kiss. I closed my eyes as I melted into the affectionate kiss. I felt my tail trying to wag, but couldn't since I was laying down. He pulled away slowly and caressed my cheek with his paw. A smile bright on his face.

"Thanks for that. I was having a terrible nightmare, but I shouldn't worry when I have a mate like you." He nuzzled my neck gingerly causing me to moan. I felt my cheeks beginning to heat up.

"L-Looks like someone fell asleep after round 2. D-Did you enjoy it?" I asked. He smirked evilly then he glanced at my silver sheath.

"Of course! I love to dominate my little Fluffy as he moans my name. I also love to finish inside you." He replied lustfully. Typhlosion gently grabbed my sheath while looking at me straight in my eyes. I attempted to stop him before things went too far again. It's not like I didn't want to be fucked by Typhlosion, but we had a gym to challenge.

"Typhlosion, s-stop. Not n-now. We have th-things to do." He looked at me with a confused look then ignored what I said while he slowly rubbed my sheath. I moaned as he rubbed me faster.

"P-Please. S-Stop, T-Typh-losion! I-I can't!" I pushed him off me forcefully, causing the Volcano pokemon to frown.

"I'm sorry, Typhlosion, but don't you want to challenge the gym?"

"No!..Well yes but-" He cut himself off as he got closer to my sheath. "Can we atleast have some fun first?" He asked sweetly. I shook my head and he emitted a low growl. I slid off the bed then proceeded to put my clothes back on. Typhlosion crossed his arms as he glared angrily at me.

"You owe me." He said. I ignored him as I continued to clothe myself. I put my underwear and pants on first, followed by my shirt and hoodie. I glanced at my marking before I put my gloves on. A shiver went down my spine from the creepy birthmark. I ignored it and I finished dressing myself until I noticed something was missing. My belt. I looked around the room, but I couldn't find it. Fear flooded me as I remembered that the pokeballs were on it.

"Typhlosion? Where did I leave my belt?" I asked hurriedly. I quickly searched the bed, just incase if I left it there when Typhlosion and I mated. He scratched his head as he thought.

"Outside when you got mad. You left it on a table with the pokeballs on it." He stated. I sighed from relief. Thank Arceus I didn't lose it! I thought thankful. I opened the door hurriedly to be greeted by a Pokemon exactly the same size as me, Zoroark. He was smiling as I stepped through the door.

"Hey Junior! How did you sleep?" He asked with a hint of a smirk. I was confused. Confused on how in hell he got out of his pokeball.

"U-Um...How?" He tilted his head not knowing what I was talking about. I motioned toward the pokeballs and Zoroark suddenly understood.

"Oh....it's easy. If we want to get out so badly, we can. I got bored in there, so I came out during the night. When I got tired, I just slept on the couch." The illusion fox said. His smile grew until it was an evil smirk. I blushed a deep red as a thought popped into my head. Did...Did he hear Typhlosion mating me!? I thought worriedly. Does Zoroark know? Zoroark waved his paw in front of my face, snapping me back to reality.



"Is there a gym in this town? I want to battle him or her!" I nodded causing Zoroark to smile. I quickly grabbed my belt from the table and fastened it around my waist. I grabbed the two pokeballs and threw them into the air. Lucario and Blaziken appeared from the red beams of light. Instantly, Blaziken pulled me into a bone-crushing hug. I yelped from the fire type's sudden embrace.

"Thanks for taking me out of that damn ball! I couldn't last another minute in there!" Blaziken exclaimed. My cheeks became crimson from his hug. I didn't know why I was blushing, at the time. At first, I thought it was too hot. _Th-That must be it. I'm just burning up. _I thought. A burning sensation casually grew in my stomach. I heard the door open behind me as Typhlosion walked into the room. He emitted a low, murderous growl when he saw Blaziken hugging me. I pushed the blaze Pokemon away as I looked down from embarrassment. Then, I swiftly opened the door and ran down the hall.

"Junior, wait up!" All four pokemon yelled in unison. I ran through the Pokemon center and right out the door. Since I wasn't paying attention, I ran into someone standing in the pathway. I landed on my back with a loud thud. My hood fell off which revealed my wolfen features. The tall man turned around and lowered his open-gloved hand toward me. I accepted the friendly gesture as he helped me on my feet.

"Sorry about that child. I was just leaving to find somebody. Did you get hurt?" His voice was extremely deep, but his tone was tender. I was speechless as I stared at the large man. His clothes looked withered and drab. The clothing was mostly black and grey except his hat, pants, and scarf. His scarf was a lightish green while his pants were navy blue. He had a white steel knee pad on his left leg. He wore a huge grey backpack strapped on his back. His hat was reddish-orange and it was covering his long white hair. Upon closer examination, I noticed he had an odd shaped brown key with a red gem inside it. His eyes were a light brown, but only his left eye was visible.

I stared up at the man in astonishment. I've never met someone so tall during my journey. Then again, I wasn't the tallest guy either and I've been only to Johto and now Kalos. I saw the man smile as he looked at me. It took me a second to realize that my hood was off, so I quickly tried to put it back on, but the man gently pulled it down before I can finish. He slowly reached for my silver wolfen ears and cautiously scratched them. I blushed a deep red which caused him to chuckle.

"No need to be embarrassed child. Nobody is awake at this hour, so you can calm yourself...or are you blushing cause you like me?" He asked. At that instant, I was pulled back abruptly. The air around me suddenly got hotter.

"Don't you dare talk to my mate like that! I'll burn you to a crisp if you try to flirt with Junior!" Typhlosion growled. His collar was ablaze as he threatened him. The man just chuckled as if he completely understood Typhlosion. He went on one leg and crouched in front of me. He glanced at Typhlosion then back to me.

"So you two are a couple, if I'm correct?" He said nicely. Both Typhlosion and I were shocked that he understood the fire type and that he knew we were mates. The volcano pokemon's fire collar died out.

"H-How can you understand me?" Typhlosion asked with a hint of anger still in him. The man stared at me for a good minute before replying to my love.

"I can communicate with pokemon since my family has that ability. Only we can communicate with pokemon. There may be those 'chosen' few, but it's rare." He glanced at my gloves as if he were in some kind of trance. I set my paw on his arm full of concern. Typhlosion and the man looked surprised at my sudden action. The tall man put his hand on his forehead and sighed.

"Sorry. I was thinking.....so can you talk to your pokemon? Since I believe you two are lovers, I kinda expect it." I tapped my foot on the floor shyly while my ears twitched rapidly from anxiety.

"Y-Yeah..I c-can. R-Right Typhlosion?" Instead of replying, he kissed my cheek which made me blush even more.

"Right you are mate." Typhlosion said lustful. The tall man laughed at the loving sight. He began to slowly get up with a small smile.

"Oh, Young love. It's always enjoyable to see two love birds happily adoring each other! Just splendid!" He stated. I heard footsteps behind me as the other three pokemon appeared. They all looked relieved as they saw me.

"There you are! Junior, don't run off like that!" Blaziken exclaimed. I sighed as the fire type hugged me. My snout was buried into his fur (Feathers? I really don't know which it is). Heat began to radiate from his body causing all my fur to warm up. The blaze pokemon began to stroke my fur as he held me.

"Why did you run off Wolfy? Did something happen?" He whispered. I lifted my snout off his body and I stared at his yellow eyes. His eyes were full of concern and worry for me. I cleared my throat before I spoke.

"I-I...I ran off be-because I didn't want to s-see you guys f-fight. I hate it w-when you all fight, especially now th-that I have sensitive w-wolf ears." I stuttered. Blaziken leaned closer to my ears until he was an inch away.

"Well we won't fight if you're around Wolfy. Atleast, I won't." He replied. He let me out of his embrace then slowly scratched my ears. I blushed upon his soft touch, but I felt a slight tap on my shoulder. When I turned around, I saw it was Typhlosion.

"Um..Hello?! I'm still here!" He stated annoyed. I quickly backed away from Blaziken and began to walk through the town leaving the man alone. The four pokemon quickened their paces to catch up. Typhlosion caught up to me first once I reached a Roselia statue. Water was pouring from its roses into a petal-like fountain. I stared at the monument for awhile...until somebody threw me in. A loud splash was heard as I made contact with the water. My clothing and fur were soaked as they dripped water.

"What the hell! What was THAT for!" I yelled at the pokemon. Lucario and Zoroark tried to hold back their laughs, which ended up with them bursting in laughter. I growled threateningly at the two friends. Lucario glanced at me and smiled (after he stopped laughing).

"You deserved it. You've been acting crazy for awhile...so I threw you in!" I began to shiver from the icy water and the freezing morning air. I felt like I was an ice cube. Typhlosion ran to me and assisted me out of the bitter cold water. The volcano pokemon lifted me into a bridal position then carefully set me down on the concrete. He looked really worried for me.

"How can you throw Junior in the freezing water, you idiot!" He yelled at Lucario, who just backed away. My mate turned toward me and spoke in a soft, caring voice.

"Are you ok, Fluffy? Should I start a fire?"

"Y-Y-Yes. I-I'm f-freezing to d-d-death!" Typhlosion leaned closer to me with his collar set ablaze. I began to instantly warm up, but I was still freezing madly. Blaziken helped by igniting his wrists. He sat next to me while leaning closer.

"T-T-Thanks...Y-You t-t-two. A-At l-least y-y-you two aren't a-assh-holes." I stated. The two fire types smiled kindly at my statement.

After an hour or two, the sun began to rise high into the sky. I stood up abruptly which startled Typhlosion and Blaziken. I continued past the Roselia monument and straight past a coffee shop. Before I can continue ahead, both fire types grabbed my gloved paws.

"Wait a minute! Where do you think your going?" Blaziken asked. I glanced toward a big building that had a large badge symbol on the side. They both shook their heads in disapproval.

"Not yet Junior. You're still freezing, so just...let us warm you up okay?" Typhlosion said. I shook away from their grips as I growled at them threateningly. They were both taken aback from my sudden anger. I saw the two pokemon's startled expressions in their eyes. I sighed slowly.

"I'm s-sorry, but c-can we continue? I just w-want to f-forget what happened...." I stuttered. I hated to admit it, but Typhlosion and Blaziken were right. I could still be prone to hypothermia if I don't warm up soon. The whole time we were talking, I didn't notice I had my arms wrapped around me for warmth. My breath was visible from the cold air and I felt my fangs chattering repeatedly. I glanced at the gym then at my pokemon.

"L-L-Lets go." I commanded.

The five of us continued toward the gym, but I abruptly stopped in front of the main entrance. Typhlosion ran into me due to my sudden halt.

"Why'd you stop?" The volcano pokemon tilted his head slightly upon asking me. I took out a pokeball and all the pokemons' expressions became grim.

"No! Don't put us into those things!" Blaziken yelled. I covered my face with my paw from annoyance. Blaziken never became fond of his pokeball, neither did the others beside Typhlosion. My mate trusted me when it came to our journeys. I rose the pokeball into the air then directed it at Blaziken. He flinched as the tennis ball-shaped technology turned him into a red beam of light. Lucario and Zoroark were absorbed into their pokeballs shortly after. Typhlosion was the last one. He gave me a stern look, but I just shrugged it off. I grabbed his pokeball and pointed it at him. I clicked the white button on the ball which released the red beam. Typhlosion quickly dodged the beam and he ran up to me. He swiped the pokeball from my paw forcefully.

"Hey! Give that-"

"No. I will stay out of the pokeball," He threw the ball onto the floor, where a soft click was heard. "So I can do this." Typhlosion suddenly pulled me closer to his cream colored fur as he leisurely glided his paw into my pants. I gasped as his paw slid its way into my underwear and got a firm grip on my sheath. My fur became crimson as he slowly pumped it up and down with an ominous smile. I held back my moans of pleasure as I briskly pushed Typhlosion's paw off my sheath. He looked upset at my action.

"Junior....why do you always have to end the fun? Don't you want me to pleasure you?" He asked. I bit my bottom lip from anxiety. I didn't know how to respond to the pokemon. I did want to be pleasured, but not in public due to the fact that I didn't know how people will react to a human (well half human) having a Typhlosion as a lover. I was afraid we might be outcasts if anyone, besides that tall guy, found out. I just stood there staring at the sky, thinking of my answer.

"Um...hello?" My ears perked up from the random voice. I turned around to face a woman who was taller than I was. Her hair was a sandy blonde and her eyes were a dark shade of green. She wore a white tank top with dark green cargo pants. Her combat boots were black with green laces. There was a black large lensed camera wrapped around the woman's neck. A smaller green camera was hanging from her waist. She looked at me confused, but she seemed fascinated. She took her black camera, pointed it toward me and Typhlosion, then she took a photo. A loud click was heard from the camera along with a flash of light. It caused me to blink my eyes until the flash effect went away. I tilted my head in question since I didn't understand why she took a picture of us. Typhlosion decided to help me figure it out by nudging me. He pointed at his head as he stared at me. It didn't help since I just stood there, bewildered.

"Your hood Junior. Your ears and fur are exposed." Oh Fuck! I thought troubled. I quickly grabbed my hood and covered my whole head. But, the woman already took a picture. Fear flooded me at the thought of her telling the world to hunt me down. There was only one for sure way of preventing that. I needed to destroy her camera. I stepped closer to the woman and rose my paw slightly in an 'um' motion.

"H-Hello? Can you p-please...not show that to anyone?" I asked shyly. She stared at me with a smirk. She walked up to me and stretched her hand out. I awkwardly shook her hand as she talked.

"Names Viola. I'm the Santalune city gym leader and I specialize in Bug type pokemon. Since you don't want anyone else knowing your wolf secret, how about a battle? If you win, I won't show anyone the photo, but if you lose, I will show all of Santalune. Deal?" I growled softly at Viola. I couldn't back down since my secret, and possibly my life, was at stake. Since she specialized in bug types, I believed she made a mistake of challenging me. Typhlosion's attention was on me as he awaited my response. He slowly nodded his head. I glanced down and grabbed Typhlosion's pokeball. I threw it up and down in a boastful manner.

"Alright. I accept your challenge."

(Viola's POV)

The half wolf suddenly changed his personality. I thought he would've denied the battle since he was shy, but he seemed gutsy. I knew never to judge a book by its cover, so I didn't know if he was a weak trainer or the toughest opponent I will face. But still, I won't be easy to defeat. I have many tricks up my sleeve.

We entered my gym and we went straight to the battle area. It was the regular, old rectangle with two smaller rectangles on each side for the battlers to command their pokemon. In the middle of the battle rectangle was a pokeball drawing. The area was covered in trees, grass, a pool, and a few bug types wandering around aimlessly. Above us, were small green glass lanterns and a see-through glass ceiling. There was a stone wall surrounding the battle zone for spectators to see from a nice, safe distance. I walked over to the gym leader's rectangle and turned toward the half wolf boy. He was standing in the rectangle parallel to mine, pokeball ready.

"Oh shoot! I forgot! I don't even know your name Fluffy." I glanced at the floor whilst shaking my head. The half wolf boy bared his fangs at me. Hatred was in his brown wolfen eyes.

"D-Don't call me th-that!" A slight blush was on his face as he growled. He switched his pokeball with a standby one. He rose the new pokeball into the air slightly. His Typhlosion was staring at him admiringly. My first suspicion was that they were friends since they seemed close. Or, the Typhlosion looks up to the boy. "And it's Junior." He clicked the pokeball and it grew in his hand. He threw the ball into the air then, it opened up and the red light formed a figure. It was a Zoroark. The pokemon glanced at its trainer with a friendly nod.

"Zor Zor!" The illusion fox chirped happily. The wolf boy smiled at his pokemon. "I know you're happy to finally battle. That's why I sent you out first." I rose an eyebrow in question. Either he understood the Zoroark, or I'm completely insane. And if he did understand him, how?

I decided to ignore it and move on. I grabbed a pokeball from my belt and the ball expanded to tennis ball size. A grin clear on my face. I threw the ball into the air, choosing my first Pokemon. Surskit. The blue bug Pokemon skid around the battlefield as if it were water. She was ready to fight.

"This is going to be a 2 on 2 battle. First one to knock out the opponent's pokemon win. No substitutions, or usage of items. A Pokemon is considered 'out' when it cannot battle or if it doesn't want to obey its trainer. You cannot interrupt the battle under no circumstance." I stopped myself to catch my breath. I hate having to make this speech every time someone challenges me to a gym battle. It gets annoying and repetitive. "My name is Viola, but you already knew that. I hereby say that I welcome you to Santalune city, a traditional city. Now, come at me! My lens is always focused on victory-I won't let anything ruin this shot!" And with that, the battle began.

"Zoroark, use Hone Claws!" It immediately listened to Junior as it quickly sharpened its red claws. A sharp shink sound was heard as the Zoroark stopped. It glew a light red for a second meaning it got stronger. "Now, use Scratch!" The illusion fox rushed toward my Surskit with incredible speed. Surskit just stood there, awaiting my command. I waited for the perfect timing before I said anything.

"Use Protect!" I commanded. Surskit was immediately enveloped in a clear green bubble. Zoroark's Scratch clanged against the green bubble and It growled at Surskit.

"Zor! Rei, Rei!" It angrily shouted. The trainer stood there, thinking. His wolfen ears perked up and he smiled.

"Zoroark, Dig." The dark type nodded and instantly dug into the ground. A large hole was left where it had dug. Surskit and I glanced around the battlefield, hoping to see the Zoroark. Suddenly, the ground underneath Surskit began to shake violently. Surskit fell down, causing its Protect to disappear.

"Now Zoroark, attack." Junior said coldly. Zoroark appeared from underneath Surskit and launched her into the sky. Once She was high enough, the Zoroark disappeared then reappeared above Surskit. He slashed at her with Scratch-smashing her back down to the floor. A loud crash was heard as the pond skater pokemon collided with the ground. A shroud of dirt covered Surskit.

"Surskit! Get up!" I yelled. I haven't seen a trainer like him before. Many trainers who challenge me are new to their journey, but Junior...he knows what he's doing. Maybe this half wolf boy....maybe he isn't what I think he is. I thought. I shook my head quickly. Even if he does know what he's doing, I still wouldn't back down.

I grit my teeth angrily. I knew it was time to use my tricks.

"Surskit, jump high and use Ice Beam!" She nodded weakly as she used the trees to extend her jumping height. The pond skater shot a light blue beam of ice at the Zoroark, who just dodged.

The half wolf chuckled boastfully. He crossed his arms with a smirk on his face.

"Looks like Zoroark is too fast! Should he slow down?" Junior taunted. Suddenly, his Typhlosion nudged him and pointed at the floor. The half wolf's eyes widened from surprise. The floor was slowly turning into an ice rink. His Zoroark was having trouble standing because it kept falling on its stomach, whereas Surskit was easily speeding around the frozen battlefield. A big smirk spread across my face. I planned on Zoroark dodging the Ice Beam, so Surskit was able to freeze the battlefield. Surskits are often seen drifting above water. An Ice Beam is just as effective.

"Now who's the slow one, Fluffy?" I asked while mimicking his taunting tone. He growled softly. He set his gloved paw on his forehead and sighed. "I guess I shouldn't belittle a gym leader. Even if you're a beginning gym." Junior's Typhlosion looked at him sadly then he glanced at me.

"Bwaah! Phlosion!" It yelled angrily. He seemed to be defending Junior. Maybe...maybe Typhlosion and Junior are really close friends. It would make the most sense. I have seen many trainers have powerful bonds with their pokemon.

The half wolf boy glared at Typhlosion. It wasn't an angry glare and it didn't help. Junior set a paw on Typhlosion's head, soothing the fire type. It purred as the wolf boy stroked his head.

"Now Typhlosion. Calm down, please?" Junior asked sweetly. Typhlosion stared at him with a small nod. The half wolf glanced at me and nodded, indicating to continue the battle.

"Surskit, use Sticky Web!" She shot out white spider webs that covered all the trees around her. The plan was set. "Bubblebeam!" The small blue bug type skid around the illusion fox as she shot a barrage of bubbles at him. Zoroark flinched as he was assaulted with the clear blue orbs.

"Zoroark, escape using Dig!" The dark type dug into the battlefield again. It survived the bubble attack. "Zor, use Hone Claws while you're down there." A distant shink was heard. Junior clapped his paws, suddenly. Zoroark abruptly appeared in front of Surskit, as if he knew what the clap represented.

"Now Zoroark, Low Kick."

"Use Protect, Surskit!" Too late. She was kicked against a tree with brutal force. She fell down against the tree, unconscious. The Zoroark slowly stepped toward my pokemon. He rose his red claws into the air, ready to attack Surskit. He aimed his claws toward Surskit and stroke.

"Stop Zoroark." It instantly stopped the attack an inch away from Surskit. The dark type looked back at Junior, full of confusion. "She's knocked out already, so STOP." He commanded threateningly. I was taken aback from the boy's response. Normally, trainers keep attacking pokemon until they're sure it's unavailable to battle. This kid really was...special (and not just because he's a half wolf).

I returned Surskit back in the pokeball. I stared at the ball with a small smile. "You did your best." I whispered. I attached the ball to my belt and I got the next pokeball ready. I knew I could at least take down one of Junior's Pokemon. I threw the red and white ball high into the air. A butterfly like pokemon appeared from the pokeball. My best pokemon, Vivillon.

"This is my last pokemon. It's known as Vivillon. It is the final evolution of Scatterbug and she is a Bug/Flying type pokemon. She is my strongest pokemon, so your Zoroark might be in trouble." The half wolf boy smiled. He seemed happy. He closed his brown eyes as he glanced down. Suddenly, he lifted his head as looked at me. A competitive fire appeared in his eyes.

"Alright. Ready Zoroark?"

"Zor!" It exclaimed happily. Junior nodded and he gazed at me. He motioned for me to begin.

"Alright, Vivillon use Gust." The bug type began to powerfully flap its wings, causing a strong wind current. The Zoroark rose its arm up to its eyes, shielding them. He was being pushed back from the intense wind. Vivillon's Gust managed to knock Zoroark off his feet and made him slam against the stonewall. A loud thud was heard as he collided with the blue wall. He staggered to his feet as he rubbed the back of his head. The dark type growled at Vivillon.

"Zoroark, are you okay?" Junior asked, his tone full of concern. The illusion fox nodded toward his trainer. "Okay, now use Hone Claws once more!" Zoroark began to sharpen his claws and he glew a light red. The half wolf smiled warmly.

"Use Low Kick on Vivillon!" Zoroark bounced into the air, ready to deal a heavy blow.

"Counter it by throwing Sleep Powder into the air!" Vivillon threw the lime green spores into the air. It covered the area around her. Zoroark went straight toward the green cloud of powder while attacking. Vivillon was still hit by Zoroark's Low Kick, but he was in the Sleep Powder. The illusion fox grew drowsy as he fell down. He curled into a 'U' position as he slept in the middle of the battlefield.

"Wake up, Zoroark!" Junior said. Nothing happened. His pokemon breathed in too much of the spores. Zoroark snored silently as he slept.

"Now Vivillon, use Solarbeam. Full charge!" I commanded. The bug type pokemon began to glow a faint yellow. Multiple yellow balls of light formed around Vivillon while a larger ball appeared between her antennae. The ball of light grew bigger as time went on.

"Now, Fire!" I shouted. A beam of energy shot out from the large ball, directly at the Zoroark. The dark type opened its eyes slowly as it regained consciousness.

"Zor-" It was interrupted as the Solarbeam hit him. A loud explosion was heard along with a loud puff of smoke that enveloped Zoroark. Once the smoke cleared, Zoroark was laying there, unable to battle.

Junior sighed as he returned Zoroark to his pokeball. He looked at the pokeball and warmly smiled.

"You did your best pal." He said in nothing more than a whisper. Junior attached the ball onto his belt then he glanced at his Typhlosion.

(Typhlosion's POV)

Junior glanced at me with a smile. I understood what he was trying to tell me, since I've known him for about 9, going to be 10, years. He wanted me to battle. This was my chance. My time to battle along side my mate.

I nodded my head as I jumped forward, into the battlefield. A competitive smirk on my face as I went on all fours, growling at the Vivillon. Viola smiled at my presence.

"A fire type? Well, now things just got interesting." She rose her hand toward Vivillon and spoke. "She may be weak to you, Typhlosion, but that doesn't mean we'll lose! Remember, I have my lens focused on victory!" Then, she began her attack.

"Vivillon, use Gust!" The bug type's wings began to glow blue. The strong currents of wind blew in my direction. I felt myself losing balance, but I kept my footing solid. I growled as the bug type stopped blowing wind at me. I wanted to burn her to a crisp so badly. But I needed to follow Junior's orders.

"Typhlosion. Prepare yourself. She's up to something." Junior stated. I looked back at my half wolf mate and nodded. He usually knew what gym leaders thought. He always had a plan.

"Not going to attack? Fine then. Vivillon, use Psychic and throw Typhlosion into Surskit's Sticky Web!" Viola commanded. The Vivillon's eyes glew a light blue and I was outlined the same color. I was trying to move, but the Psychic was too strong. I was soon lifted into the air and thrown into the webs. I struggled against the webs, but I wasn't able to break free. Viola laughed at my futile attempt.

"Really? It was that easy to overpower a fire type? I'm really disappointed. Whatever, time to finish this! Vivillon charge SolarBeam like before!" The bug type pokemon began to glow and charge its attack while I was stuck there, defenseless. While Vivillon charged her Solarbeam, I glanced at Junior. He stood there, studying the situation. Suddenly, his wolfen ears perked up and he smirked.

"Vivillon, Fire!" Viola ordered. She shot the beam of energy at me with extreme speed. I can only watch as the beam traveled toward me.

"Typhlosion, push it back with Flamethrower!" I immediately did as he said as I opened my mouth to unleash a devastating blast of fire. My Flamethrower pushed Vivillon's Solarbeam back toward her. Both attacks collided with the bug type, blasting her to the floor, unconscious.

"Vivillon!" The green haired woman shouted. She ran toward her pokemon and checked her condition before returning her to her pokeball. Instantly, the webs that held me dissolved into nothingness. I fell on the hard floor, but Junior helped me up. He smiled at me.

"Good job Typhlosion. I knew I could rely on you winning." The silver half wolf said kindly. I wanted to hug him, but the gym leader approached us. She stood in front of Junior. A smile on her face.

"Well a promise is a promise. I won't show anyone the photo and your secret is safe with me." She presented Junior with a badge. It resembled a brown beetle with two large green dots. She gave the badge to Junior, who put it in a silver badge case. "You should head to Lumiose city. Clemont is the gym leader of that city and he is a specialist on Electric types." Junior and I nodded as we left the building.

I glanced around to see if anyone was around. Nobody was outside. I took this opportunity to pull Junior close to me. He gasped from surprise, but I quickly shut him up by pressing my lips against his passionately. A blush appeared on my mates cheeks, once he realized what was happening. Junior closed his brown wolf eyes from enjoyment. I kept an arm around him, so we were locked in the kiss. I pulled away once I was satisfied. Junior's blush was a deep shade of red. His wolf ears twitched slightly as Junior smiled. No words were said as we traveled to Lumiose.

*On top of the gym*

"Did he just kiss his Typhlosion?"

"I'm just as surprised as you are....and disgusted."

"I just want to kill him even more now."

"Remember, First the Amulet, then we can kill him."

"Right. We can't let him live for too long. He doesn't belong here....but if he does survive-"

"I don't want to worry about that. Lets go before he gets too far."

Half-wolf Pokemon adventure ch 6

_Lumiose City_ (Junior's POV) "Don't you dare Lucario." I growled threateningly. The aura pokemon rose his spiked paws into the air in a 'I won't do anything' gesture. While going through Route 4, We decided to stop by a large fountain, known as...

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Half-wolf Pokemon adventure ch 4

_**Note: I'm not the best at M/M but I atleast try. I can only (hopefully) get better the more I continue writing. I'm also bad at tags. Hopefully, this isn't that bad, but my hopes aren't high for this chapter. I will gladly accept any advice on how...

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Half-wolf Pokemon adventure ch 3

Secrets & Rivals (Typhlosion's POV) I fucking hate Serena. Ever since she joined us, she wouldn't leave Junior alone for even a second. When we entered Santalune forest, all they have been doing was talk about Kalos and Johto. I ignored what Serena...

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