fievel, upset and distressed, left the room as princess watched the child with sympathy. fievel went into the living room where will was lighting a joint. "can i have one?" the five-year-old asked.
Abuse, Bad Language, Character Development, Disney, Drugs, Evil, Fantasy, Unicorn, Violence
"my name is fievel,, fievel mousekewitz."
"well what are you fievel?"
"i am a mouse."
"where's your electric cheeks?"
"huh? why would i have electric cheeks?"
"eh. so you are just a regular mouse then.
Bird, Female, Fievel, Fievel Mousekewitz, Flame_type, Fox, Geodude, Male, Mama, Mouse, Nurse Joy, Officer Jenny, Onix, Pidgeotto, Pikachu, Pokeball, Pokemon, Pokemon_-_tame, Raichu, Rat, Rock type, Rodent, Watersports_tame, electric mouse, papa, pidgey, pokeballs, pokedex, rattata
It came up to what ket recalled was his favorite scene; when fievel meets wylie burp. just as wylie's hand slammed down in front of the mouse to stay him from walking away with his head down, the video popped and fizzled.
Character Development, Family, Short