The Unicorn Boys Part One
#7 of Stories From the Castle of the Immortals
This story and the characters in it are copyright Black Widow. If you wish to use any of them, I ask that you speak with me FIRST. If you have a weak stomach, are underage, or do not like incest, vore, sex, drugs, violence, etc. I ask that you hit the back button right now. Thank you and enjoy.
Hello, everyone. My name is Tramp Michael Casendyard XVI. I am the King of the Immortals.
If you are reading what I am writing, then I'm assuming you have already read some of the stories my friend the Black Widow has put up. One thing she has failed to do is give you an explanation about the Unicorn Boys, who they are and what they stand for. Not that you can't easily figure it out through your reading. But, it's so much funner to talk about it anyhoo.
Oh, everyone, meet Will Unicorn. He is the eldest of the Unicorns and the leader of the gang.
"Tramp, who are you talking to?"
He's also my best friend. *Whispers* I'm talking to these nice mortals about you and your family.
Because they want to know.
"But why are you telling them? If anyone should tell them, it should be someone who knows a thing or two about the Unicorns."
And who do you suggest? Yourself?
"Pssh. I'm not a fucking idiot. PRINCESS!!!!"
"Yes, Will?"
"Tell these mortals about us."
"Because I'd rather you do it than for Tramp to. At least you'll get the story right."
Will came home in a grumpy mood. Not that Princess was surprised. He was always grumpy. But, today was worse than usual. He went to his chair and plopped into it. Pulling out a joint, he took a long drag and blew it out, desparately trying to calm his nerves.
Princess step out of the kitchen and smiled at her husband. "My dear? Did you have a good day at work?" she asked, trying not to sound too cheery.
"Oh, yeah," the white unicorn stallion said sarcastically. "A wonderful day. Every animal bitching about their lives like mine ain't worth shit. Oh, by the way, I saw my dad today. The bastard never comes to fucking see us. Doesn't give a damn whether we live or die, and now he wants us to take care of his new son."
The ivory unicorn mare's eyes lit up. "A child? When was your mother pregnant?"
"How the fuck should I know? Apparently they were hiding as brown mice and decided to fuck each other's brains out," Will growled, taking another drag from his joint. "And now I'm stuck taking care of their garbage. I ought to just kill the bastard."
"William Unicorn! Don't you dare! You know the laws about killing children!" Princess said.
Will laughed, "Yes, but this is my brother. The laws make exceptions when the child is family. Especially close blood like that."
Princess shook her head. "In France such a thing would not be tolerated."
"We ain't in France," Will said, turning around and growling at his wife. "We are in fucking Australia. The law is different."
"Yes, to appease your bloodthirsty tyrant of a god!" Princess yelled.
Will jumped out of his chair and landed on Princess heavily. He slammed his fist into her jaw. "Watch your mouth!" he snarled. "I will not have blasphemy in this house!"
He roughly pushed himself off of her and walked to the fireplace.
"I still don't think you should kill the poor child. He's just a baby," Princess sighed, trying not to cry and rubbing her bruising jaw. "Besides, he could prove useful to you one day. And, you'll get to be a father, Will. I don't know why the gods are not letting us have children, but this might be the reason. They want you to care for your brother like he was your own child."
Will sighed and shook his head. He looked at his beautiful wife. She had lavendar eyes and a voice like a silver bell. Her ivory body was framed around a thick ivory mane and tail. She had a long, twisted golden horn and golden hooves that tapped like bells when she walked.
For the first time in his life, Will allowed his wife to defeat him in an argument. After all, what Unicorn in his right mind would pass up the chance of being a father? That was the purpose of a Unicorn's life, after all.
"I will not let him call me 'father,' but I will raise him as my own," Will declared.
Princess smiled pleasantly and allowed Will to show her out the house. They got in Will's black mustang convertable and went to the hospital where the baby was waiting.
They walked in and checked at the desk. The nurse showed them to the room where Will's parents were waiting with the child.
One look was all it took with Princess. The mare saw the beautiful baby mouse and her heart melted. Gasping in delight, she walked up to Connie and held her arms out for the baby. Connie gladly gave the baby to the ivory mare.
"So, I see you changed your mind, son?" Willie implored.
Will sighed, "What have you named him?"
"David. David Fievel Unicorn," Connie, Will's mother, told him.
The younger stallion nodded. Princess giggled and played with the baby. "David," the mare whispered.
Will hated the name David. So, he told Princess that she was to call the child Fievel. The mare accepted that happily.
The stallion cleaned out the storage room and built a crib. The storage room used to be a normal room, but since Will and Princess had no children of their own, they had converted it into a storage room. Now Will was converting it back to a room. A baby room.
Five Years Later
Will slammed Princess against the wall. "How dare you lie to me!" he snarled as he grabbed her mane and threw her away from the wall and onto the floor.
"Will! Please!" the mare begged. "How was I to know?"
"You told me that when you went to Africa, you would just visit with your friend Wolfie. How the HELL do you get pregnant?" he growled.
"He cornered me, Will. He raped me. What was I supposed to do?"
"You are the wife of a Unicorn," Will began.
Princess interrupted, "And you still haven't taught me how to fight."
"You're the daughter of a fucking warrior! You're whole family is nothing but warriors. You should already know how to fucking fight!" he growled, throwing a paper weight and hitting Princess in the shoulder with it.
The mare sobbed, "No, Will. I cannot fight someone who fights like you. I was never taught to defend myself against that kind of brutality."
A small mouse entered the house at that moment. He had just finished his first day of school. He put his backpack down and walked into the living room where he saw Will beating Princess. This was common for the mouse to see. And he was curious what she was in trouble for this time.
The small mouse watched while his brother dished out his anger. Then, after Will was done, the stallion did his usual thing, he sat in his chair and took out a joint. Satisfied that he wasn't going to get into trouble, the little mouse walked into the living room. He looked at the mare curled up on the floor, then at the stallion puffing at his joint.
"What happened?" the five-year-old mouse asked.
"Fievel, be ready for another child. Princess is pregnant," Will said.
The mouse smiled ear to ear. "You gonna have a baby, Will?" he asked, excited.
Will threw the ashtray at Fievel, but the child dodged it. "No," Will growled. "The child is not mine."
Fievel's eyes widened and he went to the mare. He snuggled up against her and whispered in her ear, "You shouldn't have done that, Princess."
"It wasn't my fault, dear," Princess told the young child.
Fievel looked at her curiously. "Were you raped?"
Princess nodded.
"That's terrible. I'd like to know who did it so I can kill 'em. No one rapes my Princess and gets away with it," the mouse said bravely.
The ivory mare smiled.
Fievel stood up and took out his daggars. "I'll cut 'em to pieces."
Princess laughed, "First you'll have to get bigger so you can be really fearsome."
Fievel perked up and nodded. "Yep. Everyone will fear me. Don't you worry, Princess. When I get bigger, I'll be the most fearsome thing in all the world. Even more than Will."
Will raised an eyebrow at that statement, but ignored it. After all, children were known for their boisterous statements.
"So, Princess," Fievel continued. "What does the daddy look like?"
Princess looked to Will and then sighed, "He was a lion."
Fievel peered into the crib. "He's so tiny," the mouse said, looking at the newborn baby. "What'cha gonna call him?"
Princess smiled. "His name is Simba Kukabur. His father's last name is Kukabur. Thought it might be easier to trace him later on in life."
Fievel nodded as he continued to look at the small baby. "Can I hold him?" the mouse asked.
Princess took the baby out of the crib and carefully placed him in Fievel's arms. "Be careful. He's little."
The baby immediately started crying and screaming. Fievel was startled and almost dropped the baby. Princess quickly took Simba, who then quieted.
The ivory mare looked at her newborn son curiously. "Hmm..." she said as she went to place the child back into Fievel's arms. The baby started hollering again.
Fievel, upset and distressed, left the room as Princess watched the child with sympathy. Fievel went into the living room where Will was lighting a joint. "Can I have one?" the five-year-old asked.
"In a few years," Will said as he began puffing at his joint. He looked at the child and a small smile (one of the few Will ever gave) crept upon his face. "Fievel, you might want to change your shirt."
The mouse looked at Will curiously, then at his shirt. "Damn it to hell! Princess, your son peed on me!" Fievel hollered as he went to his room to change his shirt...
"So, what do you think for starters?"
You are gonna continue with the story, right, Princess?
"Of course, of course. But, before I continue, we need to go eat. Wolfie fixed a grand supper and I know you two are hungry."
Yes, I think I can use some food. Will?
"Let's go."
Sorry to leave everyone like this. We promise will finish when we return. Until then...
The End.