Dark Growlithe - Chapter 8

vaporeon assured vaporeon-sensei that she had been able to put more mixture in than blood had come out, though looking at himself vaporeon-sensei wasn't sure.

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VTQ: A Gooey Encounter

The large vaporeon looked over his final meal for the night, resting peacefully on his bed.

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Lightning and Water chapter three

vaporeon was the first to have the first kid. an evee landed on the ground as vaporeon licked its head and said, "this one is a girl." vaporeon panted and was waiting for the next one. sumi then said, "vaporeon you might not have anymore."

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{Pokémon/Babyfur} Buizel's First Playdate (2/2)

vaporeon giggles to herself before looking at buizel, who hasn't said a word throughout the entire ride. "oh, is something the matter, buizel? you've been awfully quiet." "n-no, miss vaporeon."

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Dark Growlithe - Chapter 6

"we'll meet here when the sun is at that point," declared vaporeon-sensei to vaporeon and dark growlithe. the two nodded and all three groups filed out of the vaporeon pack's home through the gap in the mountains.

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Dark Growlithe - Chapter 19

Asked vaporeon-sensei. "keep a group of vaporeon here to cover me and the eevee if we need help." vaporeon-sensei nodded. "i'll give aquafang a few minutes before i go.

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New Beginning Chapter 7: Can't Go Anywhere Without Making a Scene

"rai...vaporeon has a little problem with poke'mon centers. raichu found out rai was taking him in for a checkup, he got a raichu defensive." "vaporeon? eon, vapor vaporeon checkup?" vaporeon asked.

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Dark Growlithe - Chapter 5

vaporeon-sensei dismissed the eevee and came up to dark growlithe and aquafang. the two vaporeon nodded their heads to each other in respect. "what can i do for you?" asked vaporeon-sensei. "not for me," replied aquafang.

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Dark Growlithe - Chapter 9

I'll send vaporeon and some food." "thanks." "don't worry. vaporeon-sensei also wants to speak to you. he'll come after he's finished teaching." \*\*\*\*\* after dark growlithe had eaten, vaporeon gave him a full check-up.

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Vaporeon Rush

He knew he should have been worried over breathing, but he was now completely a feral vaporeon after all. breathing underwater was something vaporeons did. luna shifted back to a physical form and swam up to the top of the water.

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Everyday Vaporeon!

"i am a vaporeon"he typed. yes! this was much easier. he didn't fancy writing more than a sentence like this but he could communicate at least. he gave a cheer of "vaporeon!"but the alien sound cut back his elation slightly. "uh dude?

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New Beginning Chapter 9: Little Girl Lost

\* "vaporeon eon, vaporeon vaporeon." \*if you're smart, you'll leave this place now.\* "nido! nidoran ran ran?" \*hey! is that some kind of threat?\* "vaporeon, eon vapor." \*no, it's a warning.\* "nidoran? nidoran?" \*warning?

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