VTQ: A Gooey Encounter

Having a lucario, growlithe, and raichu on his right, and a litleo and sneasel on his left of his body.

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PMD: Ventures of Beyond CH:6

They were followed by aron, joltik, and litleo. litleo went to join her fire type friends. noibat and hoothoot flew overhead before deciding on places to land.

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A Day Off in a Cabin

Setting aside my belongings, i pulled out my pokéballs and let out my companions rick the shroodle, walter the staraptor, jessica the litleo and sharon the raboot. immediately they turned their eyes upon me, clearly expecting some food.

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PMD: Ventures of Beyond CH:7

Charmander picked his fire type team consisting of charmander, houndour, and litleo. hoothoot paired with noibat because of their arial combat tactics work better without someone stuck on the ground.

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Brown fur, soft as a newborn litleo cub. her blue eyes observing the area and her nose taking in the flower scent of the route. it was new to her, having rarely come here unless in spring. the scents change it seems.

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Ember Tails, ch4 (pt.1)

Their silence didn't last very long, though, as a young litleo kid awkward-ran up the aisle in their direction, slowed down just as he was about to pass them, then turned and jogged a few paces back before yelling "mommy mommy!

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She who harbored Jealousy

"after i beat viola i went to route 22 to catch a few more pokémon, but i met up with this one black haired boy who always had his mawile out, i don't remember his name but he was looking for a riolu," april explained, "anyway i had managed to catch a litleo

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