Q&A Panel in one hour and thirty minutes!

[https://discord.gg/ZWemPUWm](https://discord.gg/ZWemPUWm) Come and join us in the Phoenix Library!

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One chapter left in current Team Valiant Arc! (Announcement!)

The completion of pokemon: team valiant! though i'm only in the process of editing the 7th arc, a secondary arc (7.5) and two additional arcs have also been completed.

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Pokemon Team Valiant: Closure

#72 of pokemon team valiant in azure, serena and luke's brother mikhail discuss the recent events. meanwhile, minato lands at his former home of arc island, to face the ghosts of his past...

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Chaos Chapter 2: Two Missions

#57 of pokemon team valiant volcan leads the mission to the enigmatic siphon prison, home to the most dangerous criminals ever captured by guild rescue teams, and stops in bluegrove to enlist the help of team kama.

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Sands of the West Chapter 3: Treasure Hunter

I represent rescue team valiant of port azure." he said as he slowly dug into his scarf and pulled out his team's medal as proof of his claim.

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Sands of the West Chapter 1: Stranded

#36 of pokemon team valiant luke and volcan awaken in a location they cannot recognize, in the middle of a vast, brutal desert, desperate to find out where they are and how they might find their way home...

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Sands of the West Chapter 7: Return

#42 of pokemon team valiant after a long, agonizing voyage across the sea, luke and volcan are back in familiar territory.

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Sands of the West Chapter 6: The Way Home

#41 of pokemon team valiant with their means to get home now found, luke and volcan help lashanne with a deal to sell a piece of treasure, but the delphox suspects foul play is imminent...

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Team Valiant Arc 7.5 Chapter 2: Father

_"my name is luke of rescue team valiant! i need you to focus on the sound of my voice! let it be your guide to help you pinpoint my location!"_ _"i...

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Team Valiant Arc 7.5 Chapter 1: Sons

They walked into the marketplace and began making inquiries, asking if anyone knew where to find the captains of team valiant or phalanx.

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Pokemon Team Valiant: Mentors

With her keen eye for reading people, she could already tell these two were in a league of their own, well beyond her - beyond likely anyone on team valiant _or_team phalanx...

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Chaos Chapter 6: Holgan

#61 of pokemon team valiant teams phalanx and kama pursue sandjaw, who flees to enlist the help of another of the siphon prison's escapees, the mighty slaking, holgan.

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