The Battle for Azure Part 4: Clash

Tristan, panting heavily, looked at minato, one of his eyes half-closed and his entire body battered by the golisopod's water-type attacks. "what the hell... took ya so long?" he asked, his voice weak.

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Dusk's Adventure day 3

Let's meet his golisopod next~ dusk: let's go see him, asha asha: okay. see you guys later~ posi: bye~ \*she waves\* nega: see ya.

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The Battle for Azure Part 3: Warrior Soul

Tristan was still trading blows with the golisopod, the two of them putting the other's armour to the test.

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Dusk's Adventure day 5

\*the next morning\* Dusk: morning Asha: \*yawn\* Morning. Leia: Morning~ Dusk: is this your first time sleeping outside? Asha: I think so. Leia: Yeah. Dusk: Do you think it's a first time for me? Asha: Probably not since you've...

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West Islands Chapter 7: Assault on the Fortress

It was the dead of night, with clouds thick enough to block out the moon and stars blanketing the sky, leaving the ocean an inky black as far as the eye could see, with the only sources of light being the many torches that lined the crenellations upon...

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North and South Chapter 9: The Cleansing

The two marowak were both engaged by the blaziken that had initiated the assault, and despite the fight being two against one, the blaziken was holding his own, and his comrade - the aggron, engaged a golisopod from the crusade's ranks.

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