The Fairy Type Within (A Pokemon/Rainbow Magic Crossover Short Story)

Klefki, dachsbun, tinkaton, azumarill and comfey. rachel and kirsty was leaving from 3 pokèmon regions to rainspell island.

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Dusk's Adventure day 2

She's a comfey. dusk: sure asha: let's go~ \*they walk to a small field of flowers where a fat comfey is making a flower crown\* leia: hm? hello, asha~ who's this~?

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Dusk's Adventure day 5

\*the next morning\* Dusk: morning Asha: \*yawn\* Morning. Leia: Morning~ Dusk: is this your first time sleeping outside? Asha: I think so. Leia: Yeah. Dusk: Do you think it's a first time for me? Asha: Probably not since you've...

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