Dusk's Adventure day 2

Story by fraserod on SoFurry

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#2 of Dusk's Adventure

Dusk and Asha sure is hungry

Asha: *yawn* It's morning already?

Dusk: Do you three have a good sleep, Asha, Lumen, Raiden?

Lumen: Yep~!

Asha: Yeah~

Raiden: Yeah. Did you?

Dusk: I have

Raiden: Good~

Asha: *her stomach growls* I guess it's breakfast time~

Lumen: Anything you guys want for breakfast~? Dusk?

Dusk: I don't mind which, Lumen

Lumen: Okay~ *lots of breakfast food appears* Dig in~! *she and Asha starting hungrily*

Dusk: *starts eating*


*soon all the food is gone*

Asha: Great breakfast~ *BUURRP!!*

Lumen: Thanks~

Dusk: good

Asha: What should we do today?

Dusk: can we go for a walk, Asha?

Asha: Of course we can~

Dusk: Let's go, but what about you dad and Lumen, Asha?

Lumen: I'll hang around here today unless someone needs me~

Raiden: I'll go hang out with my girlfriend~

Asha: Do you want someone else to tag along?

Dusk: I don't know

Asha: It doesn't matter. We can go by ourselves.

Dusk: like yesterday, let's go

Asha: Okay. See you guys later~

Lumen: Bye~

Raiden: Have fun~

*dusk and asha begun to walk*

Asha: So, have you been to a lot of places?

Dusk: yea, why?

Asha: Just wondering since you've been on your own for so long.

Dusk: I am, Can I ask you something, Asha

Asha: Sure.

Dusk: So, asha, do you have any boyfriends?

Asha: Actually I do. Sorry if you were wanting to be my boyfriend.

Dusk:*blushing* I wasn't planning to, but thanks

Asha: Would you like a girlfriend? I know some girls who are single.

Dusk: sorry to disappoint you, but I don't want one

Asha: That's okay~ So, if you don't mind me asking, what do you plan on doing for the future? Do you think you'll go explore and eat at other places in the world, or stick around, or maybe settle down one day and have a family?

Dusk: you did not mind having a huge fat umbreon like me stick around in the future

Asha: I wouldn't mind. You're a friend after all~

Dusk: Thanks, so what's your boyfriend's name?

Asha: His name is X. He's a super huge Glaceon~

Dusk: Super huge?

Asha: Yeah. Like around your size.

Dusk: like 10 foot 2.5 and 2'095 pounds

Asha: Something like that~ I'm not sure about the exact numbers though.

Dusk: what did he do sometimes, Asha?

Asha: What do you mean?

Dusk: I mean what X does, your boyfriend?

Asha: Well, he used to be a trainer, but now he just lives by himself way up north in a house that's located in some extremely cold weather where he doesn't do much besides eat. He is a fun person to hang out and eat with~ But he may give you some snacks that make you a lot fatter really fast~

Dusk: wait, so he's not a Pokémon at the start

Asha: Yep. Just like how dad is a human that can turn into a Pichu, X can turn into a Glaceon, which he prefers to be 99.9 percent of the time~

Dusk: why does he like being a Glaceon so much?

Asha: Part of it is because he can eat and gain weight as much as he want as a Glaceon without it affecting his human body, and the other part is because he likes really cold weather.

Dusk: so he loves being fat as a glaceon, Asha?

Asha: Yes he does~

Dusk: so when X give me some snacks that make me a lot fatter really fast, what about my height, Asha?

Asha: You seem to grow taller as you gain lots of weight so you'd probably get taller too.

Dusk: yeah, so me, you and X are the only eons that goes bipedal?

Asha: As far as I know. There's probably more out there.

Dusk: so, what do we want to do?

Asha: Hm... Is there anything you want to do or anywhere you want to go?

Dusk: still hungry, Asha?

Asha: No, not yet.

Dusk: so X did not go out sometimes?

Asha: Yeah. He's pretty introverted so he prefers being alone most of the time. But he does enjoy friends coming over~

Dusk: introverted?

Asha: He doesn't talk a lot and likes being alone.

Dusk: so do we go see him or not?

Asha: Well, I dunno. It may be better to see him later~

Dusk: okay, later then *paws on belly*

Asha: Want to go meet some more of Raiden's Pokémon?

Dusk: yes, please

Asha: Okay~ Is there anyone you want to meet or does it not matter?

Dusk: I don't mind

Asha: Then let's go meet Yama~


Asha: Right. You said that earlier. I hope you don't get too big.

Asha: *they soon find a very fat Hariyama* Hey, Yama~

Yama: Oh, hello sweetie~ Who's this?

Asha: This is Dusk~ Dusk, this is Yama~

Dusk: Hi

Yama: Hello~ Ain't you a bit cutie~ *she pats his belly*

Dusk: yeah, a big one

Yama: Have you come for some sumo practice?

Asha: Really we can just to visit. Do you want to try sumo wrestling, Dusk? You certainly have the bulk for it.

Dusk: sorry, but I am not interested in sumo practice, just for a visit

Yama: That's fine~ So, tell me about yourself. I see you're an Umbreon and a friend of Asha's~

Dusk: I am indeed an umbreon an Asha's friend.

Yama: What else can you tell me?

Dusk: my parents, and my friends are all dead and I'm the only survivor of my clan left

Yama: Oh my! That's terrible! *she hugs him*

usk: Yeah, thanks Yama

Yama: Is there anything I can do for you?

Dusk: Like what?

Yama: I dunno. Anything that'll make you feel better I guess.

Dusk: it's okay, Yama, i'm fine now

Yama: That's good. Would you two like a snack?

Dusk: yeah

Asha: Sure~

Yama: Okay~ *she gives Asha and Dusk some cookies she has with her* Here you go, sweeties~

Asha: Thanks~ *she eats the cookies*

Dusk: Thanks Yama *he eats the cookies*

Asha: *finishes her cookies* Those were great~!

Dusk: *finishes his cookies* Those were nice

Yama: Thank you, dears~ Is there anything else you two want while you're here?

Asha: No. I think we're good~

Yama: Okay~ Take care~

Asha: So what do you want to do now?

Dusk: I don't know, what about you

Asha: Want to meet more of Dad's Pokémon?

Dusk: yes, but who?

Asha: Hm... Want to meet Leia? She's a Comfey.

Dusk: Sure

Asha: Let's go~ *they walk to a small field of flowers where a fat Comfey is making a flower crown*

Leia: Hm? Hello, Asha~ Who's this~?

Asha: This is Dusk~ Dusk, this is Leia~

Leia: Hi~

Dusk: hi there

Leia: Do you like this flower crown I just made~?

Dusk: Yeah

Leia: Thank you~ Here, I'll give this to you~ *she floats up and places the flower crown on his head*

Asha: Aw~ Don't you look cute~

Leia: Yeah he does~

Dusk: thanks

Leia: You're welcome~ *she rubs his belly* You're really huge and soft~

Dusk: thank you

Leia: You're welcome~ You know I don't see many people fatter and Asha, or even Marsha~

Dusk: thanks

Leia: And once again, you're welcome~

Dusk: I take it that all of raiden's pokemon did not be scared by my height and weight?

Leia: Nope~ Well, his Nidoking might be a little scared of ya~

Dusk: Oh, so he never like fat?

Asha: He's afraid of getting fat. And you're also a lot taller than him~

Dusk: so except for Raiden's nidoking who make Raiden's pokemon fat?

Asha: Only us girl Pokémon have gotten fat~

Leia: And some of us fatty girls were fattened up by Mason's Mew~

Asha: Me, Posi, Star, and to some degree Marsha and Lumen made ourselves fat~

Dusk: do I got were fattened up by Mason's Mew or not?

Asha: No. You made yourself this hugely fat~ *she pats his belly*

Dusk: Thanks Asha *he pats Asha's belly*

Asha: No problem~ Anyway, we should be going, Leia. See you later~

Leia: Bye~

Dusk: bye

Asha: Have any preferences for who we should meet next?

Dusk: what do you think we should meet next?

Asha: Let's meet... *she appears to start losing weight* Wh-What?!

Dusk: *His belly stays the same* it that an illusion?

Asha: *she sighs as she becomes skinny* Zorro!

Zorro: *appears* Hey Asha~

Asha: Take off this illusion before I sit on you!

Zorro: Okay, okay. It's just a joke. *Asha is fat again*

Asha: Thank you. Dusk, this is Zorro. Zorro, Dusk.

Zorro: Hi~

Zorro: Sorry about not asking permission first. Thought I'd surprise ya~

Asha: It's okay~

Zorro: So Dusk, do want to see how you would look if you were skinny? Or maybe fatter?

Dusk: I don't know, I don't like being skinny

Zorro: You won't be skinny. You'll just look and feel skinny. And I can make you look and feel fatter too if you'd like.

Dusk: yes please, Zorro

Zorro: Okay~ *Dusk appears to start getting fatter*


*Dusk becomes so fat that his belly touches the ground and a second later he stops growing*

Dusk: wow, can I walk, Asha?

Asha: I bet you can. You said you can't be immobile and plus you aren't really that fat, you just look it.

Dusk: *takes a step*

Asha: See~? How does it feel to walk with your belly on the ground?

Dusk: nice, What do you think, Zorro?

Zorro: I'm imagining Cariah at that size~ She'd look pretty cute~

Asha: Zorro's dating Cariah if you didn't know.

Dusk: really, what do you think of my belly dragging on the ground when I walk Zorro?

Zorro: It's nice

Dusk: really, nice, what noise did my hind paws make, Zorro?

Zorro: I think they're so fat that they didn't make much of a noise.

Dusk: what do you mean?

Zorro: They didn't make that much noise. Though it could just be because of my illusions.

Dusk: I meant without you illusions, Zorro?

Zorro: Without the illusions, they're kinda loud.

Dusk: Yeah, if normal umbreon's walk they don't right?

Zorro: Right.

Dusk: so I'm not normal

Asha: You're way too big to be normal~ *she pats his illusionary belly and it jiggles*

Dusk: Thanks, Asha, so I'm a abnormal umbreon *paws on his illusionary belly*

Asha: Yep. Most Umbreon aren't really fat, or 10 feet tall, or have blond hair, but it's alright~

Dusk: most Umbreon? so I'm not the only umbreon like this?

Asha: I don't know for sure, but I wouldn't be surprised if there are~

Dusk: If they are, I love to meet them *he pats his illusionary belly and it jiggles*

Asha: Like I said, I don't know, but it may be possible.

Dusk: so the bigger and fatter I become, the louder my pawsteps will be, Asha?

Asha: So it seems.

Dusk: sooner or later I cause cracks on the ground or pawprints, Asha?

Asha: I guess you would.

Dusk: yeah I do in the future

Asha: Say, how about we see you jump with all those illusionary pounds~

Dusk: Okay, before I do how many illusionary pounds added to my real weight?

Zorro: I'd say at least 1500.

Dusk: so how many pounds, Zorro?

Zorro: How about a scale? *a scale appears* Step on this illusion and we'll see how heavy you seem.

Dusk: Okay, I do that, Zorro

Zorro: Okay. And it says you're 3155 pounds.

Dusk: so, Asha, why you want me to jump?

Asha: I want to see all that flab bounce around~

Dusk: alright then *Jumps*

*Dusk makes a loud sound and the ground shake when he lands and Asha and Zorro watch his fat jiggle and wobble*

Dusk: Do you two felt that, Asha, Zorro?

Zorro: Yeah.

Asha: Of course. How could we not~?

Dusk: Thanks, but do the road have my pawprint, Zorro

*he pats his illusionary belly and it jiggles*

Zorro: If you move from that spot, we'll be able to see.

Dusk: Okay Zorro, I do that *moved from his spot*

Zorro: Sure enough, there's some footprints there.

Dusk: Thanks, but are you surprised by me when we first met?

Zorro: A little since you're so much bigger than Asha.

Dusk: Thanks, so that's your first time?

Zorro: First time for what?

Dusk: seeing a umbreon?

Zorro: No. I've seen Umbreon before. None of them were as big as you are.

Dusk: thanks, you know I think we will get along well since we both dark types, Zorro

Zorro: I think so too~

Dusk: thanks but do you want the illusion to go away?

Zorro: They'll go away once I leave anyway, so... *the illusions disappear*

Dusk: so my belly returns to 2'095 pounds of fat, Asha

Asha: Yep~

usk: did Lumen tell your dad about my past, Asha?

Asha: I'm sure she has.

Dusk: I am sure he felt sorry for me when he heard it

Asha: Yeah. He might ask if you want to be one of his Pokémon.

Dusk: Thanks, but I did not like being caught in a ball

Asha: Were you captured before?

Dusk: nope, never

Asha: Okay. Anyway, he'll understand you not wanting to be caught.

Dusk: Thanks

Asha: No problem~ What should we do now?

Dusk: Asha, is your belly still 1'861 pounds of fat?

Asha: Yep~ *she pats her belly and it jiggles*

Dusk: Are you hungry, Asha?

Asha: A little, I guess. You?

Dusk: yeah

Asha: Then let's get something to eat~ Want Lumen to give us some food or do you want to eat at a restaurant?

Dusk: I don't mind either way, Asha?

Asha: I feel like getting food from Lumen~ Lumen~!

Lumen: *appears* Yeah~?

Asha: Food please~

Lumen: Okay~ *lots of food appears*

Asha: Thanks~ *she starts eating*

Dusk *start eating*

*they eat until the food is all gone*

Asha: *burp*

Dusk: That is good *paws on belly*

Asha: Yes it is~ What now?

Dusk: Can we check our weight, Asha?

Asha: Sure thing. Lumen?

Lumen: On it~ *a large scale appears*

Asha: You go first.

Dusk: Okay

Asha: It says you're 2065 pounds now.

*but Lumen saw it wrong and corrected it*

Lumen: Hold on. *she hits the scale and the numbers blink* There we go~ You're 2165~

Dusk: so I'm 2165 pound 10 ft 2.5 umbreon, Lumen?

Lumen: Yep~

Dusk: good *paw on his now 2165 pound belly* Asha's next?

Asha: Yep~ *she steps on the scale* 1901. I just keep growing~

Dusk: 8 feet tall still

Lumen: Yes she is~

Asha: I guess I can't grow much taller~

Dusk: so you stuck at 8 feet, Asha?

Asha: Maybe. But I like being 8ft~

Dusk: so unlike me?

Asha: I guess so.

Dusk so Asha, what are we doing next?

Asha: Take a nap?

Dusk: in where?

Asha: We could head home.

Dusk: How big is your home from the ground to the roof?

Asha: Um, about 17 feet I think.

Dusk: so I'm 6.8 or 6.7.5 shorter?

Asha: Yep.

Dusk: is it morning, evening or night?

Asha: Afternoon.

Dusk: in that buffet yesterday, was there everyone besides us?

Asha: If there was, we pushed them away with our growth~

Dusk: we pushed them away with our growth, why?

Asha: As we got fatter, the growing fat pushed them. And that's only if there were people next to us. I don't think there were.


Asha: Well, we're home now so now we can take a nap.

Dusk: yea

*Asha and Dusk take a nap*

*Dusk rub his belly while napping*

*later, they wake up*

Asha: *yawn* That was a nice nap~

Dusk: I am

Asha: Then let's eat~ *they ask Lumen for food and start eating*

Dusk *start eating*

*soon the food is gone*

Asha: *BURP* What do you want to do now?

Dusk: did we gain weight or not?

Asha: Um, I don't think we look any bigger.

Dusk: Did your dad know we got fatter?

Asha: It's a little obvious when we get fatter~ *she pats her belly*

Dusk: Yeah *he pat his belly*

Asha: So what should we do now?

Dusk: Can I ask something?

Asha: Sure.

Dusk: Is your name mean something?

Asha: Well, my name has "ash" in it which goes with my Fire typing~ That's about it.

Dusk: just wanting to know

Asha: Okay. Want to do anything?

Dusk: what about you?

Asha: I dunno. That's why I was asking you.

Dusk: did you introduce your friends to me?

Asha: I've introduced some of them to you. Want to meet some more?

Dusk: yes

Asha: Okay. Let's go meet Marsha~

Dusk: yes we shall, let's hope she did not ask me for sumo?

Asha: She won't~ Come on~ *they start walking*

Dusk: Okay, let's go see her

*they find a very fat Swampert eating by a lake*

Asha: *ahem*

Marsha: *turns* Oh, hey Asha~ How are you?

Asha: I'm fine~ This is my friend, Dusk~ Dusk, this is Marsha~

Marsha: Hi~ But I thought your boyfriend was a Glaceon.

Asha: *blushing* This isn't my boyfriend! He's just a friend!

Marsha: Oh. Sorry. Um, Dusk was it? Nice to meet you~

Dusk: hi there

Marsha: Wow, you look heavier than me.

Asha: He is~

Marsha: Then you're really fat~!

Dusk: I am

Marsha: I'd ask if you'd like to sumo against me, but I've been informed not to~

Dusk: well I don't like being a sumo, so you are informed right

Marsha: That's okay~ Would you like to swim? The water's great today~

Dusk: yea

Marsha: Come on~ *she jumps into the water*

Dusk: right

Asha: I'll just wait here. *she sits down and puts her feet in the water* Have fun~

Dusk: we will

Marsha: Good thing this lake is deep enough for us to swim easily~

Dusk: Yes, a nice swim

*they continue swimming*

Dusk: *smiles*

Marsha: You sure look like you're having fun~

Dusk: yea, I am

Marsha: Well, let's take a break. *she gets out of the water*

Dusk: yes we will

Marsha: So, are you having fun hanging around Asha and us?

Dusk: yes

Marsha: What do you think you'll do later? Stay around here with us or go travel some more?

Dusk: stay

Marsha: Really? So you're done traveling around?

Dusk: do you mean traveling alone?

Marsha: No. I mean since you've been traveling for so long, are done and just going to live around here now?

Dusk: I am staying with Asha and her friends

Marsha: That's good~ We're real friendly~

Dusk: except for the nidoking for he is afraid

Marsha: *giggles* Yeah, he'd be afraid of you alright~

Dusk: I see

Marsha: So after you're done swimming, what's next?

Dusk: Asha, who do we want to see next?

Asha: Um... Let's go see Star~!

Dusk: right, hope Star will not be scared of me?

Asha: She won't be~ Plus she can easily get bigger than you~

Dusk: how?

Asha: You'll see~ *she winks*

*they find a Cosplay Pikachu stuffing her fat face*

Asha: Hey Star~

Star: Hey Asha~ Whatcha doin'~?

Asha: Introducing Dusk to everyone.

Star: I see. So it's my turn~ Hi Dusk~

Dusk: Hi star

Asha: Want to show Dusk your special trick~? *winks*

Star: Sure do~! *she grows fatter and fatter until she's bigger than Dusk*


Star: Now I'm a lot bigger than both of you~

Dusk: so, how tall are you, Star

Star: At the moment, I have no idea~ *she pats her extremely huge belly with a super hefty arm which sends jiggling ripples though her whole body*

Dusk: so you don't know how tall and fat you are yet?

Star: Nope~ I just know I'm bigger than you and very immobile~

Dusk: so you can't walk

Star: Nope~ I made myself way too fat to walk right now~

Dusk: Oh

Star: I can get even bigger too~ *she grows a bit more*

Dusk: that's good

Star: And I can slim down too~ *she starts losing weight*

Dusk: so you can walk

Star: Once I'm thin enough, yeah~ *she becomes the size she was when Dusk met her* Now I can walk~

Dusk: good for you Star

Star: Yep~ I can eat as much as I want and not worry about my weight~

Dusk: that's nice *patted star's head*

Star: Thanks~

Dusk: thanks, so you don't mind when Asha and me are taller than you?

Star: Nope~ I don't mind at all~

Dusk: okay *patted his big belly*

Asha: Well Star, I think we should be moving on.

Star: Okay~ See you later~

Asha: Bye~

Dusk: so, what's next

Asha: I think it's time to head back home. It's starting to get late.

Dusk: ok, tomorrow then

*they head back home*

Asha: Hey dad~

Raiden: Hey sweetie~ Have fun today~?

Asha: Yep~ Now it's time for dinner~

Raiden: Okay. Lumen, get dinner ready~

Lumen: On it~ *lots of food appears* Eat up~

Asha: *starts eating*

Dusk: *starts eating*

*Lumen starts eating and Raiden eats a little*

*they eat until all the food is gone*

Asha: *BUURRPP!!* *she rubs her belly*

Dusk: Asha, I don't think we got fatter or are we?

Asha: We may have gotten a little fatter~

Dusk: can we check?

Asha: Sure. Lumen? *Lumen makes a scale appear* How much did we weigh last time?

Dusk: Is it 1'901 for you, Asha and 2'165 for me?

Asha: Sounds about right. *she steps on the scale* 1925. I bulked up a little more~

Dusk: so 24 pounds more for you

Asha: Yep. Lets see how much you weigh now.

Dusk: right

*Dusk steps on the scale as Asha gets off*

Asha: 2200. That's more than I gained~ *she pokes Dusk's belly*

Dusk: thanks, are we still the same height, Asha?

Asha: I think so, for now.

Dusk: for now?

Asha: I bet we'll get taller soon enough~

Dusk: Do lumen and your father need to weigh themselves, Asha?

Lumen: Nah~

Raiden: I don't eat that much. I'm still the same size.

Dusk: so still 75 pounds, Lumen?

Lumen: Maybe slightly more, but I won't weigh myself just yet~ *she pats her belly*

Dusk: Tomorrow, because it's late

Raiden: Yeah, it is late. Goodnight everyone.

Asha: Goodnight, dad~ *she hugs Raiden tightly*

Lumen: Goodnight~

Dusk: night Lumen *he is sleeping*

*everyone goes to sleep*

Dusk*continues to sleep*