The Battle of Krebs' Point
The Battle of Krebs' Point * * * (No one is allowed to take credit for this work apart from me. If you want to use it somehow, I would appreciate it if you were to get in touch with me first.) * * * (Not much to say about this piece, except that...
The Cave of Lost Lovers
The Cave of Lost Lovers * * * (No one is allowed to take credit for this work apart from me. If you want to use it somehow, I would appreciate it if you were to get in touch with me first.) * * * (A very brief, dark oneshot I thought up some time...
Zen of Self
Zen of Self * * * (No one is allowed to take credit for this work apart from me. If you want to use it somehow, I would appreciate it if you were to get in touch with me first.) * * * (This brief story should be appropriate for all age and maturity...
A Letter from Alex to Kasia
A Letter from Alex to Kasia * * * (No one is allowed to take credit for this work apart from me. If you want to use it somehow, I would appreciate it if you were to get in touch with me first.) * * * (Read and enjoy. This can be thought of as a...
Guardian IV Omake: Spec Ops Tigers
Guardian IV: Omake Spec Ops Tigers (To read this chapter, you must agree with the disclaimer and copyright posted in the first chapter.) (A sign of the times... an idea that's been bouncing around for years... and now, over a decade...
Smooth Talkin'
Smooth Talkin' \> VPFM Process Completed \> Your schedule has been approved, effective on your requested date. \> Have a nice day. Thank you! The Land Rover was working on its 200,000th mile if the odometer was to be believed. But the...
Death Knell
Death Knell In a little valley between two sets of tall rolling hills, there was a little village untouched by time. The people who lived there still knew each other by name, still looked after others children as if they were their own, still...