Black Flag

#2 of old hopes, new challenges today's a black day. i put out a black flag to show my gratitude to a person who passed on. maybe that's why the sky is also crying. it hurts my heart to hear this. but what even hurts me more is seeing a grown women cry.

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Black Friday

#1 of humor after searching over the internet i found that no one had done the obvious yet for black friday. here are the lyrics for my rebecca black parody, black friday.

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The Flug Fly

"i'm black hat, that's all you really need to know for now, you will know more when you enter. but see this, once you enter, there is no going back!" "b-but, wont' the police search this place too, black hat?" flug asked.

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My New Kingdom

Both of them are black labs, like myself. my aunt is rather skinny, but my uncle definitely isn't. he seems to eat like a king. that must make me a prince now. in a way. "come, to the living room.


I walked down the dim dark fog ridden street as if I were in the streets of London during the 1440's where Jack the Ripper ravaged poor women. I started running and running just not stopping. The faster I ran the more I feared what was behind me,...

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"sergeant black, arkillian seems to believe you are the best person for the contract. i disagree. convince me otherwise." "....." "sergeant...?" "general..." "are you not going to even try and convince me?" "no."

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Sara's date with a wolf.

No a black wolf with red eyes looking back.


A night at "The Beat Club."

1970, ozzy,tony,geezer and bill ward of famous heavy metal band black sabbath walk into "the beat club" in germany for a live show.


Game Over Chapter 3 Black Knight

It wasn't until the light faded away that he saw what it was, black armor and in his left right hand was a massive buster blade. "black knight gancelot." that was his name.

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Black Dogs review

#5 of reviews a review of ursula vernon's black dogs duology, available from sofawolf press.

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Money Cant Buy You Friendship

So This happen around last week i was still in furry fandom for 1 week (now its 2 weeks) i was just on instagram and i notice that someone was going do a live it was NaluTheCatfish, she was live i join it the live was fun we started asking a lot of...

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Black and White - Chapter 7: Don't Forget the Red Carpet.

I swear that my 2-def button was there a moment ago, but now it's a black blotch of rubbed-off paint. it was the evening, but still no afternoon sleep. my phone wasn't set off by the text alert.

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