Student Body Chapter 1 & 2

Toni as it turned out had an eye and passion for designing clothes, all female all styles.

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The Battle of Krebs' Point

But now, they didn't spend their days designing or testing or researching or troubleshooting--these days, they just locked up, closed up, and drank up the moment they got off work.

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Virtually Real MAS program character guide

: none team number: 01 name: call sign: dropkick (kicker) suit type: junker suit color: multi team designation: kicker 1 team number: 01 name: call sign: slider suit type: junker suit color: multi team designation: kicker 2  

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File #3 - "Tension"

The stargazer class had been an attempt by the advanced starship design bureau to capitalize on older designs in an attempt to update them for modern starfleet.

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Judge Zorak - Commision for JeanJackGibson

Zorak, mantis of the apocalypse, is an esteemed fashion designer who run judges outfits. a designer who pleases him becomes famous, those who don't suffer terrible fates.

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Race Day

His idea was to rely on a time-tested design based on formula one racing type vehicles. pent had even designed on a color scheme of black and green similar to a lucas de grassi design he'd seen before on television.

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251 The Solar Barque

It's an openly technological design, something that is now possible in the absence of azatlani restrictive legislation.

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Chapter 15 - Practicalities

He slowly approached the bear and watched him for a while, noticing he was designing what looked like a new vehicle of some sort. "hey sergei, what are you working on?" "is new design.

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Crimes Undone Part One

With the water flow being controlled elsewhere, one could only wash at designated times. food was similarly given at designated times, along with reading material printed on demand using a printer.

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Something Old, Something New

We were startled out of the silence of our thoughts by the machine announcing, "designated contact source found. designated recipient is located at zero point five five zero nine gamma.

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Raptor Poof

"i like the cute designs," she said. she held up one of the diapers and pointed a claw to the cute but not overly infantile design of fern and gingko leaves that decorated the diaper.

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