
She didn't know what it was, but they then pushed her forward, to another group of cattle, and her place in the chute was filled by another cow.

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Oh, cow !

I watched my body in general and i thought to myself: i am transformed into a bull! it was then that something that i never dared imagine happened: i felt a kind of weight that i was pushing the chest down; i looked: breasts!

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Shapely Cow

Shapely cow (04/24/2019) what they do is not grotesque, yet we see the way you sneer, and till our next caprice, harsh reprisals we avow, our techniques are stalinesque, we control you with your fear, your judgements you will cease, and now

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Cash Cow

Like a cow. like a big, dumb, fat cow. "no, no no no moo no!" nancy cried out as she staggered back, taking deep raspy breaths as she tried in vain to maintain her composure in the fact she was turning into a cow. a cow, of all things to turn into!

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Loving Again [Introduction]

A refrigerator hummed in the distance, the mechanical noise piercing the air, it grew louder as the wolf lumbered towards it, he cleared his throat and opened up a pantry door to find a cup. The groggy wolf took the cup in a paw and moved it to the...

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Nirha #002

The tide comes in, splashing against the rocks. At first the sound startles Nirha, but she soon calms down, getting used to it. * * * Nirha kneels down, her knee digging into the moist combination of sand and small shells, and extends a hand to...

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WC day 4 character bios

Some of them are good, some of them are.. not good. some of them are finished, some are works in progress. comes with the territory i suppose. as always, constructive criticism is always welcome \<3 species: cow birthday: april 8th zodiac: aries - the ram



It's not explicit, but the woman has cow horns and the man has shark like characteristics. it's just a quick thing. hope you enjoy it. he peered outside the cave, carefully watching for any signs of life that may be watching from the darkness.

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Her Highness

The cow looked confused. "what do you mean?" "i was under the impression we were dating, but this... this isn't what i want." the bear kept his head lowered, but his voice stayed firm. she frowned at him. "what more could you want?

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Down for the Farm

She could feel her body taking on the proper shape of a dairy cow, the wide body swelling outwards to fill out her frame.

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chapter 3 : the change

After a long day of grazing and searching for new green to eat. The sky was turning and getting darker colors also. I walk down a hill and headed a spot to sleep. I heard loud sounds sound like an animal. But didn't sound like one, I...

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chapter 5

As I munch on the blue thing's, that was found in bushes they were so good unlike that grass. But I always loved grass, now I don't now and I felt diffent, as I ate more but I didn't want any more. After I had stop, I heard a noise like it sounded like...

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