
paranoia is man's greatest fear... along with it comes the fall... the fall of madness. paranoia... mankinds worst nightmare... and downfall... for those with paranoia... they can no longer live normal lives... the fear of being hunted...



Linara was looking around at all the damage this latest raid had caused. She sighed and lowered her head. ''Why didn't they just stop? They could've prevented all of this bloodshed!'' She said as she let a few tears drop down her...

Faith Containment Log: Diamond

That being said because of her ability to create paranoia it is important we catch her on sight even though her threat level is safe.

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Part 3 - Arts, acts and affects of paranoia

**Chapter 3** (In Chris' perspective) The concrete pavement where I was lying was bare and unforgiving, I was curled up in a fetal position with my muscles clenched and for the life of me I couldn't unclench my paws or move myself. As a moment...

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Stalker (pt. 2)

At times like this, when the human adrenals tap in, sometimes the human in question can experience paranoia, hallucinations (caused by the paranoia, of course) and... interesting sensations, to say the least.

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Afraid For All

Nothing more powerful to cause uncontrollable fear, creating paranoia and pandemonium wherever one goes.

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Genesis Part Five, Conquest Of Furegon Part:1

Humans had drones and sensors constantly going, another paranoia attribute. they knew they were being watched and as long as no aggressive action was taken to let them be.

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Tea and Empathy

My paranoia was entirely personal. i stayed in my seat as i watched them file out, trying to reconnect myself with the rest of them, the way it was last night, before i fell apart. i couldn't do it.

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_ paranoia, it was paranoia, nothing else. _but why?_ my mind panicked, then reassured itself, then panicked again. i pushed open the door and called, "snow!" "eben?"

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Poem #9: The Question Why

Truth justice is unfair nature is civilized organized into chaos sanity drives the insane body fueled by mind to befriend an enemy pay the cost for freedom kindness is its own cruelty sight is blind believing in doubt safety in paranoia


A Poem

Darkness and paranoia a nebulous clustering in my head. i try so hard not to let it show. please, just cut me a little so that i might bleed this irrational sense of guilt out of me.

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Pokephilia Story (NSFW) - The Pain of Another Year Ch. 1 (Justin Pt. 3)

Not to mention the paranoia that came from the recent attack on his family still haunted him, the fear paralyzing him and keeping him locked inside his house and away from anything that looked suspicious.

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