Krystal, Blaire and Mitch 8 - The Peace of Hope
The storms had passed and the peace had stirred from it's long rest as the team assembled back at the lair, successful in their goal to rescue all their lost companions. Fox and Falco had celebrate their freedom with a bit of fun while Renamon cooked a...
Krystal, Blaire and Mitch 7 - Jewel's Bloodline
It seems that heart still bled from the pain of losing my father and recovery would be a long, hard process. I guess that my mourning would never stop and my feelings were shared by the majority of the star system. Fang's good deeds were told...
Krystal, Blaire and Mitch 6 - Out of the Frying Pan...
It seems like the training from Fang was finally going to come into play as our ship's thrusters touched down on the parched soil. It had been so sad to see Fang leave the way he did and, yet, it filled my heart with hope and peace. It was truly a...
Krystal, Blaire and Mitch 4 - Teaming Up
The pen screeched across the white board as the gang sat quietly around Ruby. New additions such as Scott, Sally and Chloe waited happily, glad to be in friendly hands once again. Scott was still quite tired; he had spent the whole night with Miranda,...
Krystal, Blaire and Mitch 2 - Chloe's In The Deep Freeze
The nervous chameleon shook nervously as he stood outside the door with flowers in his hand. He took deep breaths to attempt to calm his shot nerves. "Come on Scott," he began, slapping his head in concentration, "You can do this!" His...
KBM - Intro
The cool winter breeze swayed and shook the trees concurrently as the birds returned to the brook. The warming smell of sycamore sap and dewed nightly grass flowed in the mists of the grumbling marshes, displeased by the scene. Merry crickets and...
Vidjeo Games!
Chloe gasped and panted as she sprinted through the undergrowth. The darkness of the night and chilling air scraped at her fur, only making her run faster. The thorny trees and bushes pointed with crooked, twisted branches in mirth at her horror. Her...
Andy 2 - Frontman Andy!
Morning came quietly and the scent of old cheese sandwiches filled the room. Andy opened his eyes and slowly rolled out of bed, hitting the floor with a thud. He realised what had happened last night and quickly scanned the bed. Caramel was gone. ...
Kiss My Arse 7 - The Rescue from the Darkness
The clash of steel and resulting sparks showered in fury across the floor as Fang and Dark retreated back. "You're getting good," stated Fang. "Yeah but I need to get better," I replied. With a large swipe and a downwards cut and shunted...
Cassandra, Naomi and Ruby 5 - The Grand Finale
"Krystal! NO!!!" "Shadow must have a sacrifice of blood and bone." Krystal closed her eyes, knowing death was imminent. She opened her eyes to see the figure recoiling in pain and suddenly dispersing. Fang was stood behind it wiping his sword...
Cassandra, Naomi and Ruby 3 - The Blacksmith and the Metal
"No way!" "Way!" "In the toilet?" "Hell yeah?" "What was it like?" "Apart from amazing?" "Really?" "Fuck yeah." "But she's a girl." "Erm...yeah I know." "Hi girls, what's going on?" "Cassy, Naomi...
Cassandra, Naomi and Ruby 1 - The Twin Sally's
"Oi Sal, looka this." Terra had been delving through the camera files and had found Miss S and Miss B's escape. The video showed the pair breaking out of their collars with the flares Shadow had and running out the room. Before they got to the...