Krystal, Blaire and Mitch 6 - Out of the Frying Pan...
#7 of KBM
It seems like the training from Fang was finally going to come into play as our ship's thrusters touched down on the parched soil. It had been so sad to see Fang leave the way he did and, yet, it filled my heart with hope and peace. It was truly a blessing to see him ascend into the Heavens with a smile on his face and a relaxed stance; a feeling that his wounds could heal and his muscles would never burn from battle again. I still see him everyday. His spirit burns so brightly within his daughter, it would be difficult to not notice. Me and Jewel are the best of friends and I was there for her when the pain kicked in. I could see the familiar spark within her tear-stricken eyes that told me to be strong and never give up the fight. Fang...I miss him dearly. Now, more than ever, I had to be strong for the rest of my team and help them in anyway I could not just for Fang but for myself. To prove to myself that I am not weak. To show my Mom sitting up in Heaven with Fang what I can really do. I reached into my pocket of my armoured trousers, producing a small, crumpled picture of a sleek vixen and my dad standing proudly with his arm round her. The bulge in her belly was obviously me! I never had the chance to meet my mum but dad would tell me stories. Her smile as bright as the sun, her touch as delicate as the sweetest summer flower. I can even see her in my head sometimes when I need someone. Dad tenderly placed his hand on my head, stroking my long hair and flicking back my ear lovingly. "Nervous honey?" he asked. "A little," I replied, still concentrating on the picture. I looked up to see my dad staring focused at the picture with a idle look on his face. It seemed his blood still burned with the bitter thoughts of vengeance and spite that plagued him for so long. I cuddled close to him and nuzzled him softly to cool his heavy-laden mind. Opening his arms to me, he held me close and stroked me into a special realm of peace I could only find in his warmth. "Your mother would have been so proud of you, Miranda," he remarked softly. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "FUCKIN' WORK!!!" cried the foreman with the large whip in his hand. The soil brought no light, no life. The twin stars spun wildly around each other, taking turns to scorch the ground and their backs with heats of unbearable volumes. The pit they were housed in may as well have been Hell itself (or, at least that's what they were digging towards). They give them little in the way of breaks, whipping them for wiping the sweat from their brow. The step walls made escape impossible and the only way for a man to escape that agony would have been to take his own life. Death by a pickaxe strike was neither fast or pleasant. Fox's pick dug deep into the ground as he struggled to pull it back. Releasing his stiff hands from the hilt, he inspected the red raw blisters staring back at him. The planet was so hot that the wood itself was dry as a bone and his hands had been infected with several splinters. Blood dripped from his paws as he gritted his teeth, ignoring the pain. A crackle ravaged the air with the unholy snap hitting his ears harder than any person ever could. A unbearable pain appearing as fast as the sound yet dying out much later. A layer of flesh and fur whipped open to show the tender pink and blood seep from the fresh wound. Fox fell to his knees with tears of utter suffering dripping from his eyes. Not even his rock hard will and strength could carry him through this. The sun began to callously bake at the bare lesion, crisping the skin itself. "You don't stop unless we say you can or your dead," grumbled the large bear with his whip, "And you don't look dead..." Taking the chance to wipe away his tears and sweat, Fox pulled himself from his kneel and readied himself for more work. He looked over in the scorching distance to see the faint figure of a blue bird staring worryingly at him from a far. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Corneria have picked the signal of the implanted tracking devices of Fox and Falco on this planet. We know they're on this side of the planet and that's all we know. The high temperature of the planet's surface is causing radio interference," announced Naomi, pulling on her gauntlets. "The heat is so unbearable out there that Sly's purchased hydration tablets. These will only last 3 hours and after that you'll only survive a day at the most," warned Naomi. I knew Dad could feel my hands tighten as he stroked my head; I sort of like how he still treated me like a little kid. He knew what to say and when to say it but he'd always be as tender and understanding about it as he could. "Don't worry love," he chuckled lightly, "I'll be with you every step of the way." I held my blade close as the back hatch began to squeal open sending a wave of blistering heat over us. It was time to complete my commitment to Fang and prove my worth as a Dragon Ranger. I took the sacred oath and neither blood nor hardship would see me fall back on that oath. Whatever the cost, whatever it took... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The planet itself was covered by deep precipices and cliffs, scars on the surface on an unforgiving planet of hardened rock and fiery heat. With his heart heavier than ever, Fox laid his pick into the storage shed and took off for a near-by tent. Those forced to work on the planet were either slaves, criminals or those of had the ill-fortune to be captured. After a demanding regime of work the labour would be expected to re-hydrate and rest within tents designed to take the immense heat and sharp winds. Several dozen workers would be housed within a tent with only their bed against their name. Fox took the time to throw off his boots and nurse his poorly hands back to life once again. It was difficult to gain any considerable sleep as their was no nocturnal cycle to the planet, the twin stars burning callously throughout the whole day. Falco and Fox had been sectioned off from each other as to enhance their suffering and make sure their minds concentrated on work alone. Rolling onto his side, Fox closed his eyes and prayed for the only person he had felt so strongly about. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was completely unprepared for the full intensity of the heat, holding my hand above my head to shield me from the powerful rays. Every once in a while I had to switch hands as one began to burn. A felt a relief appear over my head and a shadow cast over my body. A large, tanned cotton hat perched happily on my head, keeping the heat away. I looked up to see my dad smiling at me, "Your grandmother made that for you!" I knew he was lying. Probably because Grandma Chloe could never make a hat or the fact that he was just beginning to sweat but I knew he was lying. At least he tries... I looked back at the group to see how everyone was holding up. Naomi's long, grey hair continued to stick to her sweaty face as she soldiered on. Dad was smiling intently, hiding the fact he was as hot as anyone of us. Blaire, however, was much more calm. Not a single droplet of sweat, no sign of weakness rolled down her face. She seemed impenetrable to friend, foe and element. That night when she collapsed at the lair entrance. We all believe she was just attacked. Seeing her in action, we knew that whatever did attack her was far more powerful than anything we could have imagined. Luck was in our favour as we approached a offset. The rock appeared to crumble away into a sort of ditch miles wide. The rock itself was dark and disturbed. On the bed of this pit were small impressions of tents and marks were people had dug and clawed at the already tortured land. It was a good sign that our search was successful. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- An artificial night loamed over the pit; the twin stars had twisted and danced into a part of the sky where the angle had cast a shadow dark and cooling. It was a short but happy sign of relief for the workers and slaves. Fox, however, had other ideas. While the rest of the camp caught a few precious hours of rest, Fox snuck from his tent and into one of the other's. He searched for his lost companion in hope that he would be okay. Fox knew that the two could survive without this place, just on their training. "Maybe our transponder signals will kick in when we're outta here," he thought in desperation. A smile reappeared on his face as he saw a thin bundle of blue feathers sound asleep on a bunk near the door. Sneaking over to him, Fox shook his lover quietly, "Falco? Come on Falco, we gotta go!" "Huh...wha...Fox?" "Come on!" Pulling a sluggish Falco from his bed, Fox fled with him outside the tent. As he broke through the tent, however, he fell to the floor complete anguish. The collar around his neck wheezed into action as the voltage shook his body into a twisted mess of limps and suffering. An overseer appeared over him, flicked the switch on the remote and pulled him onto his knees. Falco was held beck by several others as the main overseer drew his sidearm and placed it against Fox's bleeding skull. Above in the sun we watched the event take place and my hand gripped my hilt even tighter than ever before. "We have to save him!" cried Dad, withdrawing his weapon. "It's a trap..." sighed Blaire. Ignoring her words, Dad opened up a portal and rushed through. A sharp kick to the first overseer sent him to the floor as Dad shot the others holding Falco and the pair dragged Fox to shelter behind a near-by boulder. Pulling himself to his feet and dusting himself off, the overseer threw down his smashed sunglasses and began to reload his revolver. "Well, well, well who do we have here? I have no interest with you, vulpine. I would particularly like to know where your little bat friend is." A whooshing noise filled the air as Blaire swooped in, flipped round and landed on her feet. She removed her daggers in preparations for the approaching conflict in her usual, nonchalant fashion. "Hello again bat girl! Do you remember me?" questioned the overseer. Grabbing his jacket and ripping it open revealed a dark shirt with it's insignia; the exact same insignia found on my capture. Blaire was right, it was a trap. "So you're a mercenary?" she scowled. "Oh yes. I must say I'm quite impressed with you. The only person ever to escape from one of our collars...and so young too!" chuckled the merc, "But now you're here. Although you're not on a contract you have been getting in the way. Also, I think you would make a cute pet. I have a thing for bat girls!" "Get fucked." "Aw don't be like that baby! If you come in quietly I'll promise to treat you right. Don't make this end like last time." "I'm not planning to," frowned Blaire, angrily, "This time you'll die." A man suddenly approached her from the right as she hurled him over her shoulder. Two more approached her front as she tripped the two to the floor. Men at the back began to pull out firearms to hold her back yet, with every shot she would deflect with a simple blade swipe. The men began to cower as their magazines slowly began to empty with not one shot getting through. Creating a thick vial of mist from her hands, Blaire flung her daggers spinning into the mist with them returning to her within moments. The mist faded to show pools of blood and bodies of men shredded by her blades. The merc steeped up to Blaire with a grin on his face as she turned to him. I could see her grip her blades tightly in preparation of the battle. She went for a high slice yet he exhibited a lightening turn of speed, sliding behind her and kicking her legs out. Before her back hit the floor, he grabbed her legs from the air and sent her flying into the hard wall. I rushed behind the boulder with Naomi to find Dad and Falco tending to an unconscious Fox. The fight between Blaire and the merc in the background was about even and she would not want us inferring. More overseers appeared from the tents to see what all the noise was about; we had to keep them away from Blaire. "Falco," instructed Dad, "Take my rifle and give us fire support. Just stay with Fox. Miranda with me, Naomi give us cover." With our orders, we rushed into the flank of the pack and began our assault. Using her dragon's wing's, Naomi conjured a powerful cyclone to trap the men within. Pulling out my sword, I followed my father into a battle as he began to brawl with a man with a whip on his right. One tried to sneak up behind him but I had him covered. Me and Dad stood in the middle of the maelstrom, slashing and hacking at all those who approached. The final group was easily dispatched with a lightening bolt by me. The winds slowly subsided to show the wake of the dead as the prisoners cheered from their tents. "What about Blaire," asked Naomi, anxiously. Two small figures in the distance fought heavily against each other. Blaire continued with her razor sharps slices yet the merc was just to fast, darting round her and back again before she could even blink. The heat was slowly getting to her as the sweat poured from her brow. Her muscles ached with a deep pain as her hands shook in exhaustion. I rushed over the pair and stood at a distance. The power that Fang taught me to use flared within me, making my chest glow with limitless power. I held my hands to the smouldering skies as the white light burst forth from me. My dragon roared heavily and shook the ground. Dark, leaden clouds formed above the pit with my command, releasing rainwater onto the cracked ground below. The water seeped to the ground creating thick mud and a cooling shower to help Blaire. The merc could not move as fast in the deep mud and Blaire had the upper hand. Blood began to drip to the grubby ground and taint the earth. Blaire's tears were crimson in colour, covering her pupils and removing her morality. Her breath was infrequent and deep. She showed no emotion, no care; only a hate and rage centuries old and forged from the fires of hell itself. The merc could do nothing but take the strike after strike, perfect in each one. She was expending the most that she could before killing him. Her intentions had turned completely cold. She grabbed the merc's are and pulled in up and twisted, breaking it with a soaring crack. Her grip was statue-like as he begged on his knees for release. Holding her dagger high, she plunged it into his neck with a spurt of blood confirming the kill. His body fell limp to the ground as his life-poured out in front of his dead eyes. He hit the thick mud and began to sink. I could barely control the storm above in my helpless state. Blaire approached me with her dagger draw and aimed at my chest. Her hand waver as he tears slowed down. Colour returned to her eyes as her free will returned. Snapping back into her original mind set, she hit the mud hard, completely unconscious but still alive. (((Intriguing! We'll have to see how this turns out! Hope you enjoyed it! Miranda, Scott (Streak or Dad in this story) and Sol are under copyright of the hard working ChloeTheFirefox. Naomi and Blaire are under copyright of me, the all-worked-out SPAMZZKRR. Fox and Falco are under copyright of Nintendo (Rare). Please remember to COMMENT!)))