KBM - Intro

Story by SPAMZZKRR on SoFurry

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#1 of KBM

The cool winter breeze swayed and shook the trees concurrently as the birds returned to the brook. The warming smell of sycamore sap and dewed nightly grass flowed in the mists of the grumbling marshes, displeased by the scene. Merry crickets and secret crawlers chirped away to the pulse of the winds as the moon beamed it's stolen rays upon the silvered fields and vast plains of the lands. Harmonious. The crunch of a boot breaks the grass blades underfoot as the figure flung a shadow onto the soggy pathways of the forest. Her demonic blades caught the wind as her sultry skin cooked it lightly. With sweat pouring from her brow, the bat stumbled down the hills only to fall on an exposed root. Numerous scars and bruises cover her arms and she had marks across her face. Soon stopping at the bottom of the hill, the bat used the last reservoirs of strength to conceal a strange glove from her hand. Everything went black.

Times were going well for the whole team. Although split up, the team stayed friends and a deep connection was felt between the members. That bond however, was not as strong as the bond between Sally and ‘her' Krystal. Krystal was washing the dishes as Sally walked in. The other Sally's dream of a beach house had come true and the two spent most of the day listening to the sea and on top of each other. Sally snuck her head around the corner with a impish grin on her face. A creak of the floorboards alerted Krystal as she swung around in her apron and rubber gloves. Sally was nowhere in sight. She returned to her dishwashing until she was attacked. A hand shot under her apron and down her jean's waistline. She recoiled and curled up in defence, almost dropping the plates in her hand. "Leave them to soak," tempted Sally as she playfully nibbled the vixen's ear, "I need an after dinner treat." "Sal...ah Sally I need...oh yeah...to get...the dishes...ah done...ah god!" The wolfess only became more playful; "No ya don't, let's go have sex!" The sound of glass smashing echoed through the house as gunshots boomed through the surround hills.

Meanwhile, far away on the other side of the planet, Mitch and Chloe were going through a few rough patches. After being saved by Streak (her son), Chloe and Mitch had been reunited. The magic was not too last however; Mitch had been having mood swings and flashbacks of time passed. "I asked you not to touch my coat!" cried Mitch, wailing at Chloe from the other side of the room. "If you didn't leave it on the chair," she began in anger, "Then I wouldn't touch it! Hang it up!!" Mitch's fur leached in a darker colour as his eyes widened. His anger was sparking the ashes of his former self back into life. He snatched by his coat and walked off, "I'm leaving before I say something I regret!" Slamming the door behind him, Mitch began his hike to the cliff edge; a place of solitude and serenity where he could calm his shot nerves. The glistening moonlight on the sweeping waves as the sand glows in the twilight. Cawing gulls scan for morsels of food as the sea breeze kisses Mitch's heated fur. Before his blue colour has time to shine through Mitch hears the familiar scream of Chloe in the distance. She was in trouble. Pulling out his trusty sawn-off shotgun (nicknamed ‘Shorty') and blade he rushed back to the house. The windows had been broken and the door kicked in. It seems like a team or squad of sorts had broken into the house. Mitch only found broken glass, knocked ornaments and the signs of a struggle waiting for him. He bent down to find his favourite mug had been shattered in the conflict. Whoever was after Chloe, they were prepared. "Freeze!" cried a voice from the door. A police officer looking down the sight of his pistol held a radio to his mouth, "The tip was right Sir and she has an accomplice." Mitch had no idea what any of this meant and he didn't care much; he just wanted Chloe back. A bright light filled the room as Mitch felt soft hands drag him back from the house. "Run!" they cried as he struggled to follow in his blinded state.

Conscious returned to Krystal as she rolled onto her front on the kitchen floor. She was surrounded by broken dishes as the morning sun peaked above the horizon and illuminated the devastation. Scrap marks on the floor and broken chairs and dishes meant a struggle took place as she slept. An unfamiliar pain twitched in her neck as she felt around to find a dart. Clenching her teeth she grabbed the barb and threw it to the ground, rubbing the wound better by the warmth of her hand. Acknowledgement soon dawned on her. "Sally?" she called out timidly. "...Sally?" again echoed her soft voice through the wrecked house. The door flew open to a squad of policemen brandishing their weapons and barking orders. "GET DOWN!! DOWN ON THE FLOOR!!" bellowed those at the front. Heavy set policemen surrounded her and slammed her to the floor, securing her hands with handcuffs. "Krystal, you are under arrest for kidnapping and attempted murder. You do have the right to remain silent yet anything you do impart maybe used in question that can be relied on later in court." Everything happened so fast as Krystal was thrown into the back of a police van.

Mitch fell to the floor and tried to regain his breath yet could find none. His eyes still screamed with deep pain from the flash as the world spun shakily around him. The bright light soon died down as his surroundings became much more clear. He was in a sort of lab and, from the silence, he assumed he was underground or in the middle of nowhere. The instruments and vials on the table were untidy and dirty as ancient computers struggled to stay awake. A small, cute hand appeared in front of him and helped him to his feet. He was surprised that the fiery red fur belonged to Ruby. "Ruby? What the hell is going on?" questioned Mitch as he checked his surroundings before tending to his dry eyes. Ruby conveyed a great sense of achievement and pride in her eyes as she raised her arms in a revealing fashion, "Welcome Mitch to the Novus Ingenero! We are a group that have dedicated ourselves to the preservation of peace and to stop evil where need be!" She took Mitch by the arm and showed him around the other members like a child presenting a something she had found. "You already know my sisters, Cassandra and Naomi." The pair gave him a smile and polite wave as they continued. "This is Aerial Norvin." The large eagle gave Mitch a warm shake of the hand. "This is Scott-Lee Yoland, a wiz with our weapons." The chameleon was a shade of dark red with black stripes down his tail and wild hair contained above welding goggles. He wore oil stained dungarees with fingerless gloves. He winked with a thumbs up, "You can call me Sly if ya like!" "This is Raven Ortex our mechanic." A small, grey rabbit sat in a chair holding what seemed to be a metallic arm attachment. He gave a faint nod as Ruby finally released him. She pointed to a pair giggling in the corner, "And you know Jewel and Miranda." Miranda rushed up to give him a kiss as Jewel (a cute mink/hedgehog hybrid with white fur and blonde hair; only a blue patch on her tail breaking the paradigm and showing her father) looked on. "So, whadda ya think? Good eh?" she questioned with excitement. Mitch still held his face of bewilderment as Ruby looked over, her troubling thoughts growing with each passing moment of awkward silence. "Is this some kind of joke?" remarked Mitch, "You've created a sort of crime fighting group. What the fuck has gotten into you?" Mitch's temper began to flare as Ruby looked away in disappointment, "All of you are just kids and you want to start fighting evil? You think this is a game, is that it? What me, Chloe and your mothers did wasn't fun. What we did was reckless, dangerous and not a life we wanted for you. You just don't realise the grand scale of things do you? And what about you two?" he cried to Jewel and Miranda, "What would your fathers say? If you don't remember Jewel, your father died fighting like this." Ruby shot back up in protest, "Well like it or not we're the best you've got. It wasn't just Chloe who's been kidnapped. Sally, Rouge, Renamon, Lalon, Mina, Streak, Fox and Falco have all been captured. You should have been next but they couldn't find you I guess then the police turned up." Mitch paused in thought, "But...what about Krystal. You didn't mention Krystal." Cassandra jumped in, "She's been blamed for all this. She was framed and all the people Ruby listed are counted as kidnapped and presumed dead. The police have Krystal in custody." The colour again leached from Mitch's fur as is angered grew into spite. He whipped his arm across a table in anger making the contents hit the floor and break. "What the fuck are we going to do now!??!!" Mitch struggled to catch his breath as Ruby approached him solemnly. "Well," she started, "Maybe she could help." She pointed to a darkened next room where the subtle shape could be made out among the darkness of the perpetual night. Mitch slowly entered the lair of sorts and spoke to the blackened figure. "I've heard you could help me?" he remarked. The figure sat on the window ledge as the cloud smeared moon gave now identity overhead. Covered in darkness and talking only by mist the enigma spoke in a young, female voice that sharpened the shadows around her. "I don't ‘help' people," she concluded with a sneer. "Please, I'm desperate. My wife, my friends...my child. I come to you as a man in need." The figure spiked the faint light around her with an outstretch of her wings. The moonlight broke through to unveil a young bat of white fur and violet wings; her face callous and her sight precise. She stared straight through Mitch yet his will was strong. "Streak, Chloe, Krystal, Sally Rouge, Renamon...all names of those you've condemned by your ignorance." A slight twitch of guard; a movement so remote that not even Mitch noticed sparked on Blaire as a name looped in her head. She took a deep breath and landed from the window sill, "Fine...I will help you." "Thank you so much," replied an overjoyed Mitch, "My name is Mitch by the way." "Funny. I don't remember asking for your name..." "What's yours then?" Blaire hissed mutely at him but knew it would make things easier. "Blaire." "Nice to meet you Blaire." "The feeling isn't mutual."

Shackled and secured, Krystal slowly regained her consciousness only to be greeted by unfamiliar surroundings. The walls were dull grey and lined thick with thick steel. No windows and only a fluorescent lamp for light with one door of the same steel. The heavy locks moved in place and a fox in a suit walked in. Krystal was secured to a chair one side of a metallic table and he sat at the other end. He took his seat as a smile formed on his face. "Wakey wakey precious!" he patronized. Krystal shook her head in hope of recollection, "Wha...what happened?" Her memories soon returned to her and her anger flared deep within to disguise her worry. "Where is Sally?" she demanded. The rotund fox just sniggered at her plea as if she had asked for an impossibility. "That's what I'd like to know," he replied with his smirk. Chucking a large file onto the cold table allowed photos to spill across the surface. Krystal saw each one; Chloe, Mitch, Rouge, Lalon, Mina, Fox, Falco, Renamon, Streak...even Sally. "All have been kidnapped in the past few days," he began, "And yet you haven't been touched. We've found your DNA all over the crime scene." Krystal listened not to his words; the picture of Sally was the only thing she cared about. The police thumped the table in impatience knocking Krystal back into reality. "I'm not playing around with you Krystal. What have you done with them? Where are the bodies?" "Bodies," she began, almost outraged, "You think I killed them!!? Why would I kill my friends?!?" "You were sexually assaulted by Rouge and Renamon. Mitch almost killed you. Chloe hunted down your brother. For a lot of the victims you have reasons and motives. The rest? Well maybe you're just that fucked up. I'm not asking again; where are they? You're looking at a lengthy jail sentence." Krystal sat in her virtue as a bitter silence washed over her. (((This is a new story series based on KRR onwards. Yes I know I would drop that storyline but I just can't get enough of it!!! I'll stop someday... Cassandra, Naomi, Ruby and Sally Wolfe, Raven Ortex, Scott-Lee Yoland and Mitch are under copyright of me, SPAMZZKRR. Chloe and Miranda are under copyright of ChloeTheFirefox. Jewel is under copyright of Dragon Knight. Aerial Norvin is under copyright of Kazufox. PLEASE REMEMBER TO COMMENT!!!)))