Krystal, Blaire and Mitch 2 - Chloe's In The Deep Freeze

Story by SPAMZZKRR on SoFurry

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#3 of KBM

The nervous chameleon shook nervously as he stood outside the door with flowers in his hand. He took deep breaths to attempt to calm his shot nerves. "Come on Scott," he began, slapping his head in concentration, "You can do this!" His quivering fist reached out for the door, inches away from knocking before another came crashing beside it. Sly turned quickly to find Naomi pinning him against the wall with a wicked smile on her mug, "Now what are you doin' at Jewel's door, huh?" Sly buried the flowers behind his back in panic, "Nothing!" Alas Naomi was too fast and tore the bouquet from behind Sly, sniffing intently at the sweet petals. "Aw for me? You should have!" she teased. "They're not for you," he scowled, trying desperately to snatch them back with damaging them. "So are they for Jewel?" New embarrassment washed across his face, "!" "You fancy Jewel!" "I DO NOT!!" "You do, you do! I don't blame you...she's quite something!" Sly fell to his knees while praying with his hands, "Please," he begged, "Don't tell anyone!" Another of Naomi's smiles made an appearance, "I won't tell anyone...but, while your down there..." taunted Naomi, slowly pulling down her trousers and biting her lip. "Naomi!" called a voice from the sidelines. The pair turned their attention to a sober-looking Cassandra standing with her arms crossed, "Nay, leave him alone..." Listening to her sister, Naomi pulled her trousers back up and sighed as she left. Sly pulled himself from the floor as Cassandra approached him, "Thanks Cass'." "No problem but," a familiar, menacing smile now swapped to Cassandra's face, "I did save you and maybe you could ‘repay' me." Before she could continue a hand appeared and dragged her away by the ear. "OW OW OW!!" "Shut up," hollered Naomi, "If I can't have him neither can you." Sly just stood in his silence wondering what had just transpired.

Slowly but surely I broke back into the land of the living as the effects of the tranquilizer wore off. I could tell it was a guy who shot me since the dart was in my arse...and they didn't bother to take it out. With a tight grip I pull out the dart and throw it to the floor. "She's waking up already!" roared the guard in front of me, "Shoot her again." A few shots hit me in the back as my head hit's the clouds again. I get a good look at my surroundings. I was in a transportation craft yet it had land; the back door was open as the guards were departing. "Not this time," I thought to myself. Before I fell back into the darkness of oblivion I felt the fire burn up inside of me. I was going inferno! My fur and features disappeared as the fire burst from my body, engulfing me in a heat so intense that the walls around me began to melt. White light burst from my being as the raging fire spread across the ground, lighting up the scene in a supernova. Guards were fleeing to every direction as the pillar of fire erupted high into the sky and scorching the ground around me. The darkness soon set in and the fires died down.

Mitch was sitting on the sofa of the main meeting room watching the TV as Blaire walked through. "Hi Blaire," called Mitch friendly as he pulled his mug to his maw and gave a hearty sip, "What're you up to?" "Getting a drink if you don't mind," she replied snidely. "So you do drink? I guess you are mortal," sniggered Mitch. "Yeah, whatever." A figure leaped over the back of the sofa and landed heavily next to Mitch on the sofa, snuggling up to him. "My hero!" she giggled, snuggling up to him. "Think nothing of it," answered Mitch as he playfully rubbed her head. "So, do you want your prize now?" snickered Sally as she caressed his leg. "What happened to the lesbian thing?" "Well I haven't got..." Sally snapped back to reality, "Krystal." Mitch placed his arm around her and squeezed her tenderly to make her feel better. Soon the news was on and Mitch watched intently. "This is the 9.00 o' clock morning news, I'm Nordic Icewolf. Star or explosion is the main question people have been asking as the Rigna planet on the edge of the system experienced a burst of light on the east half." A video began to play on the TV which seemed quite familiar to Mitch. The bright, white light was something of a familiarity to him. Then it hit him, "Chloe..." He jumped up from the sofa and rushed off down the corridor.

For the second time that day I was greeted by the bright light of opening my eyes from unconsciousness. My surroundings were new as I inspected where I was and what had happened. It surprised me to find a heavy collar bolted tightly around my neck. The distinct lack of clothes was also evident as the cold metal plating below me stung my flesh. I was no longer in the craft but a containment chamber, a bullet, bomb and fire proof box surrounded by glass-like material, sterilized and protected from anything that would be a threat. The box itself seemed to be in a sort of museum; I could see other containment chambers with other species and aliens housed within. The walls on the outside with a gold colour decorated with engraved patterns and paintings. I felt as if I was apart of the display and my fears were realised. A short skunk with large glasses placed a sign on the wall perpendicular to my chamber which I read out angrily, "Cerinian Firefox. Able to create powerful flames. Homeworld: Cerinia." I could feel the anger bubbling deep inside of me; I hate being used. Taking a step back to the centre of the chamber I began to concentrate as hard as I could. A swirling energy appeared in front of me as I bent it at my will. The sight of the Great Fox was in sight through the portal as I began to step through. The portal jolted me with energy and closed almost instantly as I cried out in pain. When I opened my eyes I found a group of rugged furs and the short skunk smiling twisted at me. "Calm down love," chuckled one of them as he began to tap the glass as if to tease me. "Just look at her beautiful colour and her sleek body; she'll make the perfect edition to our museum." "I'M NOT A FUCKIN' EXHIBITION!!" I cry through my rage as two fireballs appear in my hand. Thrusting my arms in front of me creates a firewall of flame that crackles and hisses violently at the wall. It dies down to show that wall isn't even singed. "Nice try my dear," began the curator skunk, "But it'll take much more than that to get out of there." Although I hated they guy already, he was right. My only hope was my night in shining armour; my black furred hero. I needed my Mitch. I give a heavy sigh and sit in the corner. He had to find me, he always does...

It seemed my suspicions were right and, as the new day dawned, many different people flooded into the museum. Parents with children, astute figures and those who were just sight-seeing, all staring interested at me like a caged animal. I tried to cover my naked body as best I could as small children tapped wildly on the glass in excitement; I couldn't believe how parents would show them this captivity, this naked body, this horror. Most reminded me of my Streak which brought tears to my eyes. I found it strange how a lot of people were crowded around my chamber in anticipation. "Do your trick!" they callously howled. I felt a jolt of electricity run through my body setting of the deep fire within me. Firestorm filled the chamber within seconds creating a great show for the people. I was being used... Most of the day I was acting for the visitors; some flame here and a flare there with the round of applause. As lunchtime came around I was exhausted. The museum slowly emptied as the visitors rushed off to the café. Then, out of the blue appeared a mysterious figure appeared at my chamber. He wore a long, tattered, war-worn coat without revealing his face as he placed his hands on the chamber. He was so recognizable as I stood in front of him. Then his voice...his deep, caring voice that showed me love and comforted me so many times when I felt the most inner sadness, "Chloe." "Mitch!" Exploding into a fit of excited, he showed his face with his cheesy grin. "Do you like her?" inquired the curator who had emerged from the right. Keeping his cool, Mitch put his plan into action, "Oh yeah; a beautiful specimen yet quite dangerous. Are you sure she can't escape?" "Oh no my good sir! They plating here is so thick not even a atomic bomb could take it down." As the curator continued talking a form in the corner of my eye caught my attention. Jewel and Miranda had just entered the museum. "Hello there and welcome to the museum, how can I help you?" offered the door guard with a smile. "Oh we're here to save our friend," grinned Jewel. A flash of light filled the museum as Miranda spawned into the mighty dragon of the storm filling the main area. The curator ran off as Mitch revealed his shotgun, "I'll be back Chloe!" Guards began to pour from the back as Miranda began her attack. "LIGHTENING TEMPEST!!!" she cried as strikes of powerful lightening surged through the roof. Civilians cried as they rushed from the museum. A bat girl rushed through the main door and drew her daggers as Jewel drew the famous Fatalis. The bat girl slid under the first guard to slash the next two as Jewel sliced the first. The two began to fight back to back as fur after fur dropped at their feet. A guard with a rifle appeared out back and took aim at the pair. Blair produced a thick mist from her hands shrouding the scene in a thick veil. As Miranda cleared the entrance, Sally squeezed past her and ran up to my chamber. Mitch had followed the curator into his back room as his quivering hand rested on a button on the control panel. Mitch brandished his shotgun and took aim, "Press that and I spread you across the wall." "I...I must preserve my specimens," he cried as he punched the button. Mitch took his shot and returned to the main hall. As the last of the guards dropped to their knees a loud siren went off. Each chamber began to fill with boiling liquid that chilled the bone. I activated my fire to protect myself as Mitch stood behind me. "What the fuck is that?" he cried in anxiety. "Liquid Ammensium!" cried Jewel, "It'll freeze her to the core." "I...can't," I called, exhausted, "I can't keep this heat up!" "Hold on Chloe, Aerial's hacking the computer lock codes," pleaded Miranda. She pulled out her radio, "Aerial, how's it going?" "It'll take a long time these codes are pretty well secured. I'm gunna need ten minutes." "YOU DON'T HAVE TEN MINUTES!" I screamed as I fell to one knee, "HURRY!!!" I could feel the freezing liquid lapping at my fur. My heat was dying as my hands shivered and ached. Mitch frenziedly banged and smacked at the glass in hope of it shattering. With my last ounce of strength I blasted the liquid at bay and turned to Mitch, "I love..." The liquid washed over me, freezing me instantly in place. Blaire appeared by the side of the chamber and created a cross in the side with a simple slice of her daggers. With a final punch the front shattered as the liquid spread harmlessly across the hall floor. Mitch caught me as she fell into his arms and held me close to warm me back up. He lovingly stroked my cheek for signs of life, "Chlo'?" His hand found my heart with the faint pulse slowly dying away. "Come on Chlo', regenerate," he pleaded. Sally appeared by the side and knelt down beside me pouring a warm liquid in my mouth. "What are you doing?" "Trust me Mitch." Slowly my fur colour return and my eyes flickered. I sat up immediately and took a deep breath, "YOU!!!" "CHLOE!!!" He hugged me deeply as I looked around in a panic. Sally stood up and giggled, "Hot chocolate! Worked with Krystal after our night out in the cold rain. Basically the same principle..." (((I wish this one was up-to-scratch but I must declare this was quite rushed. Mitch, Sally, Sly, Cassandra and Naomi are copyright of me, SPAMZZKRR. Aerial Borvin is copyright of Kazufox. Chloe and Miranda (sorry) are under copyright of ChloeTheFirefox. Jewel (again, sorry) is under copyright of Dragon Knight. Thanks again!!!)))